Everyone's Favorite Linear, Direct Access, Homogeneous Data Structure: The Array(英翻中)


Arrays are one of the simplest and most widely used data structures in computer programs. Arrays in any programming language all share a few common properties:

  • The contents of an array are stored in contiguous memory.
  • All of the elements of an array must be of the same type or of a derived type; hence arrays are referred to as homogeneous data structures.
  • Array elements can be directly accessed. With arrays if you know you want to access the ith element, you can simply use one line of code: arrayName[i].

The common operations performed on arrays are:

  • Allocation
  • Accessing

In C#, when an array (or any reference type variable) is initially declared, it has a null value. That is, the following line of code simply creates a variable named booleanArray that equals null:

bool [] booleanArray;

Before we can begin to work with the array, we must create an array instance that can store a specific number of elements. This is accomplished using the following syntax:

booleanArray = new bool[10];

Or more generically:

arrayName = new arrayType[allocationSize];

This allocates a contiguous block of memory in the CLR-managed heap large enough to hold the allocationSize number of arrayTypes. If arrayType is a value type, then allocationSize number of unboxed arrayType values are created. If arrayType is a reference type, then allocationSize number of arrayType references are created. (If you are unfamiliar with the difference between reference and value types and the managed heap versus the stack, check out Understanding .NET's Common Type System.)

To help hammer home how the .NET Framework stores the internals of an array, consider the following example:

bool [] booleanArray;

FileInfo [] files;


booleanArray = new bool[10];

files = new FileInfo[10];

Here, the booleanArray is an array of the value type System.Boolean, while the files array is an array of a reference type, System.IO.FileInfo. Figure 1 shows a depiction of the CLR-managed heap after these four lines of code have executed.


Figure 1. The contents of an array are laid out contiguously in the managed heap.

The thing to keep in mind is that the ten elements in the files array are references to FileInfo instances. Figure 2 hammers home this point, showing the memory layout if we assign some of the values in the files array to FileInfo instances.


Figure 2. The contents of an array are laid out contiguously in the managed heap.

All arrays in .NET allow their elements to both be read and written to. The syntax for accessing an array element is:

// Read an array element

bool b = booleanArray[7];


// Write to an array element

booleanArray[0] = false;

The running time of an array access is denoted O(1) because it is constant. That is, regardless of how many elements are stored in the array, it takes the same amount of time to lookup an element. This constant running time is possible solely because an array's elements are stored contiguously, hence a lookup only requires knowledge of the array's starting location in memory, the size of each array element, and the element to be indexed.

Realize that in managed code, array lookups are a slight bit more involved than this because with each array access the CLR checks to ensure that the index being requested is within the array's bounds. If the array index specified is out of bounds, an IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown. This check help ensures that when stepping through an array we do not accidentally step past the last array index and into some other memory. This check, though, does not affect the asymptotic running time of an array access because the time to perform such checks does not increase as the size of the array increases.

**Note   **This index-bounds check comes at a slight cost of performance for applications that make a large number of array accesses. With a bit of unmanaged code, though, this index out of bounds check can be bypassed. For more information, refer to Chapter 14 of Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming by Jeffrey Richter.

When working with an array, you might need to change the number of elements it holds. To do so, you'll need to create a new array instance of the specified size and copy the contents of the old array into the new, resized array. This process can be accomplished with the following code:

// Create an integer array with three elements

int [] fib = new int[3];

fib[0] = 1;

fib[1] = 1;

fib[2] = 2;


// Redimension message to a 10 element array

int [] temp = new int[10];


// Copy the fib array to temp

fib.CopyTo(temp, 0);


// Assign temp to fib

fib = temp;   

After the last line of code, fib references a ten-element Int32 array. The elements 3 through 9 in the fib array will have the default Int32 value—0.

Arrays are excellent data structures to use when storing a collection of homogeneous types that you only need to access directly. Searching an unsorted array has linear running time. While this is acceptable when working with small arrays, or when performing very few searches, if your application is storing large arrays that are searched frequently, there are a number of other data structures better suited for the job. We'll look at some such data structures in upcoming pieces of this article series. Realize that if you are searching an array on some property and the array is sorted by that property, you can use an algorithm called binary search to search the array in O(log n) running time, which is on par with the search times for binary search trees. In fact, the Array class contains a static, BinarySearch() method. For more information on this method, check out an earlier article on mine, Efficiently Searching a Sorted Array.

**Note   **The .NET Framework allows for multi-dimensional arrays as well. Multi-dimensional arrays, like single-dimensional arrays, offer a constant running time for accessing elements. Recall that the running time to search through a n-element single dimensional array was denoted O(n). For an nxn two-dimensional array, the running time is denoted O(n2) because the search must check n2 elements. More generally, a k-dimensional array has a search running time of O(nk). Keep in mind here than n is the number of elements in each dimension, not the total number of elements in the multi-dimensional array.

booleanArray = new bool[10];
arrayName = new arrayType[allocationSize];
这将在公共运行时管理中分配一块足以分配给arrayTypes的连续内存。如果数组类型是值类型,创建未装箱的数组类型值的分配型号。如果数组类型是引用类型,则创建数组类型引用的是allocationSize。(如果你不熟悉值类型和引用类型的区别和托管堆和堆栈之间的区别,可查阅Understanding .NET's Common Type System)
bool []booleanArray;
FileInfo []files;

booleanArray = new bool[10];
files = new FileInfo[10];
bool b = booleanArray[7];

booleanArray[0] = false;
注意:对于需要进行大量数组访问的应用程序,这种索引界限检查会带来轻微的性能损失。但是,如果有一些非托管代码,就可以绕过这个超出范围的索引检查。有关更多信息,请参阅Jeffrey Richter编写的《应用微软.NET框架编程》第14章。
int []fib = new int[3];
fib[0] = 1;
fib[1] = 2;
fib[2] = 3;

int []temp = new int[10];


fib = temp;


posted @ 2020-04-05 12:39  Moliay  阅读(11)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报