
get flac

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

import sys
import json
import os

def curl(url):

    c = '\''
    command = 'curl ' +  c + url +c 
    output = os.popen(command)
    output = output.read()
    return output

def download(url, music_name):
    c = '\''
    command = 'aria2c ' + c + url + c + ' -o '  + c + music_name + c + ' -d ~/Music'

def get_value(str, substr):
    index = str.find(substr)
    str = str[index+len(substr)+1:]
    index = str.find('\n')
    value = str[0:index]
    return value

def get_musics_info(music_name):
    url = "http://search.kuwo.cn/r.s?client=kt&all={name}&pn=0&rn=10&uid=221260053&ver=kwplayer_ar_99.99.99.99&vipver=1&ft=music&cluster=0&strategy=2012&encoding=utf8&rformat=json&vermerge=1&mobi=1".format(name=music_name)
    output = curl(url) 
    return output

def get_music_info(music_id):

    url = "http://api.ly93.cc/kw.php?id={id}&ext=flac&rate=2000".format(id=music_id)
    output = curl(url)
    result = json.loads(output)
    url = result.get("url")
    return url

def get_music_link(url):

    output = curl(url)
    url = get_value(output, "url")
    return url

def download_music(music_name):

    output_s = get_musics_info(music_name)

    output_d = json.loads(output_s)

    musics = output_d.get("abslist")

    print("Number    Name        ARTIST        ALBUM        ")

    for i in range(len(musics)):

        music = musics[i]
        print("%d    %s        %s        %s" % (i+1, music.get("SONGNAME"), music.get("ARTIST"), music.get("ALBUM")))
    index = input("Please select the serial number of the song you want to download\n")
    music = musics[int(index) -1]
    music_id = music.get("MUSICRID")[6:]
    url =  get_music_info(music_id)

    music_link = get_music_link(url)

    type = music_link.split('.')[-1]
    music_name = music.get("ARTIST") + '-' + music.get("SONGNAME") + '.' + type
    download(music_link, music_name)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    if(len(sys.argv) <2):
        print("Usage: %s Music_Name" % (sys.argv[0]))
    for i in range(1, len(sys.argv)):


posted @ 2018-06-13 15:29  happenzh  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报