Pairs of Integers

Pairs of Integers

You are to find all pairs of integers such that their sum is equal to the given integer number N and the second number results from the first one by striking out one of its digits. The first integer always has at least two digits and starts with a non-zero digit. The second integer always has one digit less than the first integer and may start with a zero digit.


The input consists of a single integer N (10 ≤ N ≤ 10 9).


Write the total number of different pairs of integers that satisfy the problem statement. Then write all those pairs. Write one pair on a line in ascending order of the first integer in the pair. Each pair must be written in the following format:
X + Y = N
Here XY, and N must be replaced with the corresponding integer numbers. There should be exactly one space on both sides of '+' and '=' characters.


251 + 51 = 302
275 + 27 = 302
276 + 26 = 302
281 + 21 = 302
301 + 01 = 302


//题意是,给出一个数,问有哪些数少掉某一位,与原数相加可得这个数,列出所有情况,第一个加数不能有前导 0 ,后一个可以有,

还有,重复的情况只能输出一个 比如 455 + 55 = 510 去掉 455 第一个5,和第二个5都能得510 ,只要输出一次就可以了



不过这题有点不一样,要按第一个数大小排序,还要去掉重复的,还要记得在第二个加数可能要补0 ,不过这都是些小问题。。。

15ms 比较快

 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <iostream>
 3 #include <algorithm>
 4 using namespace std;
 6 struct Num
 7 {
 8     int a,b;
 9     int z;
10 }num[1000];
11 int t;
13 bool cmp(Num x,Num y)
14 {
15     return x.a<y.a;
16 }
18 void read(int x,int y)
19 {
20     int a=x,b=y;
21     int lenx=0,leny=0;
22     while (a!=0)
23     {
24         lenx++;
25         a/=10;
26     }
27     while (b!=0)
28     {
29         leny++;
30         b/=10;
31     }
32     if (y==0) leny=1;
33     num[t].a=x;
34     num[t].b=y;
35     num[t].z=lenx-1-leny;
36     t++;
37 }
39 int main()
40 {
41     int N;
42     while (scanf("%d",&N)!=EOF)
43     {
44         t=0;
45         for (int i=1;i<=N;i*=10)
46         {
47             int a=N/i/11;
48             int b=N/i%11;
50             if (b<10)
51             {
52                 int c=(N-N/i*i)/2;
53                 if ((11*a+b)*i+2*c==N)
54                     read( (10*a+b)*i+c , a*i+c );
55             }
56             b--;
57             if (a+b&&b>=0)
58             {
59                 int c=(N-N/i*i+i)/2;
60                 if ((11*a+b)*i+2*c==N)
61                     read( (10*a+b)*i+c , a*i+c );
62             }
63         }
64         sort(num,num+t,cmp);
65         int real_t=0;
66         for (int i=0;i<t;i++)
67         {
68             if (i!=0&&num[i].a==num[i-1].a) continue;
69             real_t++;
70         }
71         printf("%d\n",real_t);
72         for (int i=0;i<t;i++)
73         {
74             if (i!=0&&num[i].a==num[i-1].a) continue;
75             printf("%d + ",num[i].a);
76             for (int j=0;j<num[i].z;j++)
77                 printf("0");
78             printf("%d = %d\n",num[i].b,N);
79         }
80     }
81     return 0;
82 }
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posted @ 2016-12-13 21:48  happy_codes  阅读(337)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报