ceph crush
[问题] int CrushWrapper::try_remap_rule()该方法的作用和应用场景是什么样的?
[问题] crush rule op 中 firstn 和 indep 各有什么样的应用场合?www.spinics.net/lists/ceph-users/msg07167.html
[问题] crush_map 中 pos Vs id, 它们之间的关系是怎么样的, 什么时候是负数,什么时候是正数?
id = -1 - pos; pos = -1 - id
[问题] ceph osd crush dump 打印输出,是 json 格式的输出, 跟踪代码实现
[harvis@centos7 build]$ ./bin/ceph osd crush dump
"devices": [
"id": 0,
"name": "osd.0"
"id": 1,
"name": "osd.1"
"id": 2,
"name": "osd.2"
"types": [
"type_id": 0,
"name": "osd"
"type_id": 1,
"name": "host"
"type_id": 2,
"name": "chassis"
"type_id": 3,
"name": "rack"
"type_id": 4,
"name": "row"
"type_id": 5,
"name": "pdu"
"type_id": 6,
"name": "pod"
"type_id": 7,
"name": "room"
"type_id": 8,
"name": "datacenter"
"type_id": 9,
"name": "region"
"type_id": 10,
"name": "root"
"buckets": [
"id": -1,
"name": "default",
"type_id": 10,
"type_name": "root",
"weight": ,
"alg": "straw",
"hash": "rjenkins1",
"items": [
"id": -2,
"weight":196608 ,
"pos": 0
"id": -2,
"name": "centos7",
"type_id": 1,
"type_name": "host",
"weight": 196608,
"alg": "straw",
"hash": "rjenkins1",
"items": [
"id": 0,
"weight": 65536,
"pos": 0
"id": 1,
"weight": 65536,
"pos": 1
"id": 2,
"weight": 65536,
"pos": 2
"rules": [
"rule_id": 0,
"rule_name": "replicated_ruleset",
"ruleset": 0,
"type": 1, ## 1: type replicated 0:type erasure
"min_size": 1,
"max_size": 10,
"steps": [
"op": "take",
"item": -1,
"item_name": "default" ## id 为 -1 的 item 的名字
"op": "choose_firstn",
"num": 0,
"type": "osd" ##
"op": "emit"
"tunables": {
"choose_local_tries": 0,
"choose_local_fallback_tries": 0,
"choose_total_tries": 50,
"chooseleaf_descend_once": 1,
"chooseleaf_vary_r": 1,
"chooseleaf_stable": 0,
"straw_calc_version": 1,
"allowed_bucket_algs": 22,
"profile": "firefly",
"optimal_tunables": 0,
"legacy_tunables": 0,
"minimum_required_version": "firefly",
"require_feature_tunables": 1,
"require_feature_tunables2": 1,
"has_v2_rules": 0,
"require_feature_tunables3": 1,
"has_v3_rules": 0,
"has_v4_buckets": 0,
"require_feature_tunables5": 0,
"has_v5_rules": 0
[问题] crush 单元测试输出信息
[harvis@centos7 build]$ ./bin/unittest_crush
[==========] Running 9 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 9 tests from CRUSH
[ RUN ] CRUSH.indep_toosmall
-1 3.00000 root default
-3 3.00000 rack rack-0
-2 1.00000 host host-0-0
0 1.00000 osd.0
-4 1.00000 host host-0-1
1 1.00000 osd.1
-5 1.00000 host host-0-2
2 1.00000 osd.2
0 -> [2,1,2147483647,0,2147483647]
1 -> [2,2147483647,0,2147483647,1]
2 -> [1,0,2,2147483647,2147483647]
3 -> [1,2,0,2147483647,2147483647]
4 -> [0,2,2147483647,2147483647,1]
5 -> [1,2,2147483647,0,2147483647]
6 -> [1,2147483647,2147483647,2,0]
7 -> [2,0,2147483647,1,2147483647]
8 -> [0,2,2147483647,1,2147483647]
9 -> [1,2147483647,2,2147483647,0]
10 -> [2,2147483647,1,0,2147483647]
11 -> [2,2147483647,0,2147483647,1]
12 -> [1,2147483647,0,2,2147483647]
13 -> [0,2,1,2147483647,2147483647]
14 -> [1,2,2147483647,2147483647,0]
15 -> [0,1,2,2147483647,2147483647]
16 -> [1,2,0,2147483647,2147483647]
17 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
18 -> [1,2147483647,2147483647,0,2]
19 -> [1,0,2147483647,2,2147483647]
20 -> [2,1,2147483647,0,2147483647]
21 -> [0,2,2147483647,1,2147483647]
22 -> [1,0,2,2147483647,2147483647]
23 -> [2,1,2147483647,2147483647,0]
24 -> [1,2,2147483647,0,2147483647]
25 -> [1,2147483647,2147483647,2,0]
26 -> [0,1,2,2147483647,2147483647]
27 -> [0,1,2147483647,2,2147483647]
28 -> [0,1,2,2147483647,2147483647]
29 -> [0,2147483647,2,2147483647,1]
30 -> [0,2147483647,2147483647,2,1]
31 -> [2,1,2147483647,0,2147483647]
32 -> [2,0,2147483647,2147483647,1]
33 -> [2,1,2147483647,0,2147483647]
34 -> [2,2147483647,0,2147483647,1]
35 -> [2,0,2147483647,2147483647,1]
36 -> [0,1,2,2147483647,2147483647]
37 -> [2,0,2147483647,1,2147483647]
38 -> [0,2,1,2147483647,2147483647]
39 -> [2,1,0,2147483647,2147483647]
40 -> [2,2147483647,0,1,2147483647]
41 -> [1,2,0,2147483647,2147483647]
42 -> [0,1,2147483647,2147483647,2]
43 -> [1,0,2,2147483647,2147483647]
44 -> [2,1,2147483647,2147483647,0]
45 -> [1,2,0,2147483647,2147483647]
46 -> [1,2,0,2147483647,2147483647]
47 -> [2,2147483647,0,1,2147483647]
48 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
49 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
50 -> [1,0,2,2147483647,2147483647]
51 -> [0,2,1,2147483647,2147483647]
52 -> [2,2147483647,0,2147483647,1]
53 -> [0,2,1,2147483647,2147483647]
54 -> [0,1,2,2147483647,2147483647]
55 -> [1,2,0,2147483647,2147483647]
56 -> [2,2147483647,1,0,2147483647]
57 -> [2,1,2147483647,0,2147483647]
58 -> [1,0,2147483647,2,2147483647]
59 -> [0,2,2147483647,1,2147483647]
60 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
61 -> [0,2,2147483647,2147483647,1]
62 -> [2,0,2147483647,2147483647,1]
63 -> [1,2,0,2147483647,2147483647]
64 -> [0,2,2147483647,1,2147483647]
65 -> [0,2147483647,1,2147483647,2]
66 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
67 -> [0,1,2147483647,2147483647,2]
68 -> [2,1,0,2147483647,2147483647]
69 -> [0,2,2147483647,2147483647,1]
70 -> [2,1,0,2147483647,2147483647]
71 -> [2,1,0,2147483647,2147483647]
72 -> [2,2147483647,0,2147483647,1]
73 -> [0,1,2147483647,2,2147483647]
74 -> [1,2147483647,2,0,2147483647]
75 -> [2,1,0,2147483647,2147483647]
76 -> [1,2,2147483647,2147483647,0]
77 -> [1,2,0,2147483647,2147483647]
78 -> [2,1,2147483647,0,2147483647]
79 -> [0,2147483647,2,2147483647,1]
80 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
81 -> [2,1,0,2147483647,2147483647]
82 -> [2,1,2147483647,2147483647,0]
83 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
84 -> [2,1,0,2147483647,2147483647]
85 -> [0,2147483647,2147483647,2,1]
86 -> [1,2147483647,2,0,2147483647]
87 -> [2,2147483647,2147483647,1,0]
88 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
89 -> [0,2,2147483647,2147483647,1]
90 -> [1,2,2147483647,0,2147483647]
91 -> [1,2,2147483647,0,2147483647]
92 -> [2,1,0,2147483647,2147483647]
93 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
94 -> [2,0,1,2147483647,2147483647]
95 -> [1,0,2147483647,2,2147483647]
96 -> [0,2,1,2147483647,2147483647]
97 -> [2,2147483647,1,0,2147483647]
98 -> [2,1,2147483647,2147483647,0]
99 -> [0,2147483647,2,1,2147483647]
[ OK ] CRUSH.indep_toosmall (42 ms)
[ RUN ] CRUSH.indep_basic
-1 27.00000 root default
-3 9.00000 rack rack-0
-2 3.00000 host host-0-0
0 1.00000 osd.0
1 1.00000 osd.1
2 1.00000 osd.2
-4 3.00000 host host-0-1
3 1.00000 osd.3
4 1.00000 osd.4
5 1.00000 osd.5
-5 3.00000 host host-0-2
6 1.00000 osd.6
7 1.00000 osd.7
8 1.00000 osd.8
-7 9.00000 rack rack-1
-6 3.00000 host host-1-0
9 1.00000 osd.9
10 1.00000 osd.10
11 1.00000 osd.11
-8 3.00000 host host-1-1
12 1.00000 osd.12
13 1.00000 osd.13
14 1.00000 osd.14
-9 3.00000 host host-1-2
15 1.00000 osd.15
16 1.00000 osd.16
17 1.00000 osd.17
-11 9.00000 rack rack-2
-10 3.00000 host host-2-0
18 1.00000 osd.18
19 1.00000 osd.19
20 1.00000 osd.20
-12 3.00000 host host-2-1
21 1.00000 osd.21
22 1.00000 osd.22
23 1.00000 osd.23
-13 3.00000 host host-2-2
24 1.00000 osd.24
25 1.00000 osd.25
26 1.00000 osd.26
0 -> [11,3,23,2,7]
1 -> [9,7,1,3,13]
2 -> [17,9,22,5,14]
3 -> [4,6,0,10,15]
4 -> [14,22,19,0,9]
5 -> [3,25,10,22,1]
6 -> [10,3,17,25,1]
7 -> [19,10,25,21,12]
8 -> [10,6,0,22,14]
9 -> [22,18,8,16,0]
10 -> [25,12,5,9,20]
11 -> [13,24,18,22,5]
12 -> [24,18,22,8,2]
13 -> [15,6,14,25,2]
14 -> [13,8,24,20,0]
15 -> [14,4,25,10,15]
16 -> [22,12,0,8,17]
17 -> [24,0,11,8,5]
18 -> [3,17,25,1,18]
19 -> [5,20,2,21,15]
20 -> [14,2,3,20,24]
21 -> [14,17,1,9,3]
22 -> [20,16,11,6,4]
23 -> [9,25,5,8,17]
24 -> [12,20,6,0,4]
25 -> [12,16,20,26,11]
26 -> [18,4,17,10,13]
27 -> [23,25,14,0,20]
28 -> [2,13,23,7,4]
29 -> [2,19,6,24,22]
30 -> [11,0,20,23,17]
31 -> [8,4,21,25,18]
32 -> [19,2,7,11,13]
33 -> [14,5,21,24,9]
34 -> [13,25,21,6,4]
35 -> [6,1,13,10,25]
36 -> [1,23,16,13,4]
37 -> [25,17,22,11,20]
38 -> [1,8,3,14,9]
39 -> [16,9,22,8,24]
40 -> [23,18,15,26,13]
41 -> [19,6,0,25,5]
42 -> [18,3,14,11,21]
43 -> [10,0,21,6,16]
44 -> [11,20,2,17,22]
45 -> [3,24,16,12,9]
46 -> [16,21,26,14,11]
47 -> [25,15,10,6,2]
48 -> [17,6,19,26,21]
49 -> [20,12,4,17,7]
50 -> [14,9,21,17,6]
51 -> [1,20,13,5,23]
52 -> [14,16,8,24,3]
53 -> [23,0,19,9,16]
54 -> [18,3,16,14,10]
55 -> [3,8,22,9,25]
56 -> [18,16,3,2,14]
57 -> [16,20,7,26,21]
58 -> [16,11,23,0,14]
59 -> [0,14,24,20,9]
60 -> [22,19,1,8,4]
61 -> [24,14,2,17,4]
62 -> [14,17,9,6,19]
63 -> [18,7,5,24,9]
64 -> [19,26,11,4,6]
65 -> [2,14,3,9,8]
66 -> [12,18,4,6,26]
67 -> [0,18,21,13,6]
68 -> [8,17,24,18,10]
69 -> [20,6,26,15,5]
70 -> [9,23,14,26,16]
71 -> [25,5,2,22,6]
72 -> [6,9,16,13,2]
73 -> [21,3,24,6,16]
74 -> [11,3,13,7,19]
75 -> [14,19,17,23,6]
76 -> [12,7,10,22,26]
77 -> [20,25,0,9,13]
78 -> [17,24,9,1,12]
79 -> [16,6,14,19,3]
80 -> [13,24,5,8,0]
81 -> [12,5,1,8,23]
82 -> [23,10,6,5,26]
83 -> [15,2,6,26,13]
84 -> [10,24,6,20,17]
85 -> [25,13,17,19,3]
86 -> [4,7,24,16,12]
87 -> [15,20,21,4,13]
88 -> [10,1,16,23,25]
89 -> [22,20,14,16,6]
90 -> [3,7,24,21,15]
91 -> [11,22,8,0,17]
92 -> [17,7,24,19,22]
93 -> [23,12,1,9,15]
94 -> [15,23,13,5,11]
95 -> [13,1,26,3,11]
96 -> [2,14,18,5,9]
97 -> [21,19,11,2,12]
98 -> [18,16,6,10,1]
99 -> [0,15,25,3,9]
[ OK ] CRUSH.indep_basic (207 ms)
[ RUN ] CRUSH.indep_out_alt
-1 27.00000 root default
-3 9.00000 rack rack-0
-2 3.00000 host host-0-0
0 1.00000 osd.0
1 1.00000 osd.1
2 1.00000 osd.2
-4 3.00000 host host-0-1
3 1.00000 osd.3
4 1.00000 osd.4
5 1.00000 osd.5
-5 3.00000 host host-0-2
6 1.00000 osd.6
7 1.00000 osd.7
8 1.00000 osd.8
-7 9.00000 rack rack-1
-6 3.00000 host host-1-0
9 1.00000 osd.9
10 1.00000 osd.10
11 1.00000 osd.11
-8 3.00000 host host-1-1
12 1.00000 osd.12
13 1.00000 osd.13
14 1.00000 osd.14
-9 3.00000 host host-1-2
15 1.00000 osd.15
16 1.00000 osd.16
17 1.00000 osd.17
-11 9.00000 rack rack-2
-10 3.00000 host host-2-0
18 1.00000 osd.18
19 1.00000 osd.19
20 1.00000 osd.20
-12 3.00000 host host-2-1
21 1.00000 osd.21
22 1.00000 osd.22
23 1.00000 osd.23
-13 3.00000 host host-2-2
24 1.00000 osd.24
25 1.00000 osd.25
26 1.00000 osd.26
0 -> [11,3,23,1,7,19,13,17,25]
1 -> [9,7,1,19,13,25,5,15,21]
2 -> [17,9,3,25,13,1,19,21,7]
3 -> [5,7,21,11,15,1,25,19,13]
4 -> [13,23,26,1,9,15,7,5,19]
5 -> [3,25,11,23,13,7,1,19,17]
6 -> [11,3,13,25,1,7,19,17,21]
7 -> [19,11,25,21,13,1,15,7,3]
8 -> [11,25,1,23,13,19,5,7,17]
9 -> [23,19,7,15,1,9,26,13,3]
10 -> [25,13,5,1,19,17,7,23,9]
11 -> [13,25,19,21,15,7,3,1,9]
12 -> [26,19,15,7,1,9,13,21,3]
13 -> [15,7,13,25,1,23,19,5,9]
14 -> [13,7,25,19,1,23,15,11,5]
15 -> [13,5,25,9,15,21,7,1,19]
16 -> [21,25,1,7,17,11,19,13,3]
17 -> [26,1,11,7,13,17,19,5,21]
18 -> [3,17,25,1,19,9,13,23,7]
19 -> [5,19,1,13,15,7,11,26,23]
20 -> [13,11,3,19,17,7,1,21,25]
21 -> [13,17,26,9,3,23,1,19,7]
22 -> [19,15,11,26,3,1,21,7,13]
23 -> [9,25,5,7,15,19,13,23,1]
24 -> [13,19,21,1,5,11,26,7,17]
25 -> [13,17,19,3,11,1,21,7,26]
26 -> [19,3,17,11,1,26,13,21,7]
27 -> [23,25,3,1,19,15,13,11,7]
28 -> [1,13,23,7,11,26,19,17,5]
29 -> [1,11,7,25,21,13,19,5,17]
30 -> [11,1,13,23,17,7,19,26,5]
31 -> [7,5,11,21,19,13,17,1,26]
32 -> [19,1,7,11,13,21,25,17,5]
33 -> [13,5,21,26,1,15,9,19,7]
34 -> [13,25,21,17,5,1,7,19,11]
35 -> [7,1,13,11,3,26,19,17,21]
36 -> [1,23,7,13,5,19,26,17,11]
37 -> [25,17,21,11,19,13,7,1,3]
38 -> [1,7,3,13,17,11,19,25,21]
39 -> [17,13,23,7,25,11,1,19,3]
40 -> [23,19,9,26,5,1,7,15,13]
41 -> [19,7,1,25,5,23,13,17,9]
42 -> [19,3,13,11,21,17,7,26,1]
43 -> [9,13,21,7,26,19,1,3,15]
44 -> [11,19,13,17,21,7,3,1,26]
45 -> [3,26,15,13,9,7,19,1,23]
46 -> [15,21,26,13,11,1,7,3,19]
47 -> [25,19,5,23,1,7,15,9,13]
48 -> [17,7,19,26,1,5,21,9,13]
49 -> [19,13,3,17,11,26,1,23,7]
50 -> [13,9,21,17,7,25,5,1,19]
51 -> [1,19,13,5,23,17,7,9,25]
52 -> [13,15,7,25,3,19,1,9,21]
53 -> [23,1,19,9,17,13,3,7,26]
54 -> [19,3,17,13,11,21,1,26,7]
55 -> [3,7,23,9,25,15,1,19,13]
56 -> [19,17,3,1,25,7,23,11,13]
57 -> [17,19,7,26,21,5,1,13,11]
58 -> [15,11,23,1,13,19,5,26,7]
59 -> [1,13,26,19,3,11,7,15,21]
60 -> [23,19,25,7,3,1,13,17,9]
61 -> [25,13,19,17,5,7,21,1,9]
62 -> [13,17,9,7,19,21,1,26,5]
63 -> [19,1,5,25,13,21,11,17,7]
64 -> [19,26,11,5,1,21,13,17,7]
65 -> [1,13,3,19,7,21,11,26,17]
66 -> [13,19,5,7,17,21,26,1,11]
67 -> [1,19,5,9,7,17,21,26,13]
68 -> [7,17,5,1,11,19,13,26,21]
69 -> [19,7,26,1,5,11,15,21,13]
70 -> [9,23,7,26,15,19,13,1,3]
71 -> [25,5,1,23,7,15,19,13,9]
72 -> [7,9,17,13,5,19,1,21,26]
73 -> [21,3,26,7,15,1,13,11,19]
74 -> [11,3,1,7,26,13,21,17,19]
75 -> [13,19,3,17,7,9,1,26,23]
76 -> [13,7,11,23,26,19,5,1,17]
77 -> [19,25,1,9,7,13,15,23,3]
78 -> [17,26,9,1,13,23,7,19,5]
79 -> [17,7,13,19,3,1,21,26,11]
80 -> [13,26,23,7,1,9,17,3,19]
81 -> [13,5,1,19,7,17,26,21,9]
82 -> [23,11,7,13,26,17,19,1,3]
83 -> [15,1,7,26,21,9,19,13,5]
84 -> [9,25,7,19,17,5,23,1,13]
85 -> [25,13,17,19,7,23,5,9,1]
86 -> [5,9,25,15,13,21,7,1,19]
87 -> [15,19,21,3,7,26,1,9,13]
88 -> [9,1,5,23,25,13,7,15,19]
89 -> [23,19,13,15,1,7,25,5,11]
90 -> [3,7,25,21,15,1,19,11,13]
91 -> [11,23,26,1,17,19,13,7,5]
92 -> [17,7,26,9,19,21,5,13,1]
93 -> [23,13,1,9,15,7,3,26,19]
94 -> [15,23,13,5,7,11,19,1,25]
95 -> [13,1,19,3,15,26,11,21,7]
96 -> [1,13,19,5,9,15,7,25,23]
97 -> [21,19,11,1,13,26,5,7,17]
98 -> [19,17,7,9,23,25,5,1,13]
99 -> [1,15,25,3,9,23,7,19,13]
[ OK ] CRUSH.indep_out_alt (60 ms)
[ RUN ] CRUSH.indep_out_contig
-1 27.00000 root default
-3 9.00000 rack rack-0
-2 3.00000 host host-0-0
0 1.00000 osd.0
1 1.00000 osd.1
2 1.00000 osd.2
-4 3.00000 host host-0-1
3 1.00000 osd.3
4 1.00000 osd.4
5 1.00000 osd.5
-5 3.00000 host host-0-2
6 1.00000 osd.6
7 1.00000 osd.7
8 1.00000 osd.8
-7 9.00000 rack rack-1
-6 3.00000 host host-1-0
9 1.00000 osd.9
10 1.00000 osd.10
11 1.00000 osd.11
-8 3.00000 host host-1-1
12 1.00000 osd.12
13 1.00000 osd.13
14 1.00000 osd.14
-9 3.00000 host host-1-2
15 1.00000 osd.15
16 1.00000 osd.16
17 1.00000 osd.17
-11 9.00000 rack rack-2
-10 3.00000 host host-2-0
18 1.00000 osd.18
19 1.00000 osd.19
20 1.00000 osd.20
-12 3.00000 host host-2-1
21 1.00000 osd.21
22 1.00000 osd.22
23 1.00000 osd.23
-13 3.00000 host host-2-2
24 1.00000 osd.24
25 1.00000 osd.25
26 1.00000 osd.26
0 -> [11,17,23,2147483647,25,20,14]
1 -> [9,19,25,2147483647,13,22,15]
2 -> [17,9,2147483647,21,14,25,18]
3 -> [2147483647,14,18,10,15,26,23]
4 -> [14,22,18,24,9,16,2147483647]
5 -> [2147483647,25,10,22,13,20,15]
6 -> [10,2147483647,12,25,15,22,20]
7 -> [19,10,25,21,12,2147483647,17]
8 -> [10,17,2147483647,22,14,20,25]
9 -> [22,18,13,16,25,9,2147483647]
10 -> [25,12,9,2147483647,20,21,17]
11 -> [13,24,18,22,2147483647,11,16]
12 -> [24,18,14,11,16,23,2147483647]
13 -> [15,9,14,25,20,2147483647,21]
14 -> [13,2147483647,24,20,10,21,15]
15 -> [14,2147483647,25,19,15,22,9]
16 -> [22,10,18,26,17,2147483647,12]
17 -> [24,14,11,15,2147483647,23,19]
18 -> [10,17,25,13,18,22,2147483647]
19 -> [22,20,24,2147483647,15,13,10]
20 -> [14,10,24,20,15,2147483647,21]
21 -> [14,17,19,9,21,2147483647,24]
22 -> [20,16,11,12,21,25,2147483647]
23 -> [9,25,15,2147483647,21,18,13]
24 -> [12,20,23,15,2147483647,11,26]
25 -> [12,16,20,21,11,2147483647,24]
26 -> [18,2147483647,17,10,21,13,24]
27 -> [23,25,15,9,20,2147483647,12]
28 -> [15,13,23,9,26,2147483647,19]
29 -> [2147483647,16,9,24,22,12,20]
30 -> [11,12,24,23,17,2147483647,20]
31 -> [2147483647,24,22,11,18,12,15]
32 -> [19,2147483647,15,11,13,26,22]
33 -> [14,18,21,24,2147483647,15,10]
34 -> [13,25,21,18,16,11,2147483647]
35 -> [22,19,13,10,2147483647,26,15]
36 -> [17,23,9,13,26,20,2147483647]
37 -> [25,17,22,11,20,12,2147483647]
38 -> [25,23,11,14,2147483647,20,17]
39 -> [16,13,22,20,24,10,2147483647]
40 -> [23,18,13,26,2147483647,17,9]
41 -> [19,14,2147483647,25,10,23,15]
42 -> [18,2147483647,14,11,21,17,26]
43 -> [10,17,21,13,19,25,2147483647]
44 -> [11,20,24,17,22,14,2147483647]
45 -> [2147483647,24,16,12,9,21,19]
46 -> [16,21,26,14,11,19,2147483647]
47 -> [25,22,2147483647,10,18,13,15]
48 -> [17,12,19,26,10,2147483647,21]
49 -> [20,12,23,17,9,26,2147483647]
50 -> [14,9,21,18,16,24,2147483647]
51 -> [2147483647,20,13,10,23,16,26]
52 -> [14,22,16,24,2147483647,20,11]
53 -> [23,26,19,9,16,12,2147483647]
54 -> [18,24,16,14,10,21,2147483647]
55 -> [16,13,22,9,25,2147483647,19]
56 -> [18,16,2147483647,11,21,13,24]
57 -> [16,20,2147483647,26,21,9,13]
58 -> [16,11,23,18,14,2147483647,25]
59 -> [17,14,24,20,23,2147483647,11]
60 -> [22,19,2147483647,24,16,9,13]
61 -> [24,14,2147483647,17,19,11,22]
62 -> [14,17,9,24,19,21,2147483647]
63 -> [18,16,9,24,2147483647,22,14]
64 -> [19,26,11,16,13,21,2147483647]
65 -> [19,14,26,17,2147483647,21,10]
66 -> [12,18,21,17,10,2147483647,24]
67 -> [17,18,23,9,2147483647,24,13]
68 -> [25,17,12,21,10,18,2147483647]
69 -> [20,23,26,12,2147483647,11,15]
70 -> [9,23,2147483647,26,16,18,12]
71 -> [25,19,15,22,9,2147483647,14]
72 -> [2147483647,9,22,13,25,19,16]
73 -> [21,12,24,18,16,2147483647,11]
74 -> [11,18,15,2147483647,26,13,21]
75 -> [14,19,2147483647,24,22,9,16]
76 -> [12,16,10,22,26,18,2147483647]
77 -> [20,25,2147483647,9,15,14,23]
78 -> [17,24,9,2147483647,20,22,13]
79 -> [16,23,14,19,11,2147483647,25]
80 -> [13,24,15,2147483647,23,10,18]
81 -> [12,20,23,11,2147483647,17,26]
82 -> [23,10,18,12,26,17,2147483647]
83 -> [15,2147483647,14,26,23,9,20]
84 -> [10,24,14,20,17,21,2147483647]
85 -> [25,13,17,19,9,23,2147483647]
86 -> [9,20,24,16,13,22,2147483647]
87 -> [15,20,21,2147483647,12,24,10]
88 -> [10,2147483647,20,23,25,13,17]
89 -> [22,20,14,16,10,25,2147483647]
90 -> [20,2147483647,24,21,15,13,10]
91 -> [11,22,24,2147483647,17,18,14]
92 -> [17,23,24,2147483647,13,9,18]
93 -> [23,12,2147483647,24,15,19,9]
94 -> [15,23,13,26,10,2147483647,19]
95 -> [13,21,11,2147483647,16,26,18]
96 -> [25,14,18,23,9,17,2147483647]
97 -> [21,19,11,24,12,16,2147483647]
98 -> [18,16,14,10,23,24,2147483647]
99 -> [19,15,25,21,9,2147483647,12]
[ OK ] CRUSH.indep_out_contig (76 ms)
[ RUN ] CRUSH.indep_out_progressive
-1 27.00000 root default
-3 9.00000 rack rack-0
-2 3.00000 host host-0-0
0 1.00000 osd.0
1 1.00000 osd.1
2 1.00000 osd.2
-4 3.00000 host host-0-1
3 1.00000 osd.3
4 1.00000 osd.4
5 1.00000 osd.5
-5 3.00000 host host-0-2
6 1.00000 osd.6
7 1.00000 osd.7
8 1.00000 osd.8
-7 9.00000 rack rack-1
-6 3.00000 host host-1-0
9 1.00000 osd.9
10 1.00000 osd.10
11 1.00000 osd.11
-8 3.00000 host host-1-1
12 1.00000 osd.12
13 1.00000 osd.13
14 1.00000 osd.14
-9 3.00000 host host-1-2
15 1.00000 osd.15
16 1.00000 osd.16
17 1.00000 osd.17
-11 9.00000 rack rack-2
-10 3.00000 host host-2-0
18 1.00000 osd.18
19 1.00000 osd.19
20 1.00000 osd.20
-12 3.00000 host host-2-1
21 1.00000 osd.21
22 1.00000 osd.22
23 1.00000 osd.23
-13 3.00000 host host-2-2
24 1.00000 osd.24
25 1.00000 osd.25
26 1.00000 osd.26
(0/27 out) 1 -> [9,7,1,26,13,22,5]
(1/27 out) 1 -> [9,7,1,26,13,22,5]
(2/27 out) 1 -> [9,7,2,26,13,22,5]
0 moved, 1 changed
(3/27 out) 1 -> [9,7,25,15,13,22,5]
0 moved, 2 changed
(4/27 out) 1 -> [9,7,25,15,13,22,5]
(5/27 out) 1 -> [9,7,25,15,13,22,5]
(6/27 out) 1 -> [9,7,25,19,13,22,15]
15 moved from 3 to 6
1 moved, 2 changed
(7/27 out) 1 -> [9,7,25,19,13,22,15]
(8/27 out) 1 -> [9,8,25,19,13,22,15]
0 moved, 1 changed
(9/27 out) 1 -> [9,19,25,2147483647,13,22,15]
19 moved from 3 to 1
1 moved, 2 changed
(10/27 out) 1 -> [10,19,25,2147483647,13,22,15]
0 moved, 1 changed
(11/27 out) 1 -> [11,19,25,2147483647,13,22,15]
0 moved, 1 changed
(12/27 out) 1 -> [25,19,2147483647,2147483647,13,22,15]
25 moved from 2 to 0
1 moved, 2 changed
(13/27 out) 1 -> [25,19,2147483647,2147483647,13,22,15]
(14/27 out) 1 -> [25,19,2147483647,2147483647,14,22,15]
0 moved, 1 changed
(15/27 out) 1 -> [25,19,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,15]
0 moved, 2 changed
(16/27 out) 1 -> [25,19,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,16]
0 moved, 1 changed
(17/27 out) 1 -> [25,19,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,17]
0 moved, 1 changed
(18/27 out) 1 -> [25,19,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(19/27 out) 1 -> [25,19,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,2147483647]
(20/27 out) 1 -> [25,20,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(21/27 out) 1 -> [25,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(22/27 out) 1 -> [25,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,22,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(23/27 out) 1 -> [25,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,23,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(24/27 out) 1 -> [25,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(25/27 out) 1 -> [25,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
(26/27 out) 1 -> [26,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(0/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,4,25,14,0,18]
(1/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,4,25,14,1,18]
0 moved, 1 changed
(2/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,4,25,14,2,18]
0 moved, 1 changed
(3/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,4,21,14,25,18]
25 moved from 3 to 5
1 moved, 2 changed
(4/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,4,21,14,25,18]
(5/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,5,21,14,25,18]
0 moved, 1 changed
(6/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,8,21,14,25,18]
0 moved, 1 changed
(7/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,8,21,14,25,18]
(8/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,8,21,14,25,18]
(9/27 out) 2 -> [17,9,2147483647,21,14,25,18]
0 moved, 1 changed
(10/27 out) 2 -> [17,11,2147483647,21,14,25,18]
0 moved, 1 changed
(11/27 out) 2 -> [17,11,2147483647,21,14,25,18]
(12/27 out) 2 -> [17,2147483647,2147483647,21,14,25,18]
0 moved, 1 changed
(13/27 out) 2 -> [17,2147483647,2147483647,21,14,25,18]
(14/27 out) 2 -> [17,2147483647,2147483647,21,14,25,18]
(15/27 out) 2 -> [17,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,25,18]
0 moved, 1 changed
(16/27 out) 2 -> [17,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,25,18]
(17/27 out) 2 -> [17,2147483647,2147483647,21,2147483647,25,18]
(18/27 out) 2 -> [22,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,18]
0 moved, 2 changed
(19/27 out) 2 -> [22,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,19]
0 moved, 1 changed
(20/27 out) 2 -> [22,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,20]
0 moved, 1 changed
(21/27 out) 2 -> [22,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(22/27 out) 2 -> [22,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,2147483647]
(23/27 out) 2 -> [23,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(24/27 out) 2 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(25/27 out) 2 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,2147483647]
(26/27 out) 2 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,26,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(0/27 out) 3 -> [4,6,18,10,15,0,12]
(1/27 out) 3 -> [4,6,18,10,15,2,12]
0 moved, 1 changed
(2/27 out) 3 -> [4,6,18,10,15,2,12]
(3/27 out) 3 -> [4,6,18,10,15,26,12]
0 moved, 1 changed
(4/27 out) 3 -> [4,6,18,10,15,26,12]
(5/27 out) 3 -> [5,6,18,10,15,26,12]
0 moved, 1 changed
(6/27 out) 3 -> [23,6,18,10,15,26,12]
0 moved, 1 changed
(7/27 out) 3 -> [23,7,18,10,15,26,12]
0 moved, 1 changed
(8/27 out) 3 -> [23,8,18,10,15,26,12]
0 moved, 1 changed
(9/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,14,18,10,15,26,23]
23 moved from 0 to 6
1 moved, 3 changed
(10/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,14,18,10,15,26,23]
(11/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,14,18,11,15,26,23]
0 moved, 1 changed
(12/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,14,18,2147483647,15,26,23]
0 moved, 1 changed
(13/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,14,18,2147483647,15,26,23]
(14/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,14,18,2147483647,15,26,23]
(15/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,18,2147483647,15,26,23]
0 moved, 1 changed
(16/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,18,2147483647,16,26,23]
0 moved, 1 changed
(17/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,18,2147483647,17,26,23]
0 moved, 1 changed
(18/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,18,2147483647,2147483647,26,23]
0 moved, 1 changed
(19/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,20,2147483647,2147483647,26,23]
0 moved, 1 changed
(20/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,20,2147483647,2147483647,26,23]
(21/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,26,23]
0 moved, 1 changed
(22/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,26,23]
(23/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,26,23]
(24/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,26,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(25/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,26,2147483647]
(26/27 out) 3 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,26,2147483647]
(0/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,0,9,16,7]
(1/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,1,9,16,7]
0 moved, 1 changed
(2/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,2,9,16,7]
0 moved, 1 changed
(3/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,9,16,7]
0 moved, 1 changed
(4/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,9,16,7]
(5/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,9,16,7]
(6/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,9,16,7]
(7/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,9,16,7]
(8/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,9,16,8]
0 moved, 1 changed
(9/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,9,16,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(10/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,10,16,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(11/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,11,16,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(12/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,2147483647,16,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(13/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,2147483647,16,2147483647]
(14/27 out) 4 -> [14,22,18,24,2147483647,16,2147483647]
(15/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,22,18,24,2147483647,16,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(16/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,22,18,24,2147483647,16,2147483647]
(17/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,22,18,24,2147483647,17,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(18/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,22,18,24,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(19/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,22,20,24,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(20/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,22,20,24,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
(21/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,22,2147483647,24,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(22/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,22,2147483647,24,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
(23/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,23,2147483647,24,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(24/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,24,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(25/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,25,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
(26/27 out) 4 -> [2147483647,2147483647,2147483647,26,2147483647,2147483647,2147483647]
0 moved, 1 changed
77 total changed
[ OK ] CRUSH.indep_out_progressive (128 ms)
[ RUN ] CRUSH.straw_zero
[ OK ] CRUSH.straw_zero (8 ms)
[ RUN ] CRUSH.straw_same
0 1.000000 2823 1.000000 2822 1.000000
1 2.001526 5738 2.032589 5742 2.034727
2 2.000000 5718 2.025505 5717 2.025868
3 3.001526 8462 2.997520 8466 3.000000
4 3.000000 8594 3.044279 8592 3.044649
5 4.001526 11565 4.096706 11566 4.098512
6 4.000000 11449 4.055615 11443 4.054926
7 5.001526 14326 5.074743 14327 5.076896
8 5.000000 14223 5.038257 14222 5.039688
9 6.001526 17102 6.058094 17103 6.060595
12 of 100000 = 0.000120 different
[ OK ] CRUSH.straw_same (150 ms)
[ RUN ] CRUSH.straw2_stddev
maxskew stddev
expect 66666.666667
osd weight count adjusted
0 1.0000 66000 66000
1 1.0000 66918 66918
2 1.0000 66931 66931
3 1.0000 66597 66597
4 1.0000 67020 67020
5 1.0000 66484 66484
6 1.0000 66109 66109
7 1.0000 67139 67139
8 1.0000 66488 66488
9 1.0000 66582 66582
10 1.0000 66611 66611
11 1.0000 66771 66771
12 1.0000 66676 66676
13 1.0000 67137 67137
14 1.0000 66537 66537
std dev 323.092281
vs 249.443826 (expected)
1.000000 323.092281
expect 66666.666667
osd weight count adjusted
0 1.0000 9016 65928
1 1.2500 11485 67186
2 1.5625 14160 66268
3 1.9531 17698 66260
4 2.4414 22245 66627
5 3.0518 27653 66260
6 3.8147 34505 66143
7 4.7684 43641 66924
8 5.9605 54025 66279
9 7.4506 68046 66784
10 9.3132 84726 66524
11 11.6415 105942 66545
12 14.5519 132942 66804
13 18.1898 166630 66986
14 22.7373 207286 66664
std dev 361.978260
vs 249.217965 (expected)
22.737305 361.978260
expect 66666.666667
osd weight count adjusted
0 1.0000 1147 66815
1 1.5000 1691 65670
2 2.2500 2530 65501
3 3.3750 3935 67918
4 5.0625 5868 67521
5 7.5938 8594 65925
6 11.3906 12926 66104
7 17.0859 19661 67031
8 25.6289 29292 66578
9 38.4434 43943 66586
10 57.6650 66064 66737
11 86.4976 98714 66479
12 129.7463 148586 66711
13 194.6195 223328 66845
14 291.9293 333721 66591
std dev 619.742046
vs 249.321332 (expected)
291.929260 619.742046
expect 66666.666667
osd weight count adjusted
0 1.0000 179 70335
1 1.7500 291 65339
2 3.0625 507 65050
3 5.3594 937 68698
4 9.3789 1581 66236
5 16.4131 2771 66338
6 28.7229 4847 66307
7 50.2651 8690 67931
8 87.9639 14924 66665
9 153.9368 26069 66542
10 269.3894 45706 66667
11 471.4314 79754 66474
12 825.0049 139847 66606
13 1443.7585 245707 66871
14 2526.5775 428190 66592
std dev 1267.124917
vs 249.775244 (expected)
2526.577454 1267.124917
[ OK ] CRUSH.straw2_stddev (5663 ms)
[ RUN ] CRUSH.straw2_reweight
expect 66666.666667
osd weight count adjusted
0 1.0000 13817 66137
1 0.3000 4195 66939
2 2.0000 27887 66742
3 2.0000 27859 66675
4 3.0000 42069 67123
5 5.0000 69499 66533
6 0.5000 6894 65998
7 2.0000 28074 67190
8 1.0000 13978 66908
9 1.0000 13980 66917
10 2.0000 27771 66465
11 1.0000 13986 66946
12 1.0000 13814 66122
13 2.0000 28179 67441
14 48.0000 667998 66614
std dev 403.864209
vs 249.443826
[ OK ] CRUSH.straw2_reweight (2851 ms)
[----------] 9 tests from CRUSH (9192 ms total)
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 9 tests from 1 test case ran. (9193 ms total)
[ PASSED ] 9 tests.
[harvis@centos7 build]$
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