



* @file  header_template.hpp
* @brief template for c++/c header file.
* @author        Amy Happy
* @version       1.0.0
* @date          2020.04.29
* @customer{     TBD}
* @project{      PROJECTNAME}
* @processor{    imx8}
* @compiler{     g++}
* @copyright     (C) Copyright ABC Technologies Beijing Co., Ltd
*                Contents and presentations are protected world-wide.
*                Any kind of using, copying etc. is prohibited without prior permission.
*                All rights - incl. industrial property rights - are reserved.
* @starthistory
* @revision{     1.0.0, Amy Happy, Initial version.}
* @endhistory


* Includes
// related header file.
// c lib.
// cpp lib.
// opencv.
// cereal.
// project header file.

* Internal defines
/* No Internal defines */

* Internal types definition
/* No Internal types definition */

* Internal variables declaration
/* No Internal variables declaration */

* Internal routines declaration
/* No Internal routines declaration */

* External defines
/* No External defines */

* External types definition
/* No External types definition */

* External variables declaration
/* No External variables declaration */

* External routines declaration
/* No Internal defines */

#endif  /* PROJECT_PATH_HPP_ */
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* @file  source_template.cpp
* @brief template for c++/c source file.
* ADD some description additionally.
* @author        Amy Happy
* @version       1.0.0
* @date          2020.04.26
* @customer{     TBD}
* @project{      PROJECTNAME}
* @processor{    imx6}
* @compiler{     g++}
* @copyright     (C) Copyright ABC Technologies Co., Ltd
*                Contents and presentations are protected world-wide.
*                Any kind of using, copying etc. is prohibited without proor permission.
*                All rights - incl. industrial property rights - are reserved.
* @starthistory  
* @revision{     1.0.0, Amy Happy, Initial version.}
* @endhistory 

* Includes

* Internal defines
/* No Internal defines */

* Internal types definition
/* No Internal types definition */
* @brief some description.

* Internal variables definition
/* No Internal variables definition */

* Internal routines declaration
/* No Internal routines declaration */
* @brief function description.
*        Tx means output from matlab model.
* @param[in]    none
* @param[out]   none
* @param[inout] none
* @return       none
* @note         none

* External defines
/* No External defines */

* External types definition
/* No External types definition */

* External variables definition
/* No External variables definition */

* External routines declaration
/* No External routines declaration */
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* @file  labelme2coco128.py
* @brief convert labelme json file to coco128 format.
* @author        xxx.yyy@abc.com
* @date          2022.06.21
* @customer{     TBD}
* @project{      TFL}
* @processor{    TX2}
* @copyright     (C) Copyright ABC Technologies Co., Ltd
*                Contents and presentations are protected world-wide.
*                Any kind of using, copying etc. is prohibited without proor permission.
*                All rights - incl. industrial property rights - are reserved.
* @starthistory
* @revision{     1.0.0, AMY, Initial version.}
* @endhistory
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