val numStreams = 5 val kafkaStreams = (1 to numStreams).map { i => KafkaUtils.createStream(...) } val unifiedStream = streamingContext.union(kafkaStreams) unifiedStream.print()
Receiving data over the network (like Kafka, Flume, socket, etc.) requires the data to deserialized and stored in Spark. If the data receiving becomes a bottleneck in the system, then consider parallelizing the data receiving. Note that each input DStream creates a single receiver (running on a worker machine) that receives a single stream of data. Receiving multiple data streams can therefore be achieved by creating multiple input DStreams and configuring them to receive different partitions of the data stream from the source(s). For example, a single Kafka input DStream receiving two topics of data can be split into two Kafka input streams, each receiving only one topic. This would run two receivers on two workers, thus allowing data to be received in parallel, and increasing overall throughput. These multiple DStream can be unioned together to create a single DStream. Then the transformations that was being applied on the single input DStream can applied on the unified stream.