... <image name i> <number of faces in this image =im> <face i1> <face i2> ... <face im> ...
shapes format:
4 a. Rectangular regions Each face region is represented as: <left_x top_y width height detection_score> 4 b. Elliptical regions Each face region is represented as: <major_axis_radius minor_axis_radius angle center_x center_y detection_score>.
cascade.detectMultiScale(img, objs, reject_levels, level_weights, scale_factor, min_neighbors, 0, cv::Size(), cv::Size(), true);
Q. How do you compute the detection score that is to be included in the face detection output file? The score included in the output file of a face detection system should be obtained by the system itself. The evaluation code included in the benchmark varies the threshold on this score to obtain different points on the desired ROC curve. Q. What range should the detection score be? The range of scores can lie anywhere on the real line (-infinity to infinity). In other words, the scores are used to order the detections, and their absolute values do not matter.

//re:https://blog.csdn.net/xukaiwen_2016/article/details/52318476?locationNum=6 /************************************************************************ * File: genResult.cpp * Coder: AMY * Email:happyamyhope@163.com * Date: 2018/10/15 * ChLog: score max. * Re: http://haoxiang.org/2013/11/opencv-detectmultiscale-output-detection-score/ ************************************************************************/ #include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include <cctype> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iterator> #include <stdio.h> std::vector<cv::Rect> detectAndScore(cv::Mat& img, cv::CascadeClassifier& cascade, double scale, double* score); std::vector<cv::Rect> detectAndScoreMax(cv::Mat& img, cv::CascadeClassifier& cascade, double scale, double* score); std::string cascadeName = "..//src//haar_roboman_ff_alt2.xml"; //compute iou. float compute_iou(cv::Rect boxA, cv::Rect boxB) { int xA = std::max(boxA.x, boxB.x); int yA = std::max(boxA.y, boxB.y); int xB = std::min(boxA.x+boxA.width, boxB.x+boxB.width); int yB = std::min(boxA.y+boxA.height, boxB.y+boxB.height); float inter_area = std::max(0, xB-xA+1) * std::max(0, yB-yA+1); float boxA_area = boxA.width * boxA.height; float boxB_area = boxB.width * boxB.height; float iou = inter_area / (boxA_area + boxB_area - inter_area); return iou; } int main(int argc, const char** argv) { cv::Mat frame, frameCopy, image; std::string inputName; std::string dir; cv::CascadeClassifier cascade; double scale = 1; cascade.load(cascadeName); std::ofstream out_all_txt("result_all.txt"); for (unsigned int file_num=1; file_num<11;file_num++) { std::string str = std::to_string(file_num); if (str.size() < 2) str = "0" + str; std::string out_name = "out-fold-" + str + ".txt"; std::cout << "start file " << out_name << std::endl; std::ifstream in_txt("..//FDDB-folds//FDDB-fold-" + str + ".txt"); std::ofstream out_txt(out_name); std::string dir1 = "..//FDDB-originalPics//"; while (!in_txt.eof()) { getline(in_txt, inputName); if (in_txt.eof()) break; dir = dir1 + inputName; dir += ".jpg"; //dir = "..//FDDB-originalPics//2002//08//25//big//img_674.jpg"; //std::cout << dir << std::endl; image = cv::imread(dir, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); if (!image.empty()) { std::ofstream out_txt(out_name, std::ios::app); double scoreBuffer[50]; std::vector<cv::Rect> faces = detectAndScoreMax(image, cascade, scale, scoreBuffer); out_txt << inputName << std::endl << faces.size() << std::endl; out_all_txt << inputName << std::endl << faces.size() << std::endl; //std::cout << faces.size() << std::endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i<faces.size(); i++) { cv::rectangle(image, faces[i], cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 1, 0); out_txt << faces[i].x << " " << faces[i].y << " " << faces[i].width << " " << faces[i].height << " " << scoreBuffer[i] << std::endl; out_all_txt << faces[i].x << " " << faces[i].y << " " << faces[i].width << " " << faces[i].height << " " << scoreBuffer[i] << std::endl; } faces.clear(); } //cv::imshow("src", image); //cv::waitKey(100); } //if (in_txt.eof()) std::cout << "[EOF reached]" << std::endl; //else std::cout << "[EOF reading]" << std::endl; in_txt.close(); out_txt.close(); } out_all_txt.close(); cv::waitKey(1); return 0; } std::vector<cv::Rect> detectAndScoreMax(cv::Mat& color, cv::CascadeClassifier& cascade, double scale, double* scoreBuffer) { cv::Mat gray; cv::Mat img(cvRound(color.rows / scale), cvRound(color.cols / scale), CV_8UC1); cv::cvtColor(color, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cv::resize(gray, img, img.size(), 0, 0, CV_INTER_LINEAR); cv::equalizeHist(img, img); const float scale_factor(1.2f); const int min_neighbors(3); std::vector<cv::Rect> faces; std::vector<int> reject_levels; std::vector<double> level_weights; cascade.detectMultiScale(img, faces, reject_levels, level_weights, scale_factor, min_neighbors, 0, cv::Size(), cv::Size(), true); //std::cout << "faces.size(): " << faces.size() << "---level_weights.size(): " << level_weights.size() << std::endl; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < faces.size(); n++) { scoreBuffer[n] = level_weights[n]; //std::cout << "level_weight: " << level_weights[n] << std::endl; } return faces; } std::vector<cv::Rect> detectAndScore(cv::Mat& color, cv::CascadeClassifier& cascade, double scale, double* scoreBuffer) { cv::Mat gray; cv::Mat img(cvRound(color.rows / scale), cvRound(color.cols / scale), CV_8UC1); cv::cvtColor(color, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cv::resize(gray, img, img.size(), 0, 0, CV_INTER_LINEAR); cv::equalizeHist(img, img); const float scale_factor(1.2f); const int min_neighbors(3); //long t0 = cv::getTickCount(); std::vector<cv::Rect> faces; cascade.detectMultiScale(img, faces, scale_factor, min_neighbors, 0, cv::Size(), cv::Size()); //long t1 = cv::getTickCount(); //double secs = (t1 - t0)/cv::getTickFrequency(); //std::cout << "Detections takes " << secs << " seconds " << std::endl; std::vector<cv::Rect> objs; std::vector<int> reject_levels; std::vector<double> level_weights; cascade.detectMultiScale(img, objs, reject_levels, level_weights, scale_factor, min_neighbors, 0, cv::Size(), cv::Size(), true); //std::cout << "faces.size(): " << faces.size() << "---objs.size(): " << objs.size() << std::endl; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < faces.size(); n++) { int iou_max_idx = 0; float iou_max = 0.0; for (unsigned int k=0; k < objs.size(); k++) { float iou = compute_iou(faces[n], objs[k]); if ( (iou>0.5) && (reject_levels[k]>=15) && (iou>iou_max) ) { iou_max = iou; iou_max_idx = k; //std::cout << "iou: " << iou << "---reject_levels[k]: " << reject_levels[k] << std::endl; } } scoreBuffer[n] = level_weights[iou_max_idx]; } return faces; }
#ifdef _WIN32 string baseDir = "..//..//FDDB-originalPics//"; string listFile = "..//..//imList.txt"; string detFile = "..//..//results.txt"; string annotFile = "..//..//ellipseList.txt"; #else string baseDir = "..//FDDB-originalPics//"; string listFile = "..//imList.txt"; string detFile = "..//results.txt"; string annotFile = "..//ellipseList.txt"; #endif

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #### VARIABLES TO EDIT #### # where gnuplot is my $GNUPLOT = "/usr/bin/gnuplot"; # where the binary is my $evaluateBin = "./evaluate"; # where the images are my $imDir = "../FDDB-originalPics/"; # where the folds are my $fddbDir = "../FDDB-folds/"; # where the detections are my $detDir = "../out-folds/"; ########################### my $detFormat = 0; # 0: rectangle, 1: ellipse 2: pixels sub makeGNUplotFile { my $rocFile = shift; my $gnuplotFile = shift; my $title = shift; my $pngFile = shift; open(GF, ">$gnuplotFile") or die "Can not open $gnuplotFile for writing\n"; #print GF "$GNUPLOT\n"; print GF "set term png\n"; print GF "set size .75,1\n"; print GF "set output \"$pngFile\"\n"; #print GF "set xtics 500\n"; #print GF "set logscale x\n"; print GF "set ytics .1\n"; print GF "set grid\n"; #print GF "set size ratio -1\n"; print GF "set ylabel \"True positive rate\"\n"; print GF "set xlabel \"False positives\"\n"; #print GF "set xr [0:50000]\n"; print GF "set yr [0:1]\n"; print GF "set key right bottom\n"; print GF "plot \"$rocFile\" using 2:1 with linespoints title \"$title\"\n"; close(GF); } my $annotFile = "ellipseList.txt"; my $listFile = "imList.txt"; my $gpFile = "createROC.p"; # read all the folds into a single file for evaluation my $detFile = $detDir; $detFile =~ s/\//_/g; $detFile = $detFile."Dets.txt"; if(-e $detFile){ system("rm", $detFile); } if(-e $listFile){ system("rm", $listFile); } if(-e $annotFile){ system("rm", $annotFile); } foreach my $fi (1..10){ my $foldFile = sprintf("%s/out-fold-%02d.txt", $detDir, $fi); system("cat $foldFile >> $detFile"); $foldFile = sprintf("%s/FDDB-fold-%02d.txt", $fddbDir, $fi); system("cat $foldFile >> $listFile"); $foldFile = sprintf("%s/FDDB-fold-%02d-ellipseList.txt", $fddbDir, $fi); system("cat $foldFile >> $annotFile"); } #die; # run the actual evaluation code to obtain different points on the ROC curves #system($evaluateBin, "-a", $annotFile, "-d", $detFile, "-f", $detFormat, "-i", $imDir, "-l", $listFile, "-r", $detDir, "-s"); #system($evaluateBin, "-a", $annotFile, "-d", $detFile, "-f", $detFormat, "-i", $imDir, "-l", $listFile, "-r", $detDir); system($evaluateBin, "-a", $annotFile, "-d", $detFile, "-f", $detFormat, "-i", $imDir, "-l", $listFile, "-r", $detDir, "-z", ".jpg"); # plot the two ROC curves using GNUplot makeGNUplotFile($detDir."ContROC.txt", $gpFile, $detDir, $detDir."ContROC.png"); system("echo \"load '$gpFile'\" | $GNUPLOT"); makeGNUplotFile($detDir."DiscROC.txt", $gpFile, $detDir, $detDir."DiscROC.png"); system("echo \"load '$gpFile'\" | $GNUPLOT"); # remove intermediate files system("rm", $annotFile, $listFile, $gpFile, $detFile);
#"rocCurves/filename_DiscROC.txt" using 2:1 title 'filename' with lines lw 2 , \
gnuplot contROC.p
gnuplot discROC.p
Incompatible annotation and detection files. See output specifications
注意直接将上面生成的txt文件复制到ubuntu16下会报错Incompatible annotation and detection files. See output specifications
10. fddb;