【Video Tracking & Detection】系列一之Framework(持续更新)


我本科毕设课题是做Video Tracking,主要是研究TLD和MIL,MIL还没开始,TLD断断续续从开始研究到现在有将近一个月的时间,主要以看论文为主。之前包括现在对TLD的研究的人们已经很多了并且在持续进行,但作为本人的一个学习积累总结,方便以后查找review,所以打算作为一个系列利用空余时间持续写下来。


TLD Brief Introduction:

TLD:Tracking-Learning-Detection,这个算法是由Zdenek Kalal在2011年的PhD论文中提出,而后在国际计算机视觉会议上呈现出来并荣获多个奖项鼓励。谷歌"TLD"第一个就是作者的个人网站,开头就是关于TLD的简单介绍:

TLD is an award-winning, real-time algorithm for tracking of unknown objects in video streams. The object of interest is defiend by a bounding box in a single frame. TLD simultaneously Tracks the object, Learns its appearance and Detects it whenever it appears in the video. The result is a real-time tracking that typically improves over time.


Key Features:

  • TLD tracks currently only a single object(单物体跟踪)
  • Input: video stream from single monocular camera, bounding box defining the object(输入:来自单眼摄像头的视频流,也可以是连续帧图片,边界框定义感兴趣物体)
  • Output: object location in the stream, object detector(输出:在视频流里的物体的位置)
  • Implementation: Matlab + C, single thread, no GPU
  • No offline training stage(没有离线训练阶段,都是online-learning在线学习训练)
  • Real-time performance on QVGA video stream(实时性能)
  • Ported to Windows, Mac OS X and Linux(跨平台支持)

Okay, 作者简明扼要地阐述了TLD的主要特性,我再补充关于作者的几点:

  • Open Source 源码开放,方便大家理解交流
  • 论文阐述清晰



TLD Framework

Tracking Learning Detection: a framework for long-term tracking of unknown objects in video streams.


Tracker estimates the object motion under the assumption that the object is visible and its motion is limited. 

Detector performs full scanning of the image to localize all apperances that have been observed in the past.

Learning observes performance of both, the tracker and the detector, identifies errors of the detector and generates training examples to avoid these errors in the future.



TLD 中所运用到的算法

四篇论文,olcv, cvpr, icip, icpr,佩服佩服,前段时间看完并翻译了09年的olcv<Online learning of robust object detectors during unstable tracking>在不稳定跟踪条件下的稳健的物体检测在线学习,当时这种方法还不叫TLD,而是叫TMD(Tracking-Modeling-Detection),单单这篇论文里就包含几种算法,接下来我准备持续将运用到的算法归类在这里,方便以后查询。


2)P-N Learning,先mark,之后再介绍。


4)Sequential randomized forest,随机森林,之后再介绍。


Anyway, 加油! 


posted @ 2012-11-29 15:14  Harrison_  阅读(2884)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报