[swustoj 1023] Escape
BH is in a maze,the maze is a matrix,he wants to escape!
The input consists of multiple test cases.
For each case,the first line contains 2 integers N,M( 1 <= N, M <= 100 ).
Each of the following N lines contain M characters. Each character means a cell of the map.
Here is the definition for chracter.
For a character in the map:
'S':BH's start place,only one in the map.
'E':the goal cell,only one in the map.
'.':empty cell.
'#':obstacle cell.
'A':accelerated rune.
BH can move to 4 directions(up,down,left,right) in each step.It cost 2 seconds without accelerated rune.When he get accelerated rune,moving one step only cost 1 second.The buff lasts 5 seconds,and the time doesn't stack when you get another accelerated rune.(that means in anytime BH gets an accelerated rune,the buff time become 5 seconds).
The minimum time BH get to the goal cell,if he can't,print "Please help BH!".
Sample Output
Sample Output
Please help BH!
#include <iostream> #include <queue> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> using namespace std; #define N 110 struct Node { int x,y,t,r; //坐标,时间,剩余加速时间 bool operator <(const Node &T)const{ if(t!=T.t)return t>T.t; return r<T.r; } }; int n,m; int sx,sy; int vis[N][N][8]; char mpt[N][N]; int dir[4][2]={-1,0,0,1,0,-1,1,0}; void bfs() { Node now,next; priority_queue<Node> q; memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); now.x=sx; now.y=sy; now.t=now.r=0; vis[sx][sy][0]=1; q.push(now); while(!q.empty()) { now=q.top(); q.pop(); if(mpt[now.x][now.y]=='E'){ printf("%d\r\n",now.t); return; } for(int i=0;i<4;i++){ next=now; next.x+=dir[i][0]; next.y+=dir[i][1]; next.t+=2; if(next.r>=1) {next.t--;next.r--;} if(next.x>=1 && next.x<=n && next.y>=1 && next.y<=m && mpt[next.x][next.y]!='#'){ if(mpt[next.x][next.y]=='A') next.r=5; if(!vis[next.x][next.y][next.r]){ vis[next.x][next.y][next.r]=1; q.push(next); } } } } printf("Please help BH!\r\n"); } int main() { while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF) { for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ for(int j=1;j<=m;j++){ scanf(" %c",&mpt[i][j]); if(mpt[i][j]=='S'){ sx=i; sy=j; } } } bfs(); } return 0; }