
Effective C# 学习笔记(三十二)避免使用ICloneable接口

2011-07-17 23:34  小郝(Kaibo Hao)  阅读(330)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报






class BaseType : ICloneable


private string label = "class name";

private int[] values = new int[10];

public object Clone()


BaseType rVal = new BaseType();

rVal.label = label;

for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)

rVal.values[i] = values[i];

return rVal;



class Derived : BaseType


private double[] dValues = new double[10];

static void Main(string[] args)


Derived d = new Derived();

Derived d2 = d.Clone() as Derived;

if (d2 == null)




上面的代码的父类BaseType实现了ICloneable,但子类调用父类的Clone方法时返回的对象为BaseType,所以上面的方法对于d2的赋值只能是null ,因为他不能转换为Derived类型。




class BaseType


private string label;

private int[] values;

protected BaseType()


label = "class name";

values = new int[10];


// Used by devived values to clone

protected BaseType(BaseType right)


label = right.label;

values = right.values.Clone() as int[];




sealed class Derived : BaseType, ICloneable


private double[] dValues = new double[10];

public Derived()


dValues = new double[10];


// Construct a copy

// using the base class copy ctor

private Derived(Derived right) :base(right)


dValues = right.dValues.Clone()

as double[];


public object Clone()



Derived rVal = new Derived(this);

return rVal;



