function Event(sender) { this._sender = sender; this._listeners = []; } Event.prototype = { attach : function (listener) { this._listeners.push(listener); }, notify : function (args) { var index; for (index = 0; index < this._listeners.length; index += 1) { this._listeners[index](this._sender, args); } } }; /** * The Model. Model stores items and notifies * observers about changes. */ function ListModel(items) { this._items = items; this._selectedIndex = -1; this.itemAdded = new Event(this); this.itemRemoved = new Event(this); this.selectedIndexChanged = new Event(this); } ListModel.prototype = { getItems : function () { return [].concat(this._items); }, addItem : function (item) { this._items.push(item); this.itemAdded.notify({ item : item }); }, removeItemAt : function (index) { var item; item = this._items[index]; this._items.splice(index, 1); this.itemRemoved.notify({ item : item }); if (index === this._selectedIndex) { this.setSelectedIndex(-1); } }, getSelectedIndex : function () { return this._selectedIndex; }, setSelectedIndex : function (index) { var previousIndex; previousIndex = this._selectedIndex; this._selectedIndex = index; this.selectedIndexChanged.notify({ previous : previousIndex }); } }; /** * The View. View presents the model and provides * the UI events. The controller is attached to these * events to handle the user interraction. */ function ListView(model, elements) { this._model = model; this._elements = elements; this.listModified = new Event(this); this.addButtonClicked = new Event(this); this.delButtonClicked = new Event(this); var _this = this; // attach model listeners this._model.itemAdded.attach(function () { _this.rebuildList(); }); this._model.itemRemoved.attach(function () { _this.rebuildList(); }); // attach listeners to HTML controls this._elements.list.change(function (e) { _this.listModified.notify({ index : e.target.selectedIndex }); }); this._elements.addButton.click(function () { _this.addButtonClicked.notify(); }); this._elements.delButton.click(function () { _this.delButtonClicked.notify(); }); } ListView.prototype = { show : function () { this.rebuildList(); }, rebuildList : function () { var list, items, key; list = this._elements.list; list.html(''); items = this._model.getItems(); for (key in items) { if (items.hasOwnProperty(key)) { list.append($('<option>' + items[key] + '</option>')); } } this._model.setSelectedIndex(-1); } }; /** * The Controller. Controller responds to user actions and * invokes changes on the model. */ function ListController(model, view) { this._model = model; this._view = view; var _this = this; this._view.listModified.attach(function (sender, args) { _this.updateSelected(args.index); }); this._view.addButtonClicked.attach(function () { _this.addItem(); }); this._view.delButtonClicked.attach(function () { _this.delItem(); }); } ListController.prototype = { addItem : function () { var item = window.prompt('Add item:', ''); if (item) { this._model.addItem(item); } }, delItem : function () { var index; index = this._model.getSelectedIndex(); if (index !== -1) { this._model.removeItemAt(this._model.getSelectedIndex()); } }, updateSelected : function (index) { this._model.setSelectedIndex(index); } }; var model = new ListModel(['PHP', 'JavaScript']), view = new ListView(model, { 'list' : $('#list'), 'addButton' : $('#plusBtn'), 'delButton' : $('#minusBtn') }), controller = new ListController(model, view); view.show();