Definition - What does Bogon mean? A bogon is an bogus IP address from the bogon space, which is a set of IP addresses not yet officially assigned to 阅读全文
Definition of recursive: 1.of, relating to, or involving recursion <a recursive function in a computer program> 2.of, relating to, or constituting a p 阅读全文
ssh:secure shell 简单说,SSH是一种网络协议,用于计算机之间的加密登录。 如果一个用户从本地计算机,使用SSH协议登录另一台远程计算机,我们就可以认为,这种登录是安全的,即使被中途截获,密码也不会泄露。 最早的时候,互联网通信都是明文通信,一旦被截获,内容就暴露无疑。1995年,芬 阅读全文
Definition of verbose: containing more words than necessary : wordy <a verbose reply>; also : impaired by wordiness <a verbose style> given to wordine 阅读全文
MII的全称是Media Independent Interface,字面意思上就是媒体无关的接口,因此它是独立于具体设备的,仔细想想标准化的东西都是独立于具体设备的。 In computing, mii-tool is a Unix command which allows users to qu 阅读全文