导出数据 下载文件名 正常显示

Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileInfo.Name, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8));



View Code
if (Request.UserAgent.ToLower().IndexOf("msie") > -1) 
downloadfilename = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(downloadfilename); 
if (Request.UserAgent.ToLower().IndexOf("firefox") > -1) 
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + downloadfilename + "\""); 
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + downloadfilename); 


View Code
 #region 导出数据事件
        protected void DataGrid_ItemCommand(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
                if (e.CommandName == "export")
                    //取得单条数据 项目ID
                    string[] obj = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split(',');
                    int proj_id = Convert.ToInt32(obj[0]);
                    string proj_name = obj[1].ToString();//用于最后保存文件命名使用
                    string downloadfilename = "项目成本统计_";
                    ProjectBusiness.costExport(proj_id, proj_name, Response.OutputStream);
                    Response.ContentType = "application/x-msdownload";
                    Response.Charset = "";
                    //Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(downloadfilename + proj_name + ".xls", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8));
                    if (Request.UserAgent.ToLower().IndexOf("msie") > -1)
                        downloadfilename = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(downloadfilename);
                        proj_name = HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(proj_name);
                    if (Request.UserAgent.ToLower().IndexOf("firefox") > -1)
                        Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + downloadfilename +proj_name+ ".xls" + "\"");
                        Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + downloadfilename +proj_name+ ".xls");
            catch { Message.Show(this, "E025"); return; }


View Code
 #region 项目成本统计
        public static void costExport(int id, string projectName, Stream outputStream)
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(EXPENSE_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE_FILE), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                    POIFSFileSystem poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(fs);
                    HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(poifs);
                    ISheet sheet1 = workbook.GetSheetAt(0);
                    ISheet sheet2 = workbook.GetSheetAt(1);
                    ISheet sheet3 = workbook.GetSheetAt(2);
                    costProject(id, projectName, workbook, sheet1);
                    costWorkRecord(id, projectName, workbook, sheet2);
                    costExpense(id, projectName, workbook, sheet3);
            catch { }

        #region 导出项目成本(日报明细表)
        private static void costWorkRecord(int id, string projectName, HSSFWorkbook workbook, ISheet sheet)
                PoiUtils poi = new PoiUtils(workbook, sheet);
                DataTable recordTable = getRecordSql(id);
                //设置单元格样式 普通样式
                ICellStyle cellstyle;
                cellstyle = poi.GetCellStyle(3, 1);
                IFont font = workbook.CreateFont();
                ICellStyle cellred;
                cellred = poi.CloneCellStyle(cellstyle);
                font.Color = HSSFColor.RED.index;
                ICellStyle newlinecell;
                newlinecell = poi.GetCellStyle(3, 13);
                poi.SetCellText(1, 1, projectName + "_日报明细统计");
                //填充单元格 第一列ID不要
                for (int i = 0; i < recordTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 1; j < recordTable.Columns.Count; j++)
                        poi.SetCellText(i + 3, j, recordTable.Rows[i][j]);
                    poi.SetCellStyle_Row(i + 3, 12, 10, cellstyle, cellred);//设置1-12列样式,第10,11列条件判断后设置样式
                    poi.SetCellStyle_Rows(i + 3, 13, 14, newlinecell);//设置13,14列换行样式;
            catch { }
        private static DataTable getRecordSql(int proj_id)
                using (DbHelper db = new DbHelper())
                    string sql = @"select TB_Work_Record.User_id,TB_User.Username,
                                CONVERT(varchar(100), Record_date,111)Record_date,
                                '' as date_type,
                                CONVERT(varchar(100), First_time,111) + '~' +
                                CONVERT(varchar(100), Last_time,111)Record,
                                '' as normal,
                                '' as work_normal,
                                '' as work_weekend,
                                '' as work_holiday,
                                '' as unconfirm,
                                '' as rebut,
                                '' as total,
                                '' as content, '' as Remark
                            from TB_Attendance right join  TB_Work_Record on TB_Attendance.User_id=TB_Work_Record.User_id and 
                                CONVERT(varchar(100), Record_date,23)=CONVERT(varchar(100), First_time,23) left join
                                TB_User ON TB_Work_Record.User_id = TB_User.ID
                            where Project_id=@proj_id and Record_status != @status
                            group by TB_Work_Record.User_id,TB_User.Username,TB_User.Realname,Record_date,First_time,Last_time";
                    DbParameter[] parameters = new DbParameter[] { db.CreateParameter("@proj_id", proj_id), db.CreateParameter("@status", (int)enmStatus.删除) };
                    DataTable tbrecord = db.GetDataSet(sql, parameters).Tables[0];
                    for (int i = 0; i < tbrecord.Rows.Count; i++)
                        int userid = Convert.ToInt32(tbrecord.Rows[i]["User_id"]);
                        DateTime recordtime = Convert.ToDateTime(tbrecord.Rows[i]["Record_date"]);
                        htcond.Add("userid", userid);
                        htcond.Add("record_date_total", recordtime);
                        htcond.Add("project_id", proj_id);
                        ArrayList list = workRecordCommon.sumRecord(htcond);
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["normal"] = list[0];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["work_normal"] = list[1];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["work_weekend"] = list[2];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["work_holiday"] = list[3];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["unconfirm"] = list[8];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["rebut"] = list[10];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["total"] = list[9];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["Remark"] = list[6];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["content"] = list[7];
                        tbrecord.Rows[i]["date_type"] = workRecordCommon.dateType_Judgement(recordtime);
                    return tbrecord;
            catch { return null; }

        #region 导出项目成本(工作记录表)
        protected static void costProject(int id, string projectName, HSSFWorkbook workbook, ISheet sheet)
                PoiUtils poi = new PoiUtils(workbook, sheet);
                htcond.Add("project_id", id);
                TB_Work_record[] work_record = Work_recordBusiness.FindAllById(htcond);
                var record = from item in work_record orderby item.User_id, item.Record_date select item;
                int i = 3;//用户或者日期不同时循环
                int userid = -1;//初始用户ID
                string recorddata = "";//初始记录日期;
                string username = "";//初始用户名
                string realname = "";
                decimal normal = 0;
                decimal work_normal = 0;
                decimal work_weekend = 0;
                decimal work_holiday = 0;
                decimal unconfirmed_time = 0;
                decimal rebut = 0;
                decimal sumnormal = 0;
                decimal sumwork_normal = 0;
                decimal sumwork_weekend = 0;
                decimal sumwork_holiday = 0;
                decimal sumunconfirmed_time = 0;
                decimal sumrebut = 0;
                decimal tempnormal = 0;
                decimal tempwork_normal = 0;
                decimal tempwork_weekend = 0;
                decimal tempwork_holiday = 0;
                decimal tempunconfirmed_time = 0;
                decimal temprebut = 0;
                ICellStyle cellstyle;
                cellstyle = poi.GetCellStyle(3, 1);
                IFont font = workbook.CreateFont();
                ICellStyle cellred;
                cellred = poi.CloneCellStyle(cellstyle);
                font.Color = HSSFColor.RED.index;
                poi.SetCellText(1, 1, projectName + "_项目成本统计");

                #region 填充
                foreach (var item in record)
                    if (recorddata != "" && (userid != item.User_id || recorddata != item.Record_date.ToString("yyyy-MM")))
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 1, username);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 2, realname);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 3, recorddata);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 4, normal);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 5, work_normal);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 6, work_weekend);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 7, work_holiday);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 8, unconfirmed_time);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 9, rebut);
                        poi.SetCellText(i, 10, normal + work_normal + work_weekend + work_holiday);
                        poi.SetCellStyle_Row(i, 10, 8, cellstyle, cellred);//设置1到10列的样式
                        sumnormal += normal;
                        sumwork_normal += work_normal;
                        sumwork_weekend += work_weekend;
                        sumwork_holiday += work_holiday;
                        sumunconfirmed_time += unconfirmed_time;
                        sumrebut += rebut;
                        normal = 0;
                        work_normal = 0;
                        work_weekend = 0;
                        work_holiday = 0;
                        unconfirmed_time = 0;
                        rebut = 0;
                        //用户不同时 添加小计
                        if (userid != item.User_id)
                            //把小计赋值临时变量 最后总计
                            tempnormal += sumnormal;
                            tempwork_normal += sumwork_weekend;
                            tempwork_weekend += sumwork_normal;
                            tempwork_holiday += sumwork_holiday;
                            tempunconfirmed_time += sumunconfirmed_time;
                            temprebut += sumrebut;
                            poi.MergedRegion(i, 1, i, 3);
                            poi.SetCellText(i, 1, "小计:");
                            poi.SetCellText(i, 4, sumnormal);
                            poi.SetCellText(i, 5, sumwork_normal);
                            poi.SetCellText(i, 6, sumwork_weekend);
                            poi.SetCellText(i, 7, sumwork_holiday);
                            poi.SetCellText(i, 8, sumunconfirmed_time);
                            poi.SetCellText(i, 9, sumrebut);
                            poi.SetCellText(i, 10, sumnormal + sumwork_normal + sumwork_weekend + sumwork_holiday);
                            poi.SetCellStyle_Row(i, 10, 8, cellstyle, cellred);//设置1到10列的样式
                            sumnormal = 0;
                            sumwork_weekend = 0;
                            sumwork_normal = 0;
                            sumwork_holiday = 0;
                            sumunconfirmed_time = 0;
                            sumrebut = 0;
                    #region 累加时间
                    if (item.Record_status != (int)enmStatus.删除 && item.Record_type == (int)enmRecord_type.正常工作)
                        normal += item.Work_time;
                    if (item.Record_status != (int)enmStatus.删除 && item.Record_type == (int)enmRecord_type.平时加班)
                        work_normal += item.Work_time;
                    if (item.Record_status != (int)enmStatus.删除 && item.Record_type == (int)enmRecord_type.双休日加班)
                        work_weekend += item.Work_time;
                    if (item.Record_status != (int)enmStatus.删除 && item.Record_type == (int)enmRecord_type.节假日加班)
                        work_holiday += item.Work_time;
                    if (item.Record_status == (int)enmStatus.未确认)
                        unconfirmed_time += item.Work_time;
                    if (item.Record_status == (int)enmStatus.驳回)
                        rebut += item.Work_time;
                    username = item.user.Username;
                    userid = item.User_id;
                    realname = item.user.Realname;
                    recorddata = item.Record_date.ToString("yyyy-MM");

                #region 最后一次
                //最后一次小计 因为最后一次直接跳出循环了 要新添记录
                poi.SetCellText(i, 1, username);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 2, realname);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 3, recorddata);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 4, normal);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 5, work_normal);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 6, work_weekend);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 7, work_holiday);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 8, unconfirmed_time);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 9, rebut);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 10, normal + work_normal + work_weekend + work_holiday);
                poi.SetCellStyle_Row(i, 10, 8, cellstyle, cellred);//设置1到10列的样式
                poi.MergedRegion(i, 1, i, 3);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 1, "小计:");
                poi.SetCellText(i, 4, sumnormal + normal);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 5, sumwork_normal + work_normal);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 6, sumwork_weekend + work_weekend);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 7, sumwork_holiday + work_holiday);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 8, sumunconfirmed_time + unconfirmed_time);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 9, sumrebut + rebut);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 10, sumnormal + sumwork_normal + sumwork_weekend + sumwork_holiday + normal + work_normal + work_weekend + work_holiday);
                poi.SetCellStyle_Row(i, 10, 8, cellstyle, cellred);//设置1到10列的样式
                poi.MergedRegion(i, 1, i, 3);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 1, "总计:");
                poi.SetCellText(i, 4, tempnormal + sumnormal + normal);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 5, tempwork_normal + sumwork_normal + work_normal);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 6, tempwork_weekend + sumwork_weekend + work_weekend);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 7, tempwork_holiday + sumwork_holiday + work_holiday);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 8, tempunconfirmed_time + sumunconfirmed_time + unconfirmed_time);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 9, temprebut + sumrebut + rebut);
                poi.SetCellText(i, 10, tempnormal + tempwork_normal + tempwork_weekend + tempwork_holiday + sumnormal + sumwork_normal + sumwork_weekend + sumwork_holiday + normal + work_normal + work_weekend + work_holiday);
                poi.SetCellStyle_Row(i, 10, 8, cellstyle, cellred);//设置1到10列的样式

            catch { }

        #region 导出项目成本(报销明细表)
        private static void costExpense(int id, string projectName, HSSFWorkbook workbook, ISheet sheet)
                PoiUtils poi = new PoiUtils(workbook, sheet);
                htcond.Add("project_id", id);
                htcond.Add("status_export", "");
                TB_expense_detail[] expenseTable = Expense_detailBusiness.FindAll(htcond);
                var expense = from item in expenseTable orderby item.User_id select item;
                //设置单元格样式 普通样式
                ICellStyle cellstyle;
                cellstyle = poi.GetCellStyle(3, 1);
                ICellStyle newlinecell;
                newlinecell = poi.GetCellStyle(3, 5);
                poi.SetCellText(1, 1, projectName + "_报销明细统计");
                int i = 3;
                foreach (var item in expense)
                    poi.SetCellText(i, 1, item.user.Username);
                    poi.SetCellText(i, 2, item.user.Realname);
                    poi.SetCellText(i, 3, item.Detail_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                    poi.SetCellText(i, 4, item.Money);
                    poi.SetCellText(i, 5, item.Remark.Trim());
                    poi.SetCellStyle_Rows(i, 1, 4, cellstyle);
                    poi.SetCellStyle(i, 5, newlinecell);
            catch { }


posted @ 2013-04-27 11:02  菱花淚硃砂  阅读(212)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报