【转载】NMEA 解析程序
#ifndef _GPS_MONITER_HH_ #define _GPS_MONITER_HH_ BOOL InitSerailPort(CString csSerialPort,LPVOID pParent = NULL); DWORD WINAPI ReadNMEAThread(LPVOID lpParameter); void SetSystemTimeFormUTC(CString csDate,CString csUTCTime); void DeinitSerialPort(void); #endif
#include "stdafx.h" #include "GPSMoniter.h" #define SATTATOLNUMBER 32 // 用于在 GPS 监控界面显示 NMEA 信息 char gcBuff[4096]; CString gcsTime; CString gcsDate; int gdSignalNumber[SATTATOLNUMBER]; CString csLat; CString csLatdir; CString csLon; CString csLondir; CString csAltitude; CString csSpeed; CString csOrientation; int nNumDisplayed; int giGSVSatNumber; HANDLE ghCommHandle; HANDLE nmeathread_hand; // Global handle to the NMEA reading thread CString gcsGPSState; //定位: A; 导航: V CString gcsTimeOp; CString gcsLatField; CString gcsLonField; int giResult; int giSalNumber; int giGSVCurrentPackage; int giHourDiff; BOOL InitSerailPort(CString csSerialPort,LPVOID pParent) { DCB commDCB; COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts; ghCommHandle = CreateFile(csSerialPort, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, NULL); if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == ghCommHandle) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("Opening GPS %s failed: %d!\r\n"),csSerialPort,(int)GetLastError())); return FALSE; } commDCB.DCBlength = sizeof (DCB); if(!GetCommState(ghCommHandle,&commDCB)) { CloseHandle(ghCommHandle); ghCommHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; RETAILMSG(1,(L"Failed in getting GPS %s DCB settings: %d!\r\n",csSerialPort,(int)GetLastError())); return FALSE; } commDCB.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB); commDCB.BaudRate = 9600; // Current baud commDCB.ByteSize = 8; // Number of bits/bytes, 4-8 commDCB.Parity = NOPARITY; // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space commDCB.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2 // Setting serial port to Centrality speicifcations if(!SetCommState(ghCommHandle,&commDCB)) { CloseHandle(ghCommHandle); ghCommHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; RETAILMSG(1,(L"Error in trying to set GPS %s DCB settings: %d!\r\n",csSerialPort,(int)GetLastError())); return FALSE; } // Get the default timeout settings for port if(!GetCommTimeouts(ghCommHandle, &timeouts)) { CloseHandle(ghCommHandle); ghCommHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; RETAILMSG(1,(L"Failed in getting GPS %s timeout settings: %d!\r\n",csSerialPort,(int)GetLastError())); return FALSE; } // RETAILMSG(1,(L"%s DCB set successfully!\r\n",csSerialPort)); // Change the timeouts structure settings to Centrality settings timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 500; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0; // Set the time-out parameters for all read and write operations on the port. if(!SetCommTimeouts(ghCommHandle,&timeouts)) { CloseHandle(ghCommHandle); ghCommHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; RETAILMSG(1,(L"Error in trying to set GPS %s timeout settings: %d!\r\n",csSerialPort,(int)GetLastError())); return FALSE; } if(0 != SetCommMask(ghCommHandle,EV_RXCHAR)) { RETAILMSG(1,(L"==Set %s mask OK!\r\n",csSerialPort)); } else { RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("==Set %s mask failure:%d!\r\n"),csSerialPort,GetLastError())); } nmeathread_hand = CreateThread(NULL,0,ReadNMEAThread,pParent,0,NULL); //nmeathread_hand = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ReadNMEAThread, this, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL); if(!nmeathread_hand) { RETAILMSG(1, (L"Could not create NMEA read thread.\r\n")); return FALSE; } else { //SetThreadPriority(nmeathread_hand, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL); //ResumeThread(nmeathread_hand); } SYSTEMTIME stUTC; SYSTEMTIME stLocal; GetLocalTime(&stLocal); GetSystemTime(&stUTC); giHourDiff = stLocal.wHour - stUTC.wHour; return TRUE; } // nmeathread_hand = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ReadNMEAThread, this, 0, NULL); DWORD WINAPI ReadNMEAThread(LPVOID lpParameter) { //DECLARE_USER_MESSAGE(UWM_NEW_NMEA); int start, endline, onestart, oneend, linelen, degdig, iPos; ULONG bytesRead; DWORD EventMask = EV_RXCHAR; CString field; TCHAR *stopstring; static int iCount = 0; CWnd *mpNmea; mpNmea = (CWnd*)lpParameter; // Wait on the event while(WaitCommEvent(ghCommHandle, &EventMask, NULL)) { // RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("---------------------------------------------ReadNMEAThread:%d,Tick: %d\r\n"),iCount++,GetTickCount())); // Clear the buffer before you start reading memset(gcBuff, 0, 4096); // Read from serial port (4b) if (ReadFile(ghCommHandle, gcBuff, 4096, &bytesRead, NULL)) { if(bytesRead == 0) continue; CString dacstr(gcBuff); /*Leo:从串口读GPS卫星数据*/ start = 0; endline = 0; // Parse/Process the output (4c) while(1) { int i = 0; start = dacstr.Find(L"$G", start); if(start < 0) break; endline = dacstr.Find(L"\r\n", start); if(endline < 0) break; linelen = endline - start; //DebugOutput(MSG_DEBUG, "GPSViewer msg: start = %d endline = %d length = %d", start, endline, linelen); // Extract one line CString oneline; oneline = dacstr.Mid(start, linelen); #if _DEBUG // RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("*******************************GPSViewer msg: Oneline = %s\r\n"),oneline)); #endif onestart = 0; oneend = 0; i = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //$GPRMC,075017.31,V,2232.6057,N,11356.3074,E,,,190708,,W,N*15 //$GPRMC,080525.82,A,2232.5196,N,11356.3719,E,,,190708,,W,A*08 if(oneline.Left(6) == L"$GPRMC") { while((iPos = oneline.Find(L",")) >= 0) { field = oneline.Left(iPos); i ++; oneline = oneline.Mid(iPos + 1); if(3 == i) { gcsGPSState = field; } else if(10 == i) // <9>当前UTC日期ddmmyy 格式 - 例如: 030222 { gcsDate = field; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //$GPGGA,080514.82,2232.5203,N,11356.3719,E,1,6,1.327,239.386,M,,M,,*4D else if(oneline.Left(6) == L"$GPGGA") { while((iPos = oneline.Find(L",")) >= 0) { static int iOrientation = 0; field = oneline.Left(iPos); i ++; oneline = oneline.Mid(iPos + 1); if (i == 2) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(iOrientation != giResult) { RETAILMSG(1,(L"[GPS]Status of GPS is changed: %d(Old: %d)\r\n",giResult,iOrientation)); iOrientation = giResult; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gcsTimeOp = field; // 将格式从: --:--:--.-- 修改为: --:--:-- ,即不显示秒后的数据 ---Leo 2009-03-26 CString csTmp = gcsTimeOp.Right(5); CString csHour = gcsTimeOp.Left(2); int iHour = _wtoi(csHour); if(iHour + giHourDiff < 24) { csHour.Format(L"%d",iHour + giHourDiff); } else { csHour.Format(L"%d",((iHour + giHourDiff) - 24)); } // gcsTime = csHour + L":" + time.Mid(2,2) + L":" + csTmp.Left(2); gcsTime = csHour + gcsTimeOp.Mid(2,2) + csTmp.Left(2); } else if (i == 3) { //Get Latitude from GGA - Value may not be valid. Check flag to be sure. gcsLatField = field; degdig = gcsLatField.GetLength() - 2; csLat = gcsLatField.Left(2) + CString(" ") + gcsLatField.Right(degdig); } else if (i == 4) { //Get Latitude Direction (N,S) from GGA - Value may not be valid. Check flag to be sure. csLatdir = field; } else if (i == 5) { //Get Longitude from GGA - Value may not be valid. Check flag to be sure. gcsLonField = field; degdig = gcsLonField.GetLength() - 3; csLon = gcsLonField.Left(3) + CString(" ") + gcsLonField.Right(degdig); } else if (i == 6) { //Get Longitude Direction (E,W) from GGA - Value may not be valid. Check flag to be sure. csLondir = field; } else if (i == 7) //<6>GPS状态批示0-未定位 1-无差分定位信息 2-带差分定位信息 { //Get Flag from GGA indicating position fix. Position output from GGA is valid. giResult = atoi((const char*)((LPCTSTR)field)); if(0 == giResult) { // RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("===No orientation\r\n"))); } else if(1 == giResult) { // RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("===Orientation with no difference\r\n"))); } else if(2 == giResult) { // RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("===Orientation with difference\r\n"))); } } else if (i == 10) { csAltitude = field; } } } //$GPGSV,3,3,11,29,21,93,36,30,33,40,36,31,49,324,*46 else if (oneline.Left(6) == L"$GPGSV") { while((iPos = oneline.Find(L",")) >= 0) { field = oneline.Left(iPos); i ++; oneline = oneline.Mid(iPos + 1); if(3 == i) { if(_ttoi(field) > 0) { giGSVCurrentPackage = _ttoi(field); if (giGSVCurrentPackage == 1) // new GSV sentence { nNumDisplayed = 0; for(int j = 0;j < SATTATOLNUMBER;j++) { gdSignalNumber[j] = -1; } } } } else if(4 == i) { if(_tcstod(field, &stopstring) > 0) { giGSVSatNumber = (int)_tcstod(field, &stopstring); } } else if(0 == (i - 5) % 4) //卫星的PRV号星号 { if (_ttoi(field) > 0) { giSalNumber = _ttoi(field); } } else if(3 == (i - 5) % 4) // SNR { if (_ttoi(field) > 0) { gdSignalNumber[giSalNumber-1] = _ttoi(field); nNumDisplayed++; } } } if ((iPos = oneline.Find(L"*")) >= 0) // last sat { field = oneline.Left(iPos); i ++; if(3 == (i - 5) % 4) // SNR { if (_ttoi(field) > 0) { gdSignalNumber[giSalNumber-1] = _ttoi(field); nNumDisplayed++; } } } } //$GPVTG,<1>,T,<2>,M,<3>,N,<4>,K,<5>*hh // <1> 对地航向(单位:度) // <2> 磁偏角(单位:度) // <3> 对地航速(单位:哩/小时) // <4> 地面速率(0000.0~1851.8公里/小时,前面的0也将被传输) //如: $GPVTG,359.95,T,,M,15.15,N,28.0,K,A*04 else if(oneline.Left(6) == L"$GPVTG") { while((iPos = oneline.Find(L",")) >= 0) { field = oneline.Left(iPos); i ++; oneline = oneline.Mid(iPos + 1); if(2 == i) { csOrientation = field; } else if(8 == i) { csSpeed = field; } } } start = endline + 2; } // end of buffer processing } //Sleep(1000);// end of ReadFile } // end of WaitCommEvent { // RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("Exit GPS thread:%d"),GetLastError())); } return 0; }// end of ReadNMEAThread //csDate: 01-01-03 //csUTCTime: 04:07:44.08 void SetSystemTimeFormUTC(CString csDate,CString csUTCTime) { SYSTEMTIME st; int iHour = 0; int iMinute = 0; int iSecond = 0; int iYear = 0; int iMonth = 0; int iDay = 0; CString csSubString; TCHAR *stopstring; // RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("====Set system time from UTC.Date: %s, Time: %s"),csDate,csUTCTime)); GetSystemTime(&st); csSubString = csDate.Left(2); iDay = (int)_tcstod(csSubString, &stopstring); csSubString = csDate.Mid(3,2); iMonth = (int)_tcstod(csSubString, &stopstring); csSubString = csDate.Right(2); iYear = 2000 + (int)_tcstod(csSubString, &stopstring); st.wYear = iYear; st.wMonth = iMonth; st.wDay = iDay; csSubString = csUTCTime.Left(2); iHour = (int)_tcstod(csSubString, &stopstring); csSubString = csUTCTime.Mid(3,2); iMinute = (int)_tcstod(csSubString, &stopstring); csSubString = csUTCTime.Mid(6,2); iSecond = (int)_tcstod(csSubString, &stopstring); st.wHour = iHour; st.wMinute = iMinute; st.wSecond = iSecond; SetSystemTime(&st); } void DeinitSerialPort(void) { SetCommMask(ghCommHandle,0); if(nmeathread_hand) { TerminateThread(nmeathread_hand,1); CloseHandle(nmeathread_hand); } if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != ghCommHandle) { EscapeCommFunction(ghCommHandle,CLRDTR); EscapeCommFunction(ghCommHandle,CLRRTS); //清除驱动程序内部的发送和接收队列 PurgeComm(ghCommHandle,PURGE_TXCLEAR|PURGE_RXCLEAR); CloseHandle(ghCommHandle); ghCommHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } }