CText和微软的Static Control类似,都是用以显示文字信息。最大的不同,可能就在于CText能更方便设置字体的信息,比如:大小,颜色等等。
class CText { public: //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set all the property for the control // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SetProperty(const Text::Property &Property); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Get all the property of the control // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Text::Property GetProperty(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the strikeOut // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetStrikeOut(BOOL bStrikeOut); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the underline // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetUnderline(BOOL bUnderline); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the italic // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetItalic(BOOL bItalic); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Specifies the weight of the font in the range 0 through 1000. For example, //400 is normal and 700 is bold. If this value is zero, a default weight is used. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SetWeight(int iWeight); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Get the position as rect // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- RECT GetPosition(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the point size of text // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetPointSize(int iPointSize); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set Format. // //Parameters: // The value you should see the uFormat of DrawText() //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetFormat(UINT uFormat); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the background color // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetBkColor(COLORREF crColor); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the text color // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetTextColor(COLORREF crColor); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the background mode. // //Parameters: // iMode: [in] The value is just like as follow: // OPAQUE -- Background is filled with the current background color before the text, // hatched brush, or pen is drawn. // TRANSPARENT -- Background remains untouched. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SetBkMode(int iMode); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Display the text stored. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void Draw(HDC hdc); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the text. If you want to display the text ,you should call the Display() // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SetText(const TSTRING &strText); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set the control position // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetPosition(const RECT &rcWndPos); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Get the text. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- TSTRING GetText(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //Description: // Set font face name // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SetFaceName(const TSTRING &strFaceName); public: CText(); virtual ~CText(); private: Text::Property m_Property;
DT_BOTTOM Justifies the text to the bottom of the rectangle. You must combine this value with DT_SINGLELINE.
DT_CALCRECT Determines the width and height of the rectangle. If the rectangle includes multiple lines of text, DrawText uses the width of the rectangle pointed to by the lpRect parameter and extends the base of the rectangle to bound the last line of text. If the rectangle includes only one line of text, DrawText modifies the right side of the rectangle so that it bounds the last character in the line. In either case, DrawText returns the height of the formatted text but does not draw the text. Before calling DrawText, an application must set the right and bottom members of the RECT structure pointed to by lpRect. These members are updated with the call to DrawText.
DT_CENTER Centers text horizontally in the rectangle.
DT_END_ELLIPSIS Truncates a text string that is wider than the display rectangle and adds an ellipsis to indicate the truncation.
DT_EXPANDTABS Expands tab characters. The default number of characters per tab is eight.
DT_INTERNAL Uses the system font to calculate text metrics.
DT_LEFT Aligns text to the left.
DT_NOCLIP Draws without clipping. DrawText is somewhat faster when DT_NOCLIP is used.
DT_NOPREFIX Turns off processing of prefix characters. Normally, DrawText interprets the mnemonic-prefix character & as a directive to underscore the character that follows, and the mnemonic-prefix characters && as a directive to print a single &. By specifying DT_NOPREFIX, this processing is turned off.
DT_RIGHT Aligns text to the right.
DT_RTLREADING Layout in right-to-left reading order for bi-directional text when the font selected into the hdc is a Hebrew or Arabic font. The default reading order for all text is left-to-right.
DT_SINGLELINE Displays text on a single line only. Carriage returns and linefeeds do not break the line.
DT_TABSTOP Sets tab stops. Bits 8–15, which form the high-order byte of the low-order word, of the uFormat parameter specify the number of characters for each tab. The default number of characters per tab is eight. You cannot use the DT_CALCRECT, DT_EXTERNALLEADING, DT_INTERNAL, DT_NOCLIP, and DT_NOPREFIX values with the DT_TABSTOP value.
DT_TOP Top-justifies text. You must combine this value with DT_SINGLELINE.
DT_VCENTER Centers text vertically. You must combine this value with DT_SINGLELINE.
DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS Truncates any word that does not fit in the display rectangle and adds an ellipsis.
DT_WORDBREAK Breaks words. DrawText automatically breaks lines between words if a word would extend past the edge of the rectangle specified by the lpRect parameter. A carriage return-linefeed sequence also breaks the line.
namespace Text
struct Property
RECT rcWndPos;
TSTRING strText;
UINT uFormat;
int iPointSize;
int iBkMode;
COLORREF crTextColor;
int iWeight;
BOOL bItalic;
BOOL bUnderline;
BOOL bStrikeOut;
TSTRING strFaceName;
CText *pText = GetText(TEXT("TXT_EXIT"));