由于信号博弈也是动态贝叶斯博弈,因此也可以通过海萨尼转换直接表示成完全但不完美信息动态博弈。设自然(博弈方0)先按特定的概率分布从信号发出方的类型空间中为发出方随机选择一个类型,并将该类型告诉发出方(即发出一个信号);然后是接收方在自己的行为空间中选择一个行为(也称发出一个信号);最后接收方根据发出方的行为选择自己的行为。如果我们用表示信号发出方,用表示信号接收方,用 表示的类型空间,用 表示的行为空间,或者称信号空间,用表示 的行为空间,用和分别表示和的得益,并且自然为选择类型的概率分布为。因此,信号博奔的时间顺序可表示为:
(1)博弈方0(自然)以概率从可行的类型集中为发送者 选择类型,并让知道,这里对所有的, ,且 。
(2)发送者观测到后,从可行的信号集中选择行为 。
(4)发送者和接收者的得益和都取决于 、和。
注意 、和既可以是离散空间,也可以是连续空间。
这里,我们简单地将类型空间、可行信号集与可行行动集定义为有限集合,在实际应用中,它们常常表现为连续的区间,显然,此时可行信号集依赖于类型空间,而可行行动集则依赖于发送者发出的信号。这是一个简单的信号博弈,其中表示自然,, , ,图中 及表示自然选择类型时的概率分布。
在信号博弈中,发送者的纯策略是根据自然抽取的可能类型来选取相应的信号,因此,信号可视作类型的函数。接收者的纯策略是信号的函数,即根据观察到的发送者发出的信号确定自已的行动。在下图的信号博弈中,发送者 与接收者各有四个纯策略。
发送者的策略1,记为:若自然抽取,选择 ;若自然抽取,则选择;
发送者的策略2,记为:若自然抽取,选择 ;若自然抽取,则选择 ;
发送者的策略3,记为:若自然抽取,选择 ;若自然抽取,则选择 ;
发送者的策略4,记为:若自然抽取,选择 ;若自然抽取,则选择 ;
接收者的策略1,记为:若发出,选择 ;若 发出,则选择;
接收者的策略2,记为:若发出,选择 ;若 发出,则选择;
接收者的策略3,记为:若发出,选择 ;若 发出,则选择;
接收者的策略4,记为:若发出,选择 ;若 发出,则选择;
信号要求1:(把要求1应用于 ) 信号接收者 在观察到信号发出者 的信号后,必须有关于 的类型的推断,即 选择 时, 是每种类型 的概率分布 ,且 。
给出了信号发出方 信号和信号接收方 的推断后,再描述 的最优行为便十分简单。
信号要求2R:(把要求2应用于 ) 给定 的判断 和 的信号 的行为 必须使 的期望得益最大,即 是最大化问题
信号要求2S:(把要求2应用于 ) 给定 的策略 时, 的选择 必须使 的 得益最大,即 是最大化问题
信号要求3:(把要求3、4应用于 ) 对每个 ,如果存在 使得 ,则 在对应于 的信息集处的判断必须符合 的策略和贝叶斯法则。即使 不存在 使 在 对应的信息集处的判断也仍要符合 的策略和贝叶斯法则。即:
甲(参与人1)是一个工人,他可能属于能力较高的类型 (),能够给乙公司(参与人2)带来的收入;也可能属于能力较低 () 的类型,不能给公司带来任何收入。但是,一旦乙公司聘用了甲工人,就得支付的工资。显然,企业都愿意雇佣能力强的工人。不过能力是不可观测的,企业往往通过考察应聘者的教育背景来评估其能力强弱。假设为能力强的工人接受教育的成本,为能力弱的工人接受教育的成本,且,表示能力强的工人学习时只需要付出较低的成本。此外,还需要忽略教育对于工人生产力的提升作用,单纯考虑教育背景在向雇主“发信号”过程中的作用。
设和分别为企业在观察到工人的教育信号之前,对工人能力的先验信念(Prior beliefs)。在观察到工人的行动后,企业会对信念进行修正,修正后的信念被称为后验信念(Posterior beliefs)。假设企业之后观察到工人选择了接受教育(E),那么公司通过聘用该工人(J)所获得的期望收益为:
公司不聘用该工人 (NJ) 所获得的收益为 0, 因此, 只需要比较 (1) 式与0的大小即可。当 时,聘用该工人 ( 是企业的最优反应。问题的关链变成了: 如何求解 。
其中, 是给定的先验信念,也就是工人能力的概率分布; 条件概率 表示能力强的工人接受教育的概率, 表示能力差的工人接受数育的概率,这些则由工人的均衡策略给出。
运用数值例子可以更好地说明这一点。假设 ,即只有能力强的工人才会接受教育,教育是甄别能力强弱的唯一信号,从而
也就是说,只要企业观察到工人接受了教育,就会认为其是一个能力强的人。这就是所调的“学历光环" 。
而如果教育普及,无论能力高低都接受教育: , 则
注意 。她就是说,大家都读书的结果等于大家都没读书(微观个体层面上),企业还是依靠初始的信念判断工人的能力高低。换言之,此时教育失去了其 “发信号”的意义。
在一个分离均衡中,各个类型的参与人 1 会采取不同的行动。一个合理的假设是: 能力强的工人接受教育并以此为信号向雇主传递关于自身能力的信息,而能力差的工人不再接受教育。
给定这些策略后, 根据贝叶斯公式:
那么,对于企业而言,如果观察到工人接受了教育,最优反应应当是提供职位 ——这样做的期望收益是 ,大于不提供岗位时的 0 收益;反之,如果观察到工人没有接受教育,最优反应是不提供职位 (NJ) ——这样做的期望收益是 0 ,大于提供岗位时的 收益。
下一步便是分析在给定企业策略 的情况下,工人有没有意愿背离分离策略 。能力强的工人接受教育可以获得的收益是 。为了保证其接受教育, 需要大于不接受教育时的收益 0 :
能力差的工人不接受教育可以获得的收益为 0 。如果接受教育,企业就会把他当作能力强的工人看待,此时能力差的工人的收益为 。为了保证能力差的工人不会接受教育, 就应该小于0:
综合上面两个不等式,可知当且仅当 时,分离均衡才成立: 能力强的工人才会接受教育,接受教育的工人则一定会被企业聘用。
下面检验 是否为企业的最优选择。根据贝叶斯公式,企业的后验信念为:
也就是说, 先验信念和后验信念相同。
企业选择 ,说明聘用E的期望收益不小于不聘用的收益 0 :
类似地,企业选择 ,说明聘用NE的期望收益不大于 0 :
Education Signaling: The MBA Game
This section analyzes a very simple version of an education signaling game in the spirit of Spence’s work that sheds some light on the signaling value of education. To focus attention on the signaling value of education, we will ignore any productive value that education may provide. That is, we assume that a person learns nothing productive from education but has to “suffer” the loss of time and the hard work of studying to get a diploma, in this case an MBA degree.1 The game proceeds in the following steps:
- Nature chooses player 1’s skill (productivity at work), which can be high or low , and only player 1 knows his skill. Thus his type set is . The probability that player 1’s type is is given by , and it is common knowledge that this is Nature’s prior distribution.
- After player 1 learns his type, he can choose whether to get an MBA degree or be content with his undergraduate-level degree , so that his action set is . Getting an MBA requires some effort that is type dependent. Player 1 incurs a private cost if he gets an MBA, and a cost of 0 if he does not. We assume that high-skilled types find it easier to study, captured by the assumption that . We assume in particular that and .
- Player 2 is an employer, who can assign player 1 to one of two jobs. Specifically player 2 can assign player 1 to be either a manager or a blue-collar worker , so that his action set is . The employer will retain the profit from the project and must pay a wage to the worker depending on the job assignment. The market wage for a manager is and that for a bluecollar worker is , where . We assume in particular that and .
- Player 2’s payoff (the employer’s profit) is determined by the combination of skill and job assignments. It is assumed that the MBA degree adds nothing to productivity. A high-skilled worker is relatively better at managing, while a low-skilled worker is relatively better at blue-collar work. The employer’s net profits from the possible skill-assignment matches are given in the following table:
Skill\ Assignment | M | B |
H | 10 | 5 |
L | 0 | 3 |
Given the information about the game that is laid out in (1)–(4), the complete game tree is represented in Figure 16.1. Because player 2 does not know player 1’s type and only observes his choice, there are two information sets. The two nodes that follow the choice are in one information set, and the two nodes that follow the choice are in the second information set. In the analysis that follows, we refer to the first information set as and to the second as .
First, to define beliefs, let denote the belief of player 2 that player 1’s type is conditional on player 1 choosing , and similarly let denote the belief of player2 that player 1’s type is conditional on player 1 choosing . These beliefs will be determined by the distribution of Nature’s choice, together with the beliefs that player 2 holds about the strategy that player 1 is playing. For equilibrium analysis, these beliefs will be determined according to requirements 15.2 and 15.3 described in Section 15.2.
In general if player 1 is using a mixed strategy in which type chooses with probability and type chooses with probability , and if both and are strictly between 0 and 1 (i.e., the two types are choosing nondegenerate mixed strategies) then requirement 15.2 implies that by Bayes’ rule
Notice that if both (both types are choosing ) then beliefs are well defined only by (16.1) from Bayes’ rule, so that , while from (16.2) beliefs are not well defined by Bayes’ rule, so we have the freedom to choose . Similarly if both (both types are choosing ) then is not well defined while .
We are now ready to proceed to find the perfect Bayesian equilibria in the MBA game. Because each player has two information sets with two actions in each of these sets, each player has four pure strategies. Let player 1’s strategy be denoted , where denotes what player 1 does if he is type . Similarly let denote player 2’s strategy, where denotes what player 2 does if he observes that player 1 chose .
To make our analysis more straightforward, assume that Nature chooses player1’s type according to , so that we can derive the matrix that is the normalform representation of the MBA Bayesian game. As we have demonstrated earlierfor the entry game, the payoffs in the matrix are calculated by taking each pair of pure strategies, observing which paths are played with the different probabilities that are due to Nature’s choice, and then writing down the derived expected payoffs from this pair of strategies. For example, if are the pair of strategies then with probability , Nature chooses type for player 1 who chooses , and in response player 2 chooses , yielding a payoff pair of . This follows because player 1 gets a wage of 10 and incurs no cost of obtaining an MBA, while player 2 assigns a high-skill worker to a managerial job, so he obtains a payoff of 10 as well. With probability Nature chooses type for player 1 who chooses , and in response player 2 chooses , yielding a payoff pair of . This follows because player 1’s net payoff is 6-5 = 1 (wage equal to 6 and a cost of studying equal to 5) and player 2,s net payoff is 3 (assigning a low-skill worker to a blue-collar job). The expected pair of payoffs for the players from the strategy is therefore Similarly we can calculate the expected payoffs for all the other 15 entries in the Bayesian game matrix. Notice that when player 1 plays the same action for the different types (rows 1 and 4) then part of player 2’s strategy is never used, so there are repeat entries which reduce the number of calculations needed. The matrix representation is
If we follow the method of underlining player 1’s best responses for each column and overlining player 2’s best responses for each row, we immediately observe that there are two pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibria: and . To see whether these can be part of a perfect Bayesian equilibrium, we need to find a system of beliefs that support the proposed behavior, and that together with these strategies satisfy requirements 15.1–15.4. From proposition 15.1 it follows that can be part of a perfect Bayesian equilibrium because all of the information sets are reached with positive probability. In particular the derived beliefs from are and . It follows from the Bayesian game matrix that player 2 is playing a best response to these beliefs in each of his information sets, and that player 1 is playing a best response in each of his. So together with and constitute a perfect Bayesian equilibrium. What about the pair of strategies ? From (16.1) and (16.2), unique beliefs are derived only for information set because is reached with zero probability. In particular and is not well defined. It is easy to check that player 2 choosing B is a best response in information set to the belief . Therefore to see whether can be part of a perfect Bayesian equilibrium we need to see if there are beliefs μD that support B as a best response for player 2 in information set . For to be a best response in the information set , it must be the case that given the belief the expected payoff from is higher than the expected payoff from M. This can be written down as
which is true if and only if . This implies that we can support as part of a perfect Bayesian equilibrium. In particular , together with belief and any belief satisfying , constitutes a perfect Bayesian equilibrium. We conclude that in the first perfect Bayesian equilibrium with strategies , different types of player 1 choose different actions, thus using their actions to reveal to player 2 their true types. In other words, this is a separating perfect Bayesian equilibrium. In the second perfect Bayesian equilibrium, with strategies , both types of player 1 do the same thing, and thus player 2 learns nothing from player 1’s action; this is a pooling perfect Bayesian equilibrium.
(2)假定目标企业在时期的价值服从上的均匀分布,目标企业知道 的确切值;高质量的目标企业价值大,低质量的目标企业价值小;并购企业不知道,但知道目标企业属于 的先验概率。
(3)目标企业根据自己的类型向并购企业传递信号 (我们假定目标企业发出的信号能真实地反映目标企业的类型,不存在欺诈现象)。并购企业能从信号中推断出目标企业的预期价值水平,也就是目标企业会根据自己的真实情况向并购企业传递信息,而不是传递虚假信息。若并购企业为知情者,则其推断出目标企业的预期价值水平为 ,若并购企业为未知情者,则其推断出目标企业的预期价值水平为 ,其中,为目标企业发出的信号,为未知情的并购企业依据目标企业的信号推断出的目标企业的最大预期价值水平。
(4)并购企业不知道目标企业的类型,只知道目标企业属于 的概率分布,则目标企业向并购企业发出信号 时,并购企业根据目标企业发出的信号推断出目标企业的预期价值水平为 。
(5)对于目标企业而言,其目标是最大化时企业的价值和 时的预期价值水平的加权平均:
其中, 是目标企业发出信号时,目标企业在 时期的价值: 是时期目标企业预期价值的权重, ;为目标企业在寿命期内经营成功的概率;,是目标企业在寿命期内经营失败的概率, 为目标企业在寿命期内经营一般的概率;是目标企业在寿合期内完全失败时道受的破产惩罚,:是目标企业经营一般时企业的价值, 。
(2)并购企业在观察到目标企业发出的信号后,依据贝叶斯法则对其先验概率进行修正,得出后验概率,并据此判断目标企业的预期价值水平 。
(3)目标企业知道并购企业对其发出信号的反应,因而发出最优信号值 ,使自身的效用函数最大,即通过求,得出 的最优值。
(2)并购企业接收到的信号得出后验概率,并确定对目标企业预期价值水平的评估为 ,使得:
①基于目标企业的信念,给定并购企业对信号的反应,假定目标企业的目标是最大化时的价值和 时的预期价值水平的加权平均,即:
根据(2)式可以看出,价值水平 越高的目标企业,其失败的可能性越小,将 代人 (1) 式,有:
对 (3) 式求导,得一阶条件:
出现均衡时,并购企业能从目标企业发出的信号 正确的推断出 ,即如果 是属于类型 的目标企业的最好适择,则 ,所以 ,将其代入 (4) 式得:
求解 (5) 式得:
(6) 式为目标企业经背者的均衡策略,将 代人 (6) 式,可以得到目标企线的 价值水平表达式如 (7) 式所示:
根据 (7) 式可以看出,目标企业的质量越高,价值就越大;虽然并购企业不能直接观察到目标企业的准确信息,但可以通过分析目标企业发出的信号 来判断目标企业真实的价值水平,从而做出正确的并购决策。
- 第五章 博弈论(5):不完全信息博弈
- 一个信号博弈模型的解法
- 史蒂文.泰迪里斯. 博弈论导论(Game Theory:An Introduction)[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2015.
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