package zeal.util; import java.io.*; /** * 用来处理GB2312/BIG5码字符互相转换的类. * 需要两个码表文件:/zeal/util/gb-big5.table,/zeal/util/big5-gb.table. * 这两个码表可以根据具体情况补充映射不正确的码. * <p>Title: GB<=>Big5</p> * <p>Description: Deal with the convertion between gb2312 and big5 charset Strings.</p> * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p> * <p>Company: NewmenBase</p> * @author Zeal Li * @version 1.0 * * @see zeal.util.StreamConverter */ public class GB2Big5{ private static GB2Big5 pInstance = null; private String s_big5TableFile = null; private String s_gbTableFile = null; private byte[] b_big5Table = null; private byte[] b_gbTable = null; /** 指定两个码表文件来进行初始化 */ private GB2Big5(String sgbTableFile,String sbig5TableFile) throws NullPointerException{ s_big5TableFile = sbig5TableFile; s_gbTableFile = sgbTableFile; if(null == b_gbTable){ b_gbTable = getBytesFromFile(sgbTableFile); } if(null == b_big5Table){ b_big5Table = getBytesFromFile(sbig5TableFile); } if(null == b_gbTable){ throw new NullPointerException("No gb table can be load"); } if(null == b_big5Table){ throw new NullPointerException("No big5 table can be load"); } } public static synchronized GB2Big5 getInstance(){ //return getInstance("d:\\gb-big5.table","d:\\big5-gb.table"); return getInstance("/zeal/util/gb-big5.table", "/zeal/util/big5-gb.table"); } public static synchronized GB2Big5 getInstance(String sgbTableFile, String sbig5TableFile){ if(null == pInstance){ try{ pInstance = new GB2Big5(sgbTableFile,sbig5TableFile); } catch(Exception e){ System.err.println(e.toString()); pInstance = null; } } return pInstance; } /** 把gbChar对应的big5字符替换掉,用来更新码表文件. * 一般当发现字符映射不正确的时候可以通过这个方法来校正. */ protected synchronized void resetBig5Char(String gbChar,String big5Char) throws Exception{ byte[] Text = new String(gbChar.getBytes(),"GBK").getBytes("GBK"); byte[] TextBig5 = new String(big5Char.getBytes(), "BIG5").getBytes("BIG5"); int max = Text.length - 1; int h = 0; int l = 0; int p = 0; int b = 256; byte[] big = new byte[2]; for(int i = 0; i < max; i++){ h = (int) (Text[i]); if(h < 0){ h = b + h; l = (int) (Text[i + 1]); if(l < 0){ l = b + (int) (Text[i + 1]); } if(h == 161 && l == 64){ ; // do nothing } else{ p = (h - 160) * 510 + (l - 1) * 2; b_gbTable[p] = TextBig5[i]; b_gbTable[p + 1] = TextBig5[i + 1]; } i++; } } BufferedOutputStream pWriter = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(s_gbTableFile)); pWriter.write(b_gbTable,0,b_gbTable.length); pWriter.close(); } /** 把big5Char对应的gb字符替换掉,用来更新码表文件. * 一般当发现字符映射不正确的时候可以通过这个方法来校正. */ protected synchronized void resetGbChar(String big5Char,String gbChar) throws Exception{ byte[] TextGb = new String(gbChar.getBytes(),"GBK").getBytes("GBK"); byte[] Text = new String(big5Char.getBytes(),"BIG5").getBytes("BIG5"); int max = Text.length - 1; int h = 0; int l = 0; int p = 0; int b = 256; byte[] big = new byte[2]; for(int i = 0; i < max; i++){ h = (int) (Text[i]); if(h < 0){ h = b + h; l = (int) (Text[i + 1]); if(l < 0){ l = b + (int) (Text[i + 1]); } if(h == 161 && l == 64){ ; // do nothing } else{ p = (h - 160) * 510 + (l - 1) * 2; b_big5Table[p] = TextGb[i]; b_big5Table[p + 1] = TextGb[i + 1]; } i++; } } BufferedOutputStream pWriter = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(s_big5TableFile)); pWriter.write(b_big5Table,0,b_big5Table.length); pWriter.close(); } /** 把gb2312编码的字符串转化成big5码的字节流 */ public byte[] gb2big5(String inStr) throws Exception{ if(null == inStr || inStr.length() <= 0){ return "".getBytes(); //return ""; } byte[] Text = new String(inStr.getBytes(),"GBK").getBytes("GBK"); int max = Text.length - 1; int h = 0; int l = 0; int p = 0; int b = 256; byte[] big = new byte[2]; for(int i = 0; i < max; i++){ h = (int) (Text[i]); if(h < 0){ h = b + h; l = (int) (Text[i + 1]); if(l < 0){ l = b + (int) (Text[i + 1]); } if(h == 161 && l == 64){ big[0] = big[1] = (byte) (161 - b); } else{ p = (h - 160) * 510 + (l - 1) * 2; try{ big[0] = (byte) (b_gbTable[p] - b); } catch(Exception e){ big[0] = 45; } try{ big[1] = (byte) (b_gbTable[p + 1] - b); } catch(Exception e){ big[1] = 45; } } Text[i] = big[0]; Text[i + 1] = big[1]; i++; } } return Text; //return new String(Text); } /** 把big5码的字符串转化成gb2312码的字符串 */ public String big52gb(String inStr) throws Exception{ if(null == inStr || inStr.length() <= 0){ return ""; } byte[] Text = new String(inStr.getBytes(),"BIG5").getBytes("BIG5"); int max = Text.length - 1; int h = 0; int l = 0; int p = 0; int b = 256; byte[] big = new byte[2]; for(int i = 0; i < max; i++){ h = (int) (Text[i]); if(h < 0){ h = b + h; l = (int) (Text[i + 1]); if(l < 0){ l = b + (int) (Text[i + 1]); } if(h == 161 && l == 161){ big[0] = (byte) (161 - b); big[1] = (byte) (64 - b); } else{ p = (h - 160) * 510 + (l - 1) * 2; try{ big[0] = (byte) (b_big5Table[p] - b); } catch(Exception e){ big[0] = 45; } try{ big[1] = (byte) (b_big5Table[p + 1] - b); } catch(Exception e){ big[1] = 45; } } Text[i] = big[0]; Text[i + 1] = big[1]; i++; } } return new String(Text); } /** 把文件读入字节数组,读取失败则返回null */ private static byte[] getBytesFromFile(String inFileName){ try{ InputStream in = GB2Big5.class.getResourceAsStream(inFileName); byte[] sContent = StreamConverter.toByteArray(in); in.close(); return sContent; /* java.io.RandomAccessFile inStream = new java.io.RandomAccessFile( inFileName,"r"); byte[] sContent = new byte[ (int) (inStream.length())]; inStream.read(sContent); inStream.close(); return sContent; */ } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ if(args.length < 2){ System.out.println( "Usage: zeal.util.GB2Big5 [-gb | -big5] inputstring"); System.exit(1); return; } boolean bIsGB = true; String inStr = ""; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++){ if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-gb")){ bIsGB = true; } else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-big5")){ bIsGB = false; } else{ inStr = args[i]; } } GB2Big5 pTmp = GB2Big5.getInstance(); String outStr = ""; if(bIsGB){ outStr = pTmp.big52gb(inStr); } else{ outStr = new String(pTmp.gb2big5(inStr),"BIG5"); } System.out.println("String [" + inStr + "] converted into:\n[" + outStr + "]"); } }
java -classpath GB2Big5.zip zeal.util.GB2Big5 -big5 中国
import zeal.util.*; public class MyTest{ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ if(args.length < 2){ System.out.println( "Usage: MyTest [-gb | -big5] inputstring"); System.exit(1); return; } boolean bIsGB = true; String inStr = ""; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++){ if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-gb")){ bIsGB = true; } else if(args[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-big5")){ bIsGB = false; } else{ inStr = args[i]; } } // 得到一个繁简体字符处理的实例 GB2Big5 pTmp = GB2Big5.getInstance(); String outStr = ""; if(bIsGB){ // 如果需要把big5码的字符转化成gb2312的,就使用big52gb()方法。 // 传入字符串参数,传出的也是字符串。 outStr = pTmp.big52gb(inStr); } else{ // 如果需要把gb2312码的字符转化成big5的,就使用gb2big5()方法。 // 传入的是字符串参数,传出的是字节数组(因为有可能需要把big5码的内容 // 写入文件,就必须用字节数组的方式写入,否则经过字节->字符串的转化之后 // 再写入文件就变成乱码了)。如果需要直接显示出来,就new一个BIG5的字符 // 串就行了。 outStr = new String(pTmp.gb2big5(inStr),"BIG5"); } System.out.println( "String [" + inStr + "] converted into:\n[" + outStr + "]"); } }
############################## 直接调用GB2Big5只适用于对于少量字符的转化,当需要对整个jsp页面根据用户需要进行编码转化 的时候,就需要使用到taglib的功能。 具体配置使用步骤如下:
1.在WEB-INF/目录下增加GB2Big5Wrapper.tld文件,内容如下: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN" "http://java.sun.om/dtd/web-jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd"> <taglib> <tlib-version>1.0</tlib-version> <jsp-version>1.2</jsp-version> <short-name>zealLi</short-name> <tag> <name>GB2Big5Wrapper</name> <tag-class>zeal.util.GB2Big5Wrapper</tag-class> <attribute> <name>isbig5</name> <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue> <type>boolean</type> </attribute> </tag> </taglib> 2.在需要进行转化的JSP页面里面加上: <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/GB2Big5Wrapper.tld" prefix="zealLi"%> <zealLi:GB2Big5Wrapper isbig5="true"> 任何你需要转化的东西 </zealLi:GB2Big5Wrapper>
比如test.jsp源代码如下 => <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=GBK" import="javax.servlet.http.HttpSession" import="java.util.*" import="com.zealLi.*" %><% String encode = request.getParameter("encode"); if(null == encode || encode.length() <= 0){ encode = "BIG5"; } boolean isBig5 = false; String charset = "GB2312"; if(encode.equalsIgnoreCase("BIG5")){ isBig5 = true; charset = "BIG5"; } String sInfo = "中文字体繁简体转化的测试。"; %><%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/GB2Big5Wrapper.tld" prefix="zealLi"%> <zealLi:GB2Big5Wrapper isbig5="<%= isBig5 %>"> <html> <head> <title>Jsp测试页面</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<%=charset%>"> </head> <body> <% Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); out.println(now.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "." + (now.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1) + "." + now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "<p>"); %> <p> <%=sInfo%> </body> </html></zealLi:GB2Big5Wrapper>
附件 GB2Big5.zip(108,182 bytes): 发布形式的类库zip文件,可直接使用
附件 GB2Big5_Project.zip(38,685 bytes): JBuilder工程文件,提供完整的源代码
From: http://www.zeali.net/blog/entry.php?id=19