Github command line notes
pulling down the repo file from github server
git clone [repo url]
check git current status
git status
add a file
git add [file name] //add single file
git add -a //add all file
git commit -m "[your messages]"
git commit -a -m "[your messages]" //add all the file and commit it
show all of the commits over time
git log
list all branches
git branch
create a new branch
git branch [new branch name]
change to a branch
git checkout [branch name]
git checkout -b [new branch name] //create and then change to that new branch
pull request
git push --set-upstream origin [branch name]
sync with github server, pull down the newest updates
git pull
delete a local branch
git branch --delete [branch name]
git log
git log --oneline //one line format
git log --format=short //simplfy things
git log -3 //recent last 3 commits
git log --since='2017-01-05' //date filter, show commits after that date
git log --since='2 weeks ago' //natual language
git log --until='2017-01-01' //show commits before that date
git log --author='hardi' //certain author's commits
git log --stat //show more commit details
git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate //more useful way