Just add empname, gender in table. So let's fill it with some data.insert into tblGenderEMP values (1, 'mohan', 'M' ,52)insert into tblGenderEMP values (2, 'mohini', 'F',65)insert into tblGenderEMP values (3, 'suraj', 'M',500)insert into tblGenderE 阅读全文
Download source file (C#) - 1.6 KBDownload demo - 14.4 KBDownload source [VB.NET] - 1.98 KBDownload demo [VB.NET] - 15 KBIntroductionDisplaying data in tabular form is an essential part of any application nowadays. But sometimes you need to display a huge amount of data in terms of number of rows. I 阅读全文
The Pivot MethodsFirst - Simple InversionRead all data, and return all columns as lines and lines as columns.The X axis column provided is used as the column header, and some columns may be ignored in the process, if desired so. Collapse | Copy Code/// /// Gets a Inverted DataTable/// /// DataTable 阅读全文
Have a look at ExeclPackagePlus http://epplus.codeplex.comIt's great for these kinds of scenarios. private void DumpExcel(DataTable tbl) { try{ // OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage using (ExcelPackage pck = new ExcelPackage()) { //Create the worksheet ... 阅读全文
you will want to make certain that if you take a backup of master on a server in your environment that you aren’t interfering with any existing backup plan:BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK = N'C:\SQL\Backups\master.bak'Next we will create a test login as part of our practice run:USE [master] 阅读全文
ISSUE:For example, one page accessed as:{physicalPath}/popup/Page1.aspx{projectPath}/popup/Page1.aspx {serverPath}/apsx/external/Page/{id}Route is registered in Global.asax as:routes.MapPageRoute("ViewPage","external/Page/{AccessKey}/","~/popup/Page1.aspx",false,newRout 阅读全文