随着版本的更新,对在使用mongodb的业务也进行了版本升级,但是在drop掉一个数据库时,问题来了,原来的用户随着删除库也被删除掉,但是再想通过原来的语法db.addUser()添加,一直报错,提示用db.createUser()命令创建。首先如果在除admin库之外的用户通过db.addUser... 阅读全文
Create a file called mongod.cfg in MongoDB folder if you dont have it. In my case: C:\Users\ivanbtrujillo\MongoDBThen, edit mongod.cfg with notepad an... 阅读全文
When you create a web API, it is often useful to create a help page, so that other developers will know how to call your API. You could create all of ... 阅读全文