
Practice 377



I'm nurtured in a mid-level family, the conditions of which hardly entitle me to travel around the world freely. The only method of my exploring the outside is to communicate with my global penpals and to watch television. I have always been liking to watching the extraordinarily funny British comedy shown on the local TV every Sunday night since my childhood. For these reasons that surely contain the common language, I choose the UK when obtaining a chance to apply for overseas study exchange.


I was raised in a middle-class family and couldn't afford to travel around the world the way I wished I could. My only exposure to the world outside was through letters I wrote to pen-pals from over a dozen countries as a kid, and from television. One thing I loved on television growing up was the hilarious British comedies that aired every Sunday night on my local public television station. So when I got the chance to apply for a study abroad program, I chose London. Plus, I spoke the language.


  1. be raised in … 在…(的家庭中)长大。

  2. the way I wish I could, 以我所想要的方式做某事。

  3. exposure to the world outside, 接触外界。exposure to something, 接触某事物。

  4. pen-pal, 笔友。

  5. a dozen, 很多。

  6. growing up在某句中做修饰语表示本句的动作在说话人正常过程中一直发生。因此表示“从小到大”的意思。

  7. hilarious, 搞笑的。

  8. air, 播放,演。

  9. I spoke the language. “我说那门语言”,言外之意是“语言相通”。

Practice 378



At first, I thought it a bit easy to live in London since I spoke the language. However, there actually existed many challenges. Once, a teaching assistant was unhappy for my confusing what the homework was, blaming me in front of another classmate. I still remember I got in floods of tears for my foolish action when being back to my dormitory. Of course, now I know it's normal to understand everything not easily when facing troubles in strange and difficult environments. Even so, I haven't regretted my trip to London as tribulations make us grow.


I thought it would be easier because I spoke the language, but there were challenges, too. Once, a teaching assistant who did not take kindly to my misunderstanding of an assignment berated me in front of a fellow student. I remember going back to my student house and crying afterwards for being so stupid. Of course, I know now that I was thrown into the deep end, in a completely different and far more challenging environment, and it was natural that I wouldn't understand everything easily. Despite this, I don't regret anything about my time in London. Even through painful experience, we learn to grow.


- If you berate someone, you speak to them angrily about something they have done wrong.


  1. a fellow student, 一个同学。fellow, 同类,此处修饰student, 表示另一个学生

  2. 和“我”是同类,意思是“同学”。

  3. student house, 学生宿舍。

  4. afterwards, 事后,在此之后。

  5. be thrown into the deep end, 在毫无准备缺少指导的情况下,进入陌生领域迎接挑战。可通俗的理解为“在陌生而艰难的环境遭遇困难”。

  6. it is natural that… 某事发生也属正常。

  7. Despite this, 即使如此。可用于连接与前句内容的转折的信息。

  8. one’s time in somewhere, 在某地呆的那段时间。

Practice 379



Sometimes I'm impressed and miss my hometown during challenging periods. But fortunately, I made friends with people around the world and my negative emotion was diluted by these fascinating experiences. I met so many funny people, some of who were from France, Greece, Germany and other European countries, as well as Rwanda, Palestine and Australia. Not only is learning to associate with friends from different cultures very interesting, but it also helps me know more about their countries.


Sometimes the difficult times made me sad and homesick. But luckily that was outweighed by the amazing experience I had getting to know people from all over the world. I met dozens of interesting people from places like France, Greece and Germany in Europe, to Rwanda, Palestine and Australia. Learning how to make friends with people from different cultures and backgrounds was really fun, and these new friends helped put a face to the countries they represented.


- If one thing outweighs another, the first thing is of greater importance, benefit, or significance than the second thing.


  1. outweigh, 比…更重要。

  2. get to know somebody, 结交某人。

  3. dozens of, 很多。

  4. doing something is really fun, 做某事非常有意思。

Practice 380



At the time when the term making me change a lot ends, I was leaving London, with many complex emotions. Whether as a young female or as an American, I've been more aware of myself through this experience. After I came back to school preparing for my final campus year, my friends and teachers met a totally new me, who was more mature and knew himself better. Even though it's not easy for me to adjust my pace of life back to that in American Universities, I'm clear that with this experience, I just preceded the future life consisted of both global travel and getting in love with people and cultures of different areas.


As I finished the academic year, I was torn inside about leaving London after such a transformative experience. I learned so much about myself as a young woman and an American. When I returned to my college for my final year, friends and professors saw a new me. I had more maturity and self-awareness than before. It was difficult at first to adjust back to American college life, but I know, inside, this was just the beginning of a future of world travel and a love of different people and cultures.


- If you are torn between two or more things, you cannot decide which to choose, and so you feel anxious or troubled.

- If you say that someone has a feeling inside, you mean that they have it but have not expressed it.


  1. academic year, 学年。

  2. torn, 纠结。

  3. transformative, 产生巨大变化的。

  4. final year, 在大学里表示最后一年,即大四。

  5. a new me, 一个全新的我。

  6. have more maturity and self-awareness, 自我认知。

  7. adjust back to, 调整回。

  8. inside, 从内心。

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