
git config --global yourname
git config --global youremail
# configure your info to be record when you commit your code, you can see all config info by
git config --list


git init / git init dirname
#initial a new repo at current dir or specified dir , and will generate a dir named .git and create a master branch

git clone <remote repo address> <local dirpath>
#clone remote repo to current dirpath or specified dirpath in command line

git status
# check status for your project, tracked or untracked files presents? files added to commit?

git add <file1> <file2> <dir1> <.>
#add specified files or dirs into stage to be committed

git reset HEAD <file>
# when you run git add <file>, then you want to undo, then run git reset HEAD <file> to unstage

git diff <file>
# only show changed in workspace for file

git diff --cached
# only show changed in stage

git diff HEAD
# show changes both in workspace and stage

git commit -m your_message
# commit files in stage to .git

git commit -am your_message
# skill git add , commit directly to .git from workspace

git rm <file>
# remove file from workspace if you haven't added it to stage, then using git add or git commit -a

git rm -f <file>
# similar with git rm <file> except the file have added into stage already

git rm --cached <file>
# only remove from stage, it will stay in workspace


git branch
# list all your local branch

git branch branchname
# create a new local branch

git checkout branchname
# switch branch

git checkout -b branchname
# create then switch to new branch

git branch -d branchname
# delete a branchname

git merge branchname
# merge branchname to your current branch


git log
# view all history commit record

git log --oneline
# view only oneline for each commit

git log --graph
# view history branch changes

git log --author=eric --oneline 5
# view first 5 commit by eric, and show oneline for each commit

git log --oneline --before={3.weeks.ago} --after={2010-04-18} --no-merges
# view logs in specified time , no-merges means to hide merge commit

git tag
# list all tags

git tag -a v1.0
# tag v1.0 to newest commit

git tag -a v1.1 commitid
# tag to a specified commit id, you can get id by using git log

git remote <-v>
# list remote repo you config

git remote add repo_name url
# create a new remote repo that links to your local repo (url is github or gitlab)

git push -u origin master
# push local to your remote repo named origin at master branch

git fetch origin
# update new data from remote origin repo to local branch

git merge origin/master
# after git fetch, merge with local master

git push origin master
# push data to remote origin master

git remote rm name
# remove remote repo


posted @ 2019-09-02 16:04  幸福来敲门U_U  阅读(195)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报