LINQ (language integrated query) is one of the new features provided with VS 2008 and .NET 3.5. LINQ makes the concept of querying data a first class programming concept in .NET, and enables you to efficiently express queries in your programming language of choice.One of the benefits of LINQ is that 阅读全文
CREATEPROCEDURE [dbo].[Profile_GET]@PageSizeint=null, @CurrentPageint=null, @SortExpressionnvarchar(max)=nullASBEGINSETNOCOUNTONDECLARE @SqlString nvarchar(max)Declare @UpperBand intDeclare @LowerBand int SET @LowerBand =(@CurrentPage - 1)* @PageSizeSET @UpperBand =(@CurrentPage * @PageSize)+ 1 BEGI 阅读全文