Echarts 数据视图 生成Excel的方法
2)handsontable 0.32.0
1、 jquery.table2excel.js 和Echarts数据视图结合的取巧方案
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> <script src="~/Scripts/table2excel/jquery.table2excel.js"></script>
toolbox: { right: '20px', feature: { dataView: { show: true, title: '数据视图', //readOnly: true, //设置只读,会隐藏刷新按钮。 lang: ['数据视图', '关闭', '导出Excel'], contentToOption: function (opts) { $("#tableExcel_Day").table2excel({ exclude: ".noExl", //过滤位置的 css 类名 filename: productSelectName + '每日价格走势图' + ".xls", //文件名称 name: "Excel Document Name.xls", exclude_img: true, exclude_links: true, exclude_inputs: true }); }, optionToContent: function (opt) { // console.log(opt); var axisData = opt.xAxis[0].data; //坐标数据 var series = opt.series; //折线图数据 var tdHeads = '<td style="padding: 0 10px">时间</td>'; //表头第一列 var tdBodys = ''; //表数据 //组装表头 var nameData = new Array('田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格', '交易量'); for (var i = 0; i < nameData.length; i++) { tdHeads += '<td style="padding: 0 10px">' + nameData[i] + '</td>'; } var table = '<table id="tableExcel_Day" border="1" class="table-bordered table-striped" style="width:100%;text-align:center" ><tbody><tr>' + tdHeads + ' </tr>'; //组装表数据 for (var i = 0, l = axisData.length; i < l; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < series.length ; j++) { var temp = series[j].data[i]; if (temp != null && temp != undefined) { tdBodys += '<td>' + temp.toFixed(2) + '</td>'; } else { tdBodys += '<td></td>'; } } table += '<tr><td style="padding: 0 10px">' + axisData[i] + '</td>' + tdBodys + '</tr>'; tdBodys = ''; } table += '</tbody></table>'; // console.log(table); return table; } }, dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, saveAsImage: { show: true } } },
解释 1、通过id即tableExcel_Day来找到表格。
2、exclude: “.noExl” : 有class = “noExl” 的行不被导出;
三、jquery.table2excel.js 脚本:
/* * jQuery table2excel - v1.1.1 * jQuery plugin to export an .xls file in browser from an HTML table * * * Made by rainabba * Under MIT License */ /* * jQuery table2excel - v1.1.1 * jQuery plugin to export an .xls file in browser from an HTML table * * * Made by rainabba * Under MIT License */ //table2excel.js ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { var pluginName = "table2excel", defaults = { exclude: ".noExl", name: "Table2Excel", filename: "table2excel", fileext: ".xls", exclude_img: true, exclude_links: true, exclude_inputs: true }; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin ( element, options ) { this.element = element; // jQuery has an extend method which merges the contents of two or // more objects, storing the result in the first object. The first object // is generally empty as we don't want to alter the default options for // future instances of the plugin // this.settings = $.extend( {}, defaults, options ); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function () { var e = this; var utf8Heading = "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"application/; charset=UTF-8\">"; e.template = { head: "<html xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\" xmlns=\"\">" + utf8Heading + "<head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets>", sheet: { head: "<x:ExcelWorksheet><x:Name>", tail: "</x:Name><x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet>" }, mid: "</x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]--></head><body>", table: { head: "<table>", tail: "</table>" }, foot: "</body></html>" }; e.tableRows = []; // get contents of table except for exclude $(e.element).each( function(i,o) { var tempRows = ""; $(o).find("tr").not(e.settings.exclude).each(function (i,p) { tempRows += "<tr>"; $(p).find("td,th").not(e.settings.exclude).each(function (i,q) { // p did not exist, I corrected var rc = { rows: $(this).attr("rowspan"), cols: $(this).attr("colspan"), flag: $(q).find(e.settings.exclude) }; if( rc.flag.length > 0 ) { tempRows += "<td> </td>"; // exclude it!! } else { if( rc.rows & rc.cols ) { tempRows += "<td>" + $(q).html() + "</td>"; } else { tempRows += "<td"; if( rc.rows > 0) { tempRows += " rowspan=\'" + rc.rows + "\' "; } if( rc.cols > 0) { tempRows += " colspan=\'" + rc.cols + "\' "; } tempRows += "/>" + $(q).html() + "</td>"; } } }); tempRows += "</tr>"; // console.log(tempRows); }); // exclude img tags if(e.settings.exclude_img) { tempRows = exclude_img(tempRows); } // exclude link tags if(e.settings.exclude_links) { tempRows = exclude_links(tempRows); } // exclude input tags if(e.settings.exclude_inputs) { tempRows = exclude_inputs(tempRows); } e.tableRows.push(tempRows); }); e.tableToExcel(e.tableRows,, e.settings.sheetName); }, tableToExcel: function (table, name, sheetName) { var e = this, fullTemplate="", i, link, a; e.format = function (s, c) { return s.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, function (m, p) { return c[p]; }); }; sheetName = typeof sheetName === "undefined" ? "Sheet" : sheetName; e.ctx = { worksheet: name || "Worksheet", table: table, sheetName: sheetName }; fullTemplate= e.template.head; if ( $.isArray(table) ) { for (i in table) { //fullTemplate += e.template.sheet.head + "{worksheet" + i + "}" + e.template.sheet.tail; fullTemplate += e.template.sheet.head + sheetName + i + e.template.sheet.tail; } } fullTemplate += e.template.mid; if ( $.isArray(table) ) { for (i in table) { fullTemplate += e.template.table.head + "{table" + i + "}" + e.template.table.tail; } } fullTemplate += e.template.foot; for (i in table) { e.ctx["table" + i] = table[i]; } delete e.ctx.table; var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode; // this works with IE10 and IE11 both :) //if (typeof msie !== "undefined" && msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) // this works ONLY with IE 11!!! if (isIE) { if (typeof Blob !== "undefined") { //use blobs if we can fullTemplate = e.format(fullTemplate, e.ctx); // with this, works with IE fullTemplate = [fullTemplate]; //convert to array var blob1 = new Blob(fullTemplate, { type: "text/html" }); window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob1, getFileName(e.settings) ); } else { //otherwise use the iframe and save //requires a blank iframe on page called txtArea1"text/html", "replace"); txtArea1.document.write(e.format(fullTemplate, e.ctx)); txtArea1.document.close(); txtArea1.focus(); sa = txtArea1.document.execCommand("SaveAs", true, getFileName(e.settings) ); } } else { var blob = new Blob([e.format(fullTemplate, e.ctx)], {type: "application/"}); window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; link = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); a = document.createElement("a"); = getFileName(e.settings); a.href = link; document.body.appendChild(a);; document.body.removeChild(a); } return true; } }; function getFileName(settings) { return ( settings.filename ? settings.filename : "table2excel" ); } // Removes all img tags function exclude_img(string) { var _patt = /(\s+alt\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"|\s+alt\s*=\s*'([^']*)')/i; return string.replace(/<img[^>]*>/gi, function myFunction(x){ var res = _patt.exec(x); if (res !== null && res.length >=2) { return res[2]; } else { return ""; } }); } // Removes all link tags function exclude_links(string) { return string.replace(/<a[^>]*>|<\/a>/gi, ""); } // Removes input params function exclude_inputs(string) { var _patt = /(\s+value\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"|\s+value\s*=\s*'([^']*)')/i; return string.replace(/<input[^>]*>|<\/input>/gi, function myFunction(x){ var res = _patt.exec(x); if (res !== null && res.length >=2) { return res[2]; } else { return ""; } }); } $.fn[ pluginName ] = function ( options ) { var e = this; e.each(function() { if ( !$.data( e, "plugin_" + pluginName ) ) { $.data( e, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ) ); } }); // chain jQuery functions return e; }; })( jQuery, window, document );
1 @{ 2 ViewBag.Title = "价格行情"; 3 Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; 4 } 5 6 7 <div class="row"> 8 <div class="col-md-6"> 9 <table> 10 <tr> 11 <td style="width:20px"></td> 12 <td><label id="lbDateStart" style="width:70px">开始日期:</label></td> 13 <td> 14 <input id="boxDateStart" class="easyui-datebox" /> 15 </td> 16 <td style="width:20px"></td> 17 <td><label id="lbDateEnd" style="width:70px">结束日期:</label></td> 18 <td> 19 <input id="boxDateEnd" class="easyui-datebox" /> 20 </td> 21 </tr> 22 </table> 23 </div> 24 <div class="col-md-6"> 25 <table> 26 <tr> 27 <td style="width:90px"></td> 28 <td><label id="lbselectRegion">地区:</label></td> 29 <td> 30 <select class="easyui-combobox" id="selectRegion" data-options="required:false,label: $('#lbselectRegion'),width:150,labelWidth:50"></select> 31 </td> 32 <td style="width:20px"></td> 33 <td><label id="lbselectVegetableType">品种选择:</label></td> 34 <td> 35 <select class="easyui-combobox" id="selectVegetableType" data-options="required:false,label: $('#lbselectVegetableType'),width:200,labelWidth:80"></select> 36 </td> 37 </tr> 38 </table> 39 </div> 40 </div> 41 <div class="row"> 42 <div id="cc" style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 43 </div> 44 45 <div class="row"> 46 <div class="col-md-6"> 47 <div id="someTimePriceForm" style="width:100%;height:400px;"> 48 <header> 49 <div class="panel-title"> 50 <span id="SelectID_someTimePriceForm"></span>每日价格表 51 <span style="float:right;padding-right:15px">单位:元/千克</span> 52 </div> 53 </header> 54 </div> 55 </div> 56 <div class="col-md-6"> 57 <div id="someTimePrice" style="width:100%;height:400px; "></div> 58 </div> 59 </div> 60 61 <div class="row"> 62 <div style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 63 </div> 64 <div class="row"> 65 66 <div class="col-md-12"> 67 <table> 68 <tr> 69 <td style="width:20px"></td> 70 <td><label id="lbyearStartSelect_Week">开始年:</label></td> 71 <td> 72 <select class="easyui-combobox" id="yearStartSelect_WeekCombox" data-options="required:false,label: $('#lbyearStartSelect_Week'),width:150,labelWidth:50"></select> 73 </td> 74 <td style="width:20px"></td> 75 <td><label id="lbweekStartSelect">开始周:</label></td> 76 <td> 77 <select class="easyui-combobox" id="weekStartSelectCombox" data-options="required:false,label: $('#lbweekStartSelect'),width:150,labelWidth:50"></select> 78 </td> 79 <td style="width:90px"></td> 80 <td><label id="lbyearEndSelect_Week">结束年:</label></td> 81 <td> 82 <select class="easyui-combobox" id="yearEndSelect_WeekCombox" data-options="required:false,label: $('#lbyearEndSelect_Week'),width:150,labelWidth:50"></select> 83 </td> 84 <td style="width:20px"></td> 85 <td><label id="lbweekEndSelect">结束周:</label></td> 86 <td> 87 <select class="easyui-combobox" id="weekEndSelectCombox" data-options="required:false,label: $('#lbweekEndSelect'),width:150,labelWidth:50"></select> 88 </td> 89 </tr> 90 </table> 91 </div> 92 </div> 93 94 <div class="row"> 95 <div style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 96 </div> 97 98 <div class="row"> 99 <div class="col-md-6"> 100 <div id="weekPriceListGrid" style="width:100%;height:400px;"> 101 <header> 102 <div class="panel-title"> 103 <span id="SelectID_weekPriceListGrid"></span>周均价格表 104 <span style="float:right;padding-right:15px">单位:元/千克</span> 105 </div> 106 </header> 107 </div> 108 </div> 109 110 <div class="row"> 111 <div class="col-md-6"> 112 <div id="weekPrice" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div> 113 </div> 114 </div> 115 </div> 116 117 <div class="row"> 118 <div style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 119 </div> 120 <div class="row"> 121 <div class="col-md-6"> 122 <table> 123 <tr> 124 <td style="width:20px"></td> 125 <td><label id="lbYearMonthStart" style="width:70px">起始年月:</label></td> 126 <td> 127 <input id="attYearMonthStart" editable="false" name="attYearMonthStart" class="easyui-datebox" style="width: 172px" /> 128 </td> 129 <td style="width:20px"></td> 130 <td><label id="lbYearMonthEnd" style="width:70px">终止年月:</label></td> 131 <td> 132 <input id="attYearMonthEnd" editable="false" name="attYearMonthEnd" class="easyui-datebox" style="width: 172px" /> 133 </td> 134 </tr> 135 </table> 136 </div> 137 </div> 138 <div class="row" > 139 <div style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 140 </div> 141 142 <div class="row"> 143 <div class="col-md-6"> 144 <div id="monthlyPriceListGrid" style="width:100%;height:400px;"> 145 <header> 146 <div class="panel-title"> 147 <span id="SelectID_monthlyPriceListGrid"></span>月均价格表 148 <span style="float:right;padding-right:15px">单位:元/千克</span> 149 </div> 150 </header> 151 </div> 152 </div> 153 154 <div class="col-md-6"> 155 <div id="monthPrice" style="width:100%;height:400px;"> 156 </div> 157 </div> 158 </div> 159 160 <div class="row"> 161 <div style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 162 </div> 163 <div class="row"> 164 <div class="col-md-6"> 165 <table> 166 <tr> 167 <td style="width:20px"></td> 168 <td><label id="lbselectDate">日期:</label></td> 169 <td> 170 <input class="easyui-datebox" id="selectDate" data-options="required:false,label: $('#lbselectDate'),width:220,labelWidth:50" /> 171 </td> 172 </tr> 173 </table> 174 </div> 175 </div> 176 <div class="row"> 177 <div style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 178 </div> 179 180 <div class="row"> 181 <div class="col-md-6"> 182 <div id="gridJghq" style="width:100%;height:400px;"> 183 <header> 184 <div class="panel-title"> 185 <span id="SelectID_gridJghq"></span>感兴趣品种价格表 186 <span style="float:right;padding-right:15px">单位:元/千克</span> 187 </div> 188 </header> 189 </div> 190 </div> 191 <div class="col-md-6"> 192 <div id="regionProductsPrice" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div> 193 </div> 194 </div> 195 196 <div class="row"> 197 <div style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 198 </div> 199 <div class="row"> 200 201 <div class="col-md-6"> 202 <div id="identicalProductDifferentRegions" style="width:100%;height:400px;"> 203 <header> 204 <div class="panel-title"> 205 感兴趣地区<span id="SelectID_DifferentRegions"></span>价格表 206 <span style="float:right;padding-right:15px">单位:元/千克</span> 207 </div> 208 </header> 209 210 </div> 211 </div> 212 <div class="col-md-6"> 213 <div id="productRegionsPrice" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div> 214 </div> 215 216 </div> 217 <div class="row"> 218 <div style="width:100%;height:20px; "></div> 219 </div> 220 221 <script type="text/javascript"> 222 223 var curr_time = new Date(); 224 var y = curr_time.getFullYear(); 225 var m = curr_time.getMonth(); 226 var d = curr_time.getDate(); 227 //近12个月 228 var lastYear = new Date(y, m - 12, d); 229 //近一月 230 var lastMonth = new Date(y, m, d - 30); 231 //近一天 232 var lastDay = new Date(y, m, d - 1); 233 //开始日期 234 var startDay = myformatterDate(lastMonth); 235 //结束日期 236 var endDay = myformatterDate(curr_time); 237 //开始年 238 var yearStartSelect = lastYear.getFullYear(); 239 //开始月 240 var monthStartSelect = lastYear.getMonth() + 1; 241 //结束年 242 var yearEndSelect = y; 243 //结束月 244 var monthEndSelect = m + 1; 245 // 日期 246 var selectDate = myformatterDate(lastDay); 247 //品种 248 var productSelect = null; 249 //地区 250 var locationSelect = null; 251 //品种名称 252 var productSelectName = null; 253 //地区名称 254 var locationSelectName = null; 255 //品种下拉框 256 var selectVegetableType = $("#selectVegetableType"); 257 //城市下拉框 258 var selectRegion = $("#selectRegion"); 259 260 //品种选择 261 var setProductValue = null; 262 263 function loadJghq() { 264 265 SomeTimePriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, startDay, endDay); 266 $("#someTimePriceForm").datagrid("load", { 267 "regions": locationSelect, 268 "products": productSelect, 269 "start": startDay, 270 "end": endDay, 271 272 }); 273 } 274 275 276 //开始年_周下拉列表 277 var yearStartSelect_WeekCombox = $("#yearStartSelect_WeekCombox"); 278 //开始周下拉列表 279 var weekStartSelectCombox = $("#weekStartSelectCombox"); 280 //结束年_周下拉列表 281 var yearEndSelect_WeekCombox = $("#yearEndSelect_WeekCombox"); 282 //结束周下拉列表 283 var weekEndSelectCombox = $("#weekEndSelectCombox"); 284 285 //当前时间 286 var date1 = new Date(); 287 var date2 = new Date(); 288 //设置为1月 289 date2.setMonth(0); 290 //设置为1日 291 date2.setDate(1); 292 var time = date1 - date2; 293 //今天是今年第几天 294 var day = Math.ceil(time / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); 295 //今天是今年第几周 296 var week = Math.ceil(day / 7); 297 //下拉列表最大年份 298 var yearFuture = date1.getFullYear(); 299 //下拉列表最小年份 300 var yearPast = date1.getFullYear() - 9; 301 302 //开始年_周 303 var yearStartSelect_Week = date1.getFullYear() - 1; 304 //开始周 305 var weekStartSelect = week; 306 //结束年_周 307 var yearEndSelect_Week = date1.getFullYear(); 308 //结束周 309 var weekEndSelect = week; 310 311 312 $(function () { 313 314 315 //开始年、结束年下拉列表数据 316 for (var j = yearPast; j <= yearFuture; j++) { 317 yearStartSelect_WeekCombox.append($("<option>").text(j).attr("value", j)); 318 yearEndSelect_WeekCombox.append($("<option>").text(j).attr("value", j)); 319 } 320 //开始周、结束周列表数据 321 for (var i = 1; i <= 53; i++) { 322 weekStartSelectCombox.append($("<option>").text(i).attr("value", i)); 323 weekEndSelectCombox.append($("<option>").text(i).attr("value", i)); 324 } 325 //开始周默认选中项 326 if (weekStartSelect != null) { 327 setTimeout('$("#weekStartSelectCombox").combobox("setValue", ' + weekStartSelect + ')', 100); 328 } 329 //结束周默认选中项 330 if (weekEndSelect != null) { 331 setTimeout('$("#weekEndSelectCombox").combobox("setValue", ' + weekEndSelect + ')', 100); 332 } 333 //开始年默认选中项 334 if (yearStartSelect_Week != null) { 335 setTimeout('$("#yearStartSelect_WeekCombox").combobox("setValue", ' + yearStartSelect_Week + ')', 100); 336 } 337 //结束年默认选中项 338 if (yearEndSelect_Week != null) { 339 setTimeout('$("#yearEndSelect_WeekCombox").combobox("setValue", ' + yearEndSelect_Week + ')', 100); 340 } 341 342 //开始周初始化 343 weekStartSelectCombox.combobox({ 344 editable: false, 345 events: { 346 blur: function (s) { 347 } 348 }, 349 onSelect: function (s) { 350 weekStartSelect = s.value; 351 WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXDataLoad(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect) 352 } 353 }); 354 //结束周初始化 355 weekEndSelectCombox.combobox({ 356 editable: false, 357 events: { 358 blur: function (s) { 359 } 360 }, 361 onSelect: function (s) { 362 weekEndSelect = s.value; 363 WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXDataLoad(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect) 364 } 365 }); 366 367 //开始年初始化 368 yearStartSelect_WeekCombox.combobox({ 369 editable: false, 370 events: { 371 blur: function (s) { 372 } 373 }, 374 onSelect: function (s) { 375 yearStartSelect_Week = s.value; 376 WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXDataLoad(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect) 377 378 } 379 }); 380 //结束年初始化 381 yearEndSelect_WeekCombox.combobox({ 382 editable: false, 383 events: { 384 blur: function (s) { 385 } 386 }, 387 onSelect: function (s) { 388 yearEndSelect_Week = s.value; 389 390 WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXDataLoad(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect) 391 } 392 }); 393 394 // 周比较条件判断 395 function WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXDataLoad(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect) { 396 if (locationSelect && productSelect && yearStartSelect_Week && weekStartSelect && yearEndSelect_Week && weekEndSelect) { 397 398 399 //周均价格行情表 400 $("#weekPriceListGrid").datagrid("load", { 401 "products": productSelect, 402 "regions": locationSelect, 403 "yearStart": yearStartSelect_Week, 404 "weekStart": weekStartSelect, 405 "yearEnd": yearEndSelect_Week, 406 "weekEnd": weekEndSelect 407 }); 408 409 return WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect); 410 411 } 412 } 413 414 415 416 for (var i in products) { 417 var canAdd = false; 418 if (!forecastPriceAll) { 419 for (var j in defaultFavorProductsValues) { 420 if (products[i].id == defaultFavorProductsValues[j]) { 421 canAdd = true; 422 } 423 } 424 } 425 else { 426 canAdd = true; 427 } 428 if (canAdd) { 429 430 var item = $("<option>").text(products[i].ncpmc).attr("value", products[i].id); 431 //if (item.length == 1) { 432 // setProductValue = products[i].id; 433 //} 434 selectVegetableType.append(item); 435 436 437 } 438 } 439 440 //品种默认选中第一项 441 442 setTimeout('$("#selectVegetableType").combobox("select", ' + selectVegetableType[0][0].value+ ' )', 100); 443 444 445 //地区 446 var setRegionValue = null; 447 for (var i in regionData) { 448 var canAdd = false; 449 for (var j in defaultFavorRegionValues) { 450 if (regionData[i].id == defaultFavorRegionValues[j]) { 451 canAdd = true; 452 } 453 } 454 455 if (regionData[i].id == defaultFavorRegionValues) { 456 canAdd = true; 457 } 458 if (canAdd) { 459 var item = $("<option>").text(regionData[i].cjdd).attr("value", regionData[i].id); 460 if (regionData[i].id == defaultRegion) { 461 setRegionValue = defaultRegion; 462 } 463 selectRegion.append(item); 464 } 465 } 466 //地区默认选中项 467 if (setRegionValue != null) { 468 setTimeout('$("#selectRegion").combobox("setValue", ' + setRegionValue + ')', 100); 469 } 470 471 472 473 //地区combobox 设置 474 selectRegion.combobox({ 475 editable: false, 476 onSelect: function (s) { 477 locationSelect = s.value; 478 locationSelectName = s.text; 479 document.getElementById("SelectID_gridJghq").innerHTML = locationSelectName; 480 481 482 //同一地区不同品种价格柱状图 483 RegionProductsPriceBarAJAXData(locationSelect, defaultFavorProductsValues, selectDate); 484 //价格行情曲线 485 SomeTimePriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, startDay, endDay); 486 WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect); 487 //月度价格行情曲线 488 MonthPriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect, monthStartSelect, yearEndSelect, monthEndSelect); 489 //价格行情表 490 $("#someTimePriceForm").datagrid("load", { 491 "regions": locationSelect, 492 "products": productSelect, 493 "start": startDay, 494 "end": endDay, 495 }); 496 //月均价格行情表 497 $("#monthlyPriceListGrid").datagrid("load", { 498 "products": productSelect, 499 "regions": locationSelect, 500 "yearStart": yearStartSelect, 501 "monthStart": monthStartSelect, 502 "yearEnd": yearEndSelect, 503 "monthEnd": monthEndSelect 504 }); 505 506 507 //周均价格行情表 508 $("#weekPriceListGrid").datagrid("load", { 509 "products": productSelect, 510 "regions": locationSelect, 511 "yearStart": yearStartSelect_Week, 512 "weekStart": weekStartSelect, 513 "yearEnd": yearEndSelect_Week, 514 "weekEnd": weekEndSelect 515 }); 516 517 //同一地区不同品种价格柱状图 518 $("#gridJghq").datagrid("load", { 519 "products": productSelect, 520 "regions": locationSelect, 521 "date": selectDate 522 }); 523 524 525 526 }, 527 //onChange: function (s) { 528 // if (s == "") { 529 // $("#monthlyPriceListGrid").datagrid("load", {}); 530 531 // } 532 //} 533 }); 534 //品种选择combobox 设置 535 selectVegetableType.combobox({ 536 editable: false, 537 events: { 538 blur: function (s) { 539 //selectVegetableType.combobox(); 540 } 541 }, 542 onSelect: function (s) { 543 productSelect = s.value; 544 productSelectName = s.text; 545 546 document.getElementById("SelectID_someTimePriceForm").innerHTML = productSelectName; 547 document.getElementById("SelectID_weekPriceListGrid").innerHTML = productSelectName; 548 document.getElementById("SelectID_monthlyPriceListGrid").innerHTML = productSelectName; 549 document.getElementById("SelectID_DifferentRegions").innerHTML = productSelectName; 550 //同一品种不同地区价格柱状图 551 ProductRegionsPriceBarAJAXData(defaultFavorRegionValues, productSelect, selectDate); 552 //价格行情曲线 553 SomeTimePriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, startDay, endDay); 554 WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect); 555 //价格行情表 556 $("#someTimePriceForm").datagrid("load", { 557 "regions": locationSelect, 558 "products": productSelect, 559 "start": startDay, 560 "end": endDay, 561 }); 562 //月度价格行情曲线 563 MonthPriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect, monthStartSelect, yearEndSelect, monthEndSelect); 564 //月度价格行情表 565 $("#monthlyPriceListGrid").datagrid("load", { 566 "products": productSelect, 567 "regions": locationSelect, 568 "yearStart": yearStartSelect, 569 "monthStart": monthStartSelect, 570 "yearEnd": yearEndSelect, 571 "monthEnd": monthEndSelect 572 }); 573 //周均价格行情表 574 $("#weekPriceListGrid").datagrid("load", { 575 "products": productSelect, 576 "regions": locationSelect, 577 "yearStart": yearStartSelect_Week, 578 "weekStart": weekStartSelect, 579 "yearEnd": yearEndSelect_Week, 580 "weekEnd": weekEndSelect 581 }); 582 //同一品种不同地区价格柱状图 583 $("#identicalProductDifferentRegions").datagrid("load", { 584 "products": productSelect, 585 // "regions": locationSelect, 586 "date": selectDate 587 }); 588 589 }, 590 591 }); 592 593 //开始时间 594 $('#boxDateStart').datebox({ 595 editable: false, 596 onSelect: function (startDate) { 597 598 startDay = $("#boxDateStart").datebox("getValue"); 599 600 var startDate = new Date(startDay); 601 var endDate = new Date(endDay); 602 if (startDate > endDate) { 603 endDay = startDay; 604 $("#boxDateEnd").datebox("setValue", endDay); 605 } 606 607 loadJghq(); 608 }, 609 610 611 }); 612 //结束时间 613 $('#boxDateEnd').datebox({ 614 editable: false, 615 onSelect: function (endDate) { 616 endDay = $("#boxDateEnd").datebox("getValue"); 617 618 var startDate = new Date(startDay); 619 var endDate = new Date(endDay); 620 if (startDate > endDate) { 621 startDay = endDay; 622 $("#boxDateStart").datebox("setValue", endDay); 623 } 624 625 loadJghq(); 626 }, 627 onChange:function (newValue,oldValue){ 628 endDay = newValue; 629 loadJghq(); 630 631 } 632 633 }); 634 635 636 637 //日期选择对象 638 var p = $('#attYearMonthStart').datebox('panel'), 639 //日期选择对象中月份 640 tds = false, 641 //显示月份层的触发控件 642 span = p.find('span.calendar-text'); 643 //开始年月 644 $('#attYearMonthStart').datebox({ 645 //显示日趋选择对象后再触发弹出月份层的事件,初始化时没有生成月份层 646 onShowPanel: function () { 647 //触发click事件弹出月份层 648 span.trigger('click'); 649 if (!tds) 650 //延时触发获取月份对象,因为上面的事件触发和对象生成有时间间隔 651 setTimeout(function () { 652 tds = p.find('div.calendar-menu-month-inner td'); 653 (e) { 654 //禁止冒泡执行easyui给月份绑定的事件 655 e.stopPropagation(); 656 //得到年份 657 var year = /\d{4}/.exec(span.html())[0], 658 //月份 659 month = parseInt($(this).attr('abbr'), 10); 660 661 //隐藏日期对象 662 $('#attYearMonthStart').datebox('hidePanel') 663 //设置日期的值 664 .datebox('setValue', year + '-' + month); 665 666 }); 667 }, 0); 668 }, 669 //配置parser,返回选择的日期 670 parser: function (s) { 671 if (!s) return new Date(); 672 var arr = s.split('-'); 673 return new Date(parseInt(arr[0], 10), parseInt(arr[1], 10) - 1, 1); 674 }, 675 //配置formatter,只返回年月 676 formatter: function (d) { 677 var currentMonth = (d.getMonth() + 1); 678 var currentMonthStr = currentMonth < 10 ? ('0' + currentMonth) : (currentMonth + ''); 679 // alert(d.getFullYear() + "-" + currentMonthStr); 680 return d.getFullYear() + '-' + currentMonthStr; 681 }, 682 683 onChange: function (newValue, oldValue) { 684 yearStartSelect = parseInt(newValue.split('-')[0]); 685 monthStartSelect = parseInt(newValue.split('-')[1]); 686 //获取开始和结束时间 687 var start = yearStartSelect + '-' + monthStartSelect + '-' + 1; 688 var end = yearEndSelect + '-' + monthEndSelect + '-' + 1; 689 690 //日期比较方法 691 function CompareDate(d1, d2) { 692 return ((new Date(d1.replace(/-/g, "\/"))) <= (new Date(d2.replace(/-/g, "\/")))); 693 } 694 if (end != "null-null-1") { 695 //如果开始时间<=结束时间就执行以下代码 696 if (CompareDate(start, end)) { 697 //月度价格行情曲线 698 MonthPriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect, monthStartSelect, yearEndSelect, monthEndSelect); 699 //月度价格行情表 700 $("#monthlyPriceListGrid").datagrid("load", { 701 "products": productSelect, 702 "regions": locationSelect, 703 "yearStart": yearStartSelect, 704 "monthStart": monthStartSelect, 705 "yearEnd": yearEndSelect, 706 "monthEnd": monthEndSelect 707 }); 708 } else { 709 $('#attYearMonthEnd').datebox("setValue", newValue) 710 } 711 } 712 }, 713 714 }); 715 716 717 718 719 //日期选择对象 720 var p_2 = $('#attYearMonthEnd').datebox('panel'), 721 //日期选择对象中月份 722 tds_2 = false, 723 //显示月份层的触发控件 724 span_2 = p_2.find('span.calendar-text'); 725 726 //结束年月 727 $('#attYearMonthEnd').datebox({ 728 729 //显示期选择对象后再触发弹出月份层的事件,初始化时没有生成月份层 730 onShowPanel: function () { 731 //触发click事件弹出月份层 732 span_2.trigger('click'); 733 if (!tds_2){ 734 //延时触发获取月份对象,因为上面的事件触发和对象生成有时间间隔 735 setTimeout(function () { 736 tds_2 = p_2.find('div.calendar-menu-month-inner td'); 737 (e) { 738 //禁止冒泡执行easyui给月份绑定的事件 739 e.stopPropagation(); 740 //得到年份 741 var year = /\d{4}/.exec(span_2.html())[0], 742 //月份 743 //之前是这样的month = parseInt($(this).attr('abbr'), 10) + 1; 744 month = parseInt($(this).attr('abbr'), 10); 745 746 747 //隐藏日期对象 748 $('#attYearMonthEnd').datebox('hidePanel') 749 //设置日期的值 750 .datebox('setValue', year + '-' + month); 751 752 }); 753 }, 0); 754 755 756 } 757 758 759 760 }, 761 762 onChange: function (newValue, oldValue) { 763 764 yearEndSelect = parseInt(newValue.split('-')[0]); 765 monthEndSelect = parseInt(newValue.split('-')[1]); 766 //获取开始和结束时间 767 var start = yearStartSelect + '-' + monthStartSelect + '-' + 1; 768 var end = yearEndSelect + '-' + monthEndSelect + '-' + 1; 769 770 //日期比较方法 771 function CompareDate(d1, d2) { 772 return ((new Date(d1.replace(/-/g, "\/"))) <= (new Date(d2.replace(/-/g, "\/")))); 773 } 774 775 //如果开始时间<=结束时间就执行以下代码 776 if (CompareDate(start, end)) { 777 //月度价格行情曲线 778 MonthPriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect, monthStartSelect, yearEndSelect, monthEndSelect); 779 //月度价格行情表 780 $("#monthlyPriceListGrid").datagrid("load", { 781 "products": productSelect, 782 "regions": locationSelect, 783 "yearStart": yearStartSelect, 784 "monthStart": monthStartSelect, 785 "yearEnd": yearEndSelect, 786 "monthEnd": monthEndSelect 787 }); 788 } else { 789 $('#attYearMonthStart').datebox("setValue", newValue) 790 } 791 792 793 794 }, 795 //配置parser,返回选择的日期 796 parser: function (s) { 797 if (!s) return new Date(); 798 var arr = s.split('-'); 799 return new Date(parseInt(arr[0], 10), parseInt(arr[1], 10) - 1, 1); 800 }, 801 //配置formatter,只返回年月 802 formatter: function (d) { 803 var currentMonth = (d.getMonth() + 1); 804 var currentMonthStr = currentMonth < 10 ? ('0' + currentMonth) : (currentMonth + ''); 805 // alert(d.getFullYear() + "-" + currentMonthStr); 806 807 return d.getFullYear() + '-' + currentMonthStr; 808 }, 809 810 811 812 }); 813 814 $("#selectDate").datebox({ 815 editable: false, 816 onSelect: function (s) { 817 selectDate = $.fn.datebox.defaults.formatter(s); 818 819 TodayloadData(); 820 821 }, 822 onChange: function (newValue, oldValue) { 823 selectDate = newValue; 824 TodayloadData(); 825 826 } 827 828 }); 829 830 function TodayloadData() { 831 832 //同一地区不同品种价格柱状图 833 $("#gridJghq").datagrid("load", { 834 "products": productSelect, 835 "regions": locationSelect, 836 "date": selectDate 837 }); 838 //同一品种不同地区价格柱状图 839 $("#identicalProductDifferentRegions").datagrid("load", { 840 "products": productSelect, 841 // "regions": locationSelect, 842 "date": selectDate 843 }); 844 //同一地区不同品种价格柱状图 845 RegionProductsPriceBarAJAXData(locationSelect, defaultFavorProductsValues, selectDate); 846 //同一品种不同地区的价格柱状图 847 ProductRegionsPriceBarAJAXData(defaultFavorRegionValues, productSelect, selectDate); 848 849 } 850 851 852 //价格行情表() 853 $("#someTimePriceForm").datagrid({ 854 // title: "每日价格表", 855 856 url: '@Url.Action("SomeTimePriceFormDataAjax")', 857 method: "get", 858 dataType: "json", 859 height: 400, 860 idField: "ID", 861 pageSize: 20, 862 singleSelect: true, 863 multiSort: true, 864 columns: [[ 865 { field: 'cjrq', title: '日期', width: '15%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatDate }, 866 { field: 'yjxzqname', title: '地区', width: '15%', halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 867 { field: 'ncpmc', title: '品种', width: '15%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 868 { field: 'ttjg', title: '田头价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 869 { field: 'pfjg', title: '批发价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 870 { field: 'lsjg', title: '零售价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 871 { field: 'jyl', title: '交易量(吨)', width: '16%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 872 ]], 873 pagination: true, 874 remoteFilter: true, 875 rownumbers: true, 876 loader: function (param, success, error) { 877 // param.regions = defaultFavorRegionValues.toString(); 878 // param.products = defaultFavorProductsValues.toString(); 879 $.ajax({ 880 url: "@Url.Action("SomeTimePriceFormDataAjax")", 881 data: param, 882 type: "get", 883 dataType: "json", 884 //contentType: "application/json", 885 success: function (data) { 886 success(data); 887 } 888 }); 889 } 890 }); 891 892 //周均价格行情表 893 $("#weekPriceListGrid").datagrid({ 894 // title: "周均价格表", 895 url: '@Url.Action("weekPriceList")', 896 method: "get", 897 dataType: "json", 898 height: 400, 899 idField: "ID", 900 pageSize: 20, 901 singleSelect: true, 902 multiSort: true, 903 columns: [[ 904 { field: 'cjyear', title: '年', width: '10%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 905 { field: 'cjweek', title: '周', width: '8%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 906 { field: 'yjxzqname', title: '地区', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 907 { field: 'ncpmc', title: '品种', width: '15%', halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 908 { field: 'ttjg', title: '田头价格', width: '12%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 909 { field: 'pfjg', title: '批发价格', width: '12%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 910 { field: 'lsjg', title: '零售价格', width: '12%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 911 { field: 'jyl', title: '交易量(吨)', width: '18%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 912 ]], 913 914 pagination: true, 915 remoteFilter: true, 916 rownumbers: true, 917 loader: function (param, success, error) { 918 // param.regions = defaultFavorRegionValues.toString(); 919 // param.products = defaultFavorProductsValues.toString(); 920 //param.regions = locationSelect; 921 //param.products=productSelect; 922 $.ajax({ 923 url: "@Url.Action("WeekPriceList")", 924 data: param, 925 type: "get", 926 dataType: "json", 927 //contentType: "application/json", 928 success: function (data) { 929 success(data); 930 } 931 }); 932 } 933 }); 934 935 936 //月均价格行情表 937 $("#monthlyPriceListGrid").datagrid({ 938 // title: "月均价格表", 939 url: '@Url.Action("MonthlyPriceList")', 940 method: "get", 941 dataType: "json", 942 height: 400, 943 idField: "ID", 944 pageSize: 20, 945 singleSelect: true, 946 multiSort: true, 947 columns: [[ 948 { field: 'cjyear', title: '年', width: '10%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 949 { field: 'cjmonth', title: '月', width: '8%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 950 { field: 'yjxzqname', title: '地区', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 951 { field: 'ncpmc', title: '品种', width: '15%', halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 952 { field: 'ttjg', title: '田头价格', width: '12%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 953 { field: 'pfjg', title: '批发价格', width: '12%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 954 { field: 'lsjg', title: '零售价格', width: '12%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 955 { field: 'jyl', title: '交易量(吨)', width: '18%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 956 ]], 957 958 pagination: true, 959 remoteFilter: true, 960 rownumbers: true, 961 loader: function (param, success, error) { 962 // param.regions = defaultFavorRegionValues.toString(); 963 // param.products = defaultFavorProductsValues.toString(); 964 //param.regions = locationSelect; 965 //param.products=productSelect; 966 $.ajax({ 967 url: "@Url.Action("MonthlyPriceList")", 968 data: param, 969 type: "get", 970 dataType: "json", 971 //contentType: "application/json", 972 success: function (data) { 973 success(data); 974 } 975 }); 976 } 977 }); 978 979 980 //同一地区不同品种价格表 981 $("#gridJghq").datagrid({ 982 // title: "感兴趣品种价格表", 983 url: '@Url.Action("yjdatealljg")', 984 method: "get", 985 dataType: "json", 986 height: 400, 987 idField: "ID", 988 pageSize: 20, 989 singleSelect: true, 990 multiSort: true, 991 columns: [[ 992 { field: 'cjrq', title: '日期', width: '15%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatDate }, 993 { field: 'yjxzqname', title: '地区', width: '15%', halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 994 { field: 'ncpmc', title: '品种', width: '15%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 995 { field: 'ttjg', title: '田头价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 996 { field: 'pfjg', title: '批发价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 997 { field: 'lsjg', title: '零售价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 998 { field: 'jyl', title: '交易量(吨)', width: '16%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 999 ]], 1000 1001 pagination: true, 1002 remoteFilter: true, 1003 rownumbers: true, 1004 loader: function (param, success, error) { 1005 // param.regions = defaultFavorRegionValues.toString(); 1006 param.products = defaultFavorProductsValues.toString(); 1007 console.log(defaultFavorProductsValues); 1008 console.log(param.products); 1009 1010 $.ajax({ 1011 url: "@Url.Action("yjdatealljg")", 1012 data: param, 1013 type: "get", 1014 dataType: "json", 1015 //contentType: "application/json", 1016 success: function (data) { 1017 success(data); 1018 } 1019 }); 1020 } 1021 }); 1022 1023 //同一品种不同地区价格表 1024 $("#identicalProductDifferentRegions").datagrid({ 1025 // title: "感兴趣地区价格表", 1026 url: '@Url.Action("IdenticalProductDifferentRegionsAjaxData")', 1027 method: "get", 1028 dataType: "json", 1029 height: 400, 1030 idField: "ID", 1031 pageSize: 20, 1032 singleSelect: true, 1033 multiSort: true, 1034 columns: [[ 1035 { field: 'cjrq', title: '日期', width: '15%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatDate }, 1036 { field: 'yjxzqname', title: '地区', width: '15%', halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 1037 { field: 'ncpmc', title: '品种', width: '15%', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'center' }, 1038 { field: 'ttjg', title: '田头价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 1039 { field: 'pfjg', title: '批发价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 1040 { field: 'lsjg', title: '零售价格', width: '13%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 1041 { field: 'jyl', title: '交易量(吨)', width: '16%', halign: 'center', align: 'center', formatter: formatFloat }, 1042 ]], 1043 1044 pagination: true, 1045 remoteFilter: true, 1046 rownumbers: true, 1047 loader: function (param, success, error) { 1048 param.regions = defaultFavorRegionValues.toString(); 1049 $.ajax({ 1050 url: "@Url.Action("IdenticalProductDifferentRegionsAjaxData")", 1051 data: param, 1052 type: "get", 1053 dataType: "json", 1054 //contentType: "application/json", 1055 success: function (data) { 1056 success(data); 1057 } 1058 }); 1059 } 1060 }); 1061 1062 1063 1064 // 设置当月 1065 $("#attYearMonthStart").datebox("setValue", myformatterDY(lastYear)); 1066 $("#attYearMonthEnd").datebox("setValue", myformatterDY(curr_time)); 1067 //设置日期 1068 $("#boxDateStart").datebox("setValue", myformatterDate(lastMonth)); 1069 $("#boxDateEnd").datebox("setValue", myformatterDate(curr_time)); 1070 //日期 1071 $("#selectDate").datebox("setValue", myformatterDate(lastDay)); 1072 1073 }); 1074 1075 1076 // 格式化日期 1077 function myformatterDY(date) { 1078 //获取年份 1079 var y = date.getFullYear(); 1080 //获取月份 1081 var m = date.getMonth() + 1; 1082 return y + '-' + m; 1083 } 1084 1085 function myformatterDate(date) { 1086 var y = date.getFullYear(); 1087 var m = date.getMonth() + 1; 1088 var d = date.getDate(); 1089 return y + '-' + (m < 10 ? ('0' + m) : m) + '-' + (d < 10 ? ('0' + d) : d); 1090 } 1091 1092 1093 function formatFloat(val, row) { 1094 if (val == null) { return null; } 1095 return val.toFixed(2); 1096 } 1097 1098 function formatDate(val, row) { 1099 //return new Date(val).Format("yyyy-MM-dd"); 1100 return $.fn.datebox.defaults.formatter(new Date(val)) 1101 } 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 //价格行情曲线(第一排右侧) 选中品种一段日期的三个价格行情曲线 1108 var chart_someTimePrice_line = echarts.init(document.getElementById('someTimePrice')); 1109 option = { 1110 title: { 1111 text: '价格走势图', 1112 left: "center", 1113 }, 1114 tooltip: { 1115 trigger: 'axis' 1116 }, 1117 legend: { 1118 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格'], 1119 top: '30px', 1120 }, 1121 grid: { 1122 left: '3%', 1123 right: '4%', 1124 bottom: '3%', 1125 containLabel: true, 1126 1127 }, 1128 1129 toolbox: { 1130 right: '20px', 1131 feature: { 1132 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1133 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1134 } 1135 }, 1136 xAxis: { 1137 1138 type: 'category', 1139 boundaryGap: false, 1140 data: [], 1141 1142 }, 1143 yAxis: { 1144 1145 1146 type: 'value', 1147 min: function (value) { 1148 return Math.floor(value.min - 0.1); 1149 } 1150 1151 }, 1152 series: [ 1153 { 1154 name: '田头价格', 1155 type: 'line', 1156 data: [], 1157 }, 1158 { 1159 name: '批发价格', 1160 type: 'line', 1161 data: [], 1162 }, 1163 1164 { 1165 name: '零售价格', 1166 type: 'line', 1167 data: [], 1168 1169 }, 1170 1171 1172 ], 1173 tooltip: { 1174 trigger: 'axis', 1175 1176 } 1177 }; 1178 function SomeTimePriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, startDay, endDay) { 1179 //异步加载数据 1180 var url = "@Url.Action("SomeTimePriceLineAJAXData")"; 1181 if (locationSelect && productSelect && startDay && endDay) { 1182 $.post(url, { yjxzqid: locationSelect, ncpid: productSelect, start: startDay, end: endDay }, function (result) { 1183 1184 1185 chart_someTimePrice_line.setOption({ 1186 title: { 1187 text: productSelectName+'每日价格走势图', 1188 left: "center", 1189 }, 1190 1191 legend: { 1192 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格', '交易量'], 1193 top: '30px', 1194 }, 1195 grid: { 1196 left: '3%', 1197 right: '4%', 1198 bottom: '3%', 1199 containLabel: true, 1200 1201 }, 1202 1203 toolbox: { 1204 right: '20px', 1205 feature: { 1206 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1207 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1208 } 1209 }, 1210 xAxis: 1211 { 1212 1213 type: 'category', 1214 boundaryGap: false, 1215 data: result.cjrqList, 1216 1217 }, 1218 1219 1220 yAxis:[ 1221 { 1222 name: '价格(元/千克)', 1223 nameLocation: 'end', 1224 type: 'value', 1225 min: function (value) { 1226 return Math.floor(value.min - 0.1); 1227 }, 1228 axisLabel: { 1229 formatter: '{value} ' 1230 } 1231 }, 1232 { 1233 name: '交易量(吨)', 1234 nameLocation: 'end', 1235 type: 'value', 1236 inverse:false, 1237 1238 } 1239 ], 1240 1241 series: [ 1242 { 1243 name: '田头价格', 1244 type: 'line', 1245 data: result.ttjgList, 1246 connectNulls: true 1247 1248 }, 1249 { 1250 name: '批发价格', 1251 type: 'line', 1252 data: result.pfjgList, 1253 connectNulls: true 1254 }, 1255 1256 { 1257 name: '零售价格', 1258 type: 'line', 1259 data: result.lsjgList, 1260 connectNulls: true 1261 }, 1262 { 1263 name: '交易量', 1264 type: 'line', 1265 yAxisIndex:1, 1266 data: result.jylList, 1267 connectNulls: true 1268 }, 1269 1270 ], 1271 tooltip: { 1272 trigger: 'axis', 1273 formatter: function (data) { 1274 1275 var seriesNames = []; 1276 var formateStrings = []; 1277 var formateString = ""; 1278 // console.log(typeof (data)); 1279 formateStrings.push(data[0].name); 1280 if (data.length != undefined) { 1281 1282 for (var i in data) { 1283 var item = data[i]; 1284 if ( == null || == "-") { 1285 } 1286 else { 1287 if (seriesNames.indexOf(item.seriesName) < 0) { 1288 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1289 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1290 } 1291 } 1292 } 1293 } 1294 else { 1295 var item = data; 1296 if ( == null || == "-") { 1297 } 1298 else { 1299 if (!seriesNames.contains(item.seriesName)) { 1300 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1301 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1302 } 1303 } 1304 } 1305 formateString = formateStrings.join("<br />"); 1306 return formateString; 1307 } 1308 } 1309 }) 1310 }); 1311 } 1312 } 1313 // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。 1314 if (option && typeof option === "object") { 1315 chart_someTimePrice_line.setOption(option, true); 1316 1317 } 1318 1319 1320 //价格预测和实际数据比较 按周 1321 var chart_WeekPrice_line = echarts.init(document.getElementById('weekPrice')); 1322 option = { 1323 title: { 1324 text: '周均价格走势图', 1325 left: "center", 1326 }, 1327 tooltip: { 1328 trigger: 'axis' 1329 }, 1330 legend: { 1331 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格','交易量'], 1332 top: '30px', 1333 }, 1334 // color: ['#c23531', '#2f4554', '#61a0a8', '#c23531', '#2f4554', '#61a0a8'], 1335 grid: { 1336 left: '3%', 1337 right: '4%', 1338 bottom: '3%', 1339 containLabel: true 1340 }, 1341 toolbox: { 1342 right: '20px', 1343 feature: { 1344 1345 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1346 1347 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1348 } 1349 }, 1350 xAxis: { 1351 type: 'category', 1352 boundaryGap: false, 1353 data: [], 1354 1355 }, 1356 yAxis: { 1357 type: 'value', 1358 axisLabel: { 1359 formatter: '{value}' 1360 } 1361 }, 1362 series: [ 1363 { 1364 name: '田头价格', 1365 type: 'line', 1366 data: [], 1367 }, 1368 { 1369 name: '批发价格', 1370 type: 'line', 1371 data: [], 1372 }, 1373 { 1374 name: '零售价格', 1375 type: 'line', 1376 data: [], 1377 }, 1378 1379 ] 1380 }; 1381 // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。 1382 if (option && typeof option === "object") { 1383 chart_WeekPrice_line.setOption(option, true); 1384 } 1385 1386 1387 //周均价格 异步加载数据 1388 function WeekPriceCompareLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect_Week, weekStartSelect, yearEndSelect_Week, weekEndSelect) { 1389 var url = "@Url.Action("WeekPriceLineAJAXData")"; 1390 if (locationSelect && productSelect && yearStartSelect_Week && weekStartSelect && yearEndSelect_Week && weekEndSelect) { 1391 $.post(url, { yjxzqid: locationSelect, ncpid: productSelect, yearStart: yearStartSelect_Week, weekStart: weekStartSelect, yearEnd: yearEndSelect_Week, weekEnd: weekEndSelect }, function (result) { 1392 1393 1394 chart_WeekPrice_line.setOption({ 1395 title: { 1396 text: productSelectName + '周均价格走势图', 1397 left: "center", 1398 }, 1399 legend: { 1400 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格','交易量'], 1401 top: '30px', 1402 }, 1403 // color: ['#c23531', '#2f4554', '#61a0a8','#c23531', '#2f4554', '#61a0a8'], 1404 grid: { 1405 left: '3%', 1406 right: '4%', 1407 bottom: '3%', 1408 containLabel: true 1409 }, 1410 toolbox: { 1411 right: '20px', 1412 feature: { 1413 1414 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1415 1416 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1417 } 1418 }, 1419 1420 xAxis: [ 1421 { 1422 type: 'category', 1423 boundaryGap: false, 1424 data: result.weekList, 1425 }, 1426 1427 ], 1428 yAxis: [ 1429 { 1430 name: '价格(元/千克)', 1431 nameLocation: 'end', 1432 type: 'value', 1433 1434 axisLabel: { 1435 formatter: '{value}' 1436 } 1437 }, 1438 { 1439 name: '交易量(吨)', 1440 nameLocation: 'end', 1441 type: 'value', 1442 inverse: false, 1443 1444 } 1445 ], 1446 series: [ 1447 { 1448 name: '田头价格', 1449 type: 'line', 1450 data: result.ttjgList, 1451 connectNulls: true 1452 1453 }, 1454 { 1455 name: '批发价格', 1456 type: 'line', 1457 data: result.pfjgList, 1458 connectNulls: true 1459 1460 }, 1461 { 1462 name: '零售价格', 1463 type: 'line', 1464 data: result.lsjgList, 1465 connectNulls: true 1466 1467 }, 1468 { 1469 name: '交易量', 1470 type: 'line', 1471 yAxisIndex: 1, 1472 data: result.jylList, 1473 connectNulls: true 1474 }, 1475 1476 ], 1477 tooltip: { 1478 trigger: 'axis', 1479 formatter: function (data) { 1480 1481 var seriesNames = []; 1482 var formateStrings = []; 1483 var formateString = ""; 1484 // console.log(typeof (data)); 1485 formateStrings.push(data[0].name); 1486 if (data.length != undefined) { 1487 1488 for (var i in data) { 1489 var item = data[i]; 1490 if ( == null || == "-") { 1491 } 1492 else { 1493 if (seriesNames.indexOf(item.seriesName) < 0) { 1494 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1495 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1496 } 1497 } 1498 } 1499 } 1500 else { 1501 var item = data; 1502 if ( == null || == "-") { 1503 } 1504 else { 1505 if (!seriesNames.contains(item.seriesName)) { 1506 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1507 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1508 } 1509 } 1510 } 1511 formateString = formateStrings.join("<br />"); 1512 return formateString; 1513 } 1514 } 1515 }); 1516 }); 1517 } 1518 } 1519 1520 1521 1522 //月均价格行情曲线(第二排右侧) 1523 var chart_MonthPrice_line = echarts.init(document.getElementById('monthPrice')); 1524 option = { 1525 title: { 1526 text: '月均价格走势图', 1527 left: "center", 1528 }, 1529 legend: { 1530 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格'], 1531 top: '30px', 1532 }, 1533 tooltip: { 1534 trigger: 'axis' 1535 }, 1536 grid: { 1537 left: '3%', 1538 right: '4%', 1539 bottom: '3%', 1540 containLabel: true 1541 }, 1542 toolbox: { 1543 right: '20px', 1544 feature: { 1545 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1546 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1547 } 1548 }, 1549 xAxis: { 1550 type: 'category', 1551 boundaryGap: false, 1552 data: [], 1553 1554 }, 1555 yAxis: { 1556 name: '价格(元/千克)', 1557 type: 'value', 1558 axisLabel: { 1559 formatter: '{value} ' 1560 } 1561 }, 1562 series: [ 1563 { 1564 name: '田头价格', 1565 type: 'line', 1566 data: [], 1567 }, 1568 { 1569 name: '批发价格', 1570 type: 'line', 1571 data: [], 1572 }, 1573 { 1574 name: '零售价格', 1575 type: 'line', 1576 data: [], 1577 }, 1578 1579 ] 1580 }; 1581 // 异步加载数据 1582 function MonthPriceLineAJAXData(locationSelect, productSelect, yearStartSelect, monthStartSelect, yearEndSelect, monthEndSelect) { 1583 var url = "@Url.Action("MonthPriceLineAJAXData")"; 1584 if (locationSelect && productSelect && yearStartSelect && monthStartSelect && yearEndSelect && monthEndSelect) { 1585 $.post(url, { yjxzqid: locationSelect, ncpid: productSelect, yearStart: yearStartSelect, monthStart: monthStartSelect, yearEnd: yearEndSelect, monthEnd: monthEndSelect }, function (result) { 1586 1587 chart_MonthPrice_line.setOption({ 1588 title: { 1589 text:productSelectName+ '月均价格走势图', 1590 left: "center", 1591 }, 1592 legend: { 1593 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格','交易量'], 1594 top: '30px', 1595 }, 1596 grid: { 1597 left: '3%', 1598 right: '4%', 1599 bottom: '3%', 1600 containLabel: true 1601 }, 1602 toolbox: { 1603 right: '20px', 1604 feature: { 1605 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1606 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1607 } 1608 }, 1609 xAxis: [ 1610 { 1611 type: 'category', 1612 boundaryGap: false, 1613 data: result.monthList, 1614 }, 1615 1616 ], 1617 yAxis: [{ 1618 name:'价格(元/千克)', 1619 type: 'value', 1620 axisLabel: { 1621 formatter: '{value} ' 1622 } 1623 }, 1624 { 1625 name: '交易量(吨)', 1626 nameLocation: 'end', 1627 type: 'value', 1628 inverse:false, 1629 1630 }], 1631 series: [ 1632 { 1633 name: '田头价格', 1634 type: 'line', 1635 data: result.ttjgList, 1636 connectNulls: true 1637 }, 1638 { 1639 name: '批发价格', 1640 type: 'line', 1641 data: result.pfjgList, 1642 connectNulls: true 1643 }, 1644 { 1645 name: '零售价格', 1646 type: 'line', 1647 data: result.lsjgList, 1648 connectNulls: true 1649 }, 1650 { 1651 name: '交易量', 1652 type: 'line', 1653 yAxisIndex: 1, 1654 data: result.jylList, 1655 connectNulls: true 1656 }, 1657 1658 ], 1659 tooltip: { 1660 trigger: 'axis', 1661 formatter: function (data) { 1662 1663 var seriesNames = []; 1664 var formateStrings = []; 1665 var formateString = ""; 1666 // console.log(typeof (data)); 1667 formateStrings.push(data[0].name); 1668 if (data.length != undefined) { 1669 1670 for (var i in data) { 1671 var item = data[i]; 1672 if ( == null || == "-") { 1673 } 1674 else { 1675 if (seriesNames.indexOf(item.seriesName) < 0) { 1676 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1677 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1678 } 1679 } 1680 } 1681 } 1682 else { 1683 var item = data; 1684 if ( == null || == "-") { 1685 } 1686 else { 1687 if (!seriesNames.contains(item.seriesName)) { 1688 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1689 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1690 } 1691 } 1692 } 1693 formateString = formateStrings.join("<br />"); 1694 return formateString; 1695 } 1696 } 1697 }); 1698 }); 1699 } 1700 } 1701 // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。 1702 if (option && typeof option === "object") { 1703 chart_MonthPrice_line.setOption(option, true); 1704 } 1705 1706 //同一地区不同品种柱状图 1707 var chart_regionProductsPrice_bar = echarts.init(document.getElementById('regionProductsPrice')); 1708 option = { 1709 title: { 1710 text: '同一地区不同品种柱状图', 1711 left: "center", 1712 }, 1713 tooltip: { 1714 trigger: 'axis' 1715 }, 1716 legend: { 1717 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格'], 1718 top: 30 1719 }, 1720 grid: { 1721 left: '3%', 1722 right: '4%', 1723 bottom: '3%', 1724 containLabel: true 1725 }, 1726 toolbox: { 1727 right: '20px', 1728 feature: { 1729 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1730 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1731 } 1732 }, 1733 calculable: true, 1734 xAxis: [ 1735 { 1736 type: 'category', 1737 data: [] 1738 } 1739 ], 1740 yAxis: [ 1741 { 1742 type: 'value', 1743 axisLabel: { 1744 formatter: '{value} ' 1745 } 1746 } 1747 ], 1748 series: [ 1749 { 1750 name: '田头价格', 1751 type: 'bar', 1752 data: [], 1753 1754 }, 1755 { 1756 name: '批发价格', 1757 type: 'bar', 1758 data: [], 1759 1760 }, 1761 { 1762 name: '零售价格', 1763 type: 'bar', 1764 data: [], 1765 1766 }, 1767 ] 1768 }; 1769 1770 // 异步数据加载 1771 function RegionProductsPriceBarAJAXData(yjxzqidSelect, ncpidSelect, selectDate) { 1772 1773 var url = "@Url.Action("RegionProductsPriceBarAJAXData")"; 1774 if (yjxzqidSelect && ncpidSelect && selectDate) { 1775 $.post(url, { yjxzqid: yjxzqidSelect, ncpid: ncpidSelect, date: selectDate }, function (result) { 1776 chart_regionProductsPrice_bar.setOption({ 1777 title: { 1778 text:locationSelectName+ '感兴趣品种价格柱状图', 1779 left: "center", 1780 }, 1781 tooltip: { 1782 trigger: 'axis', 1783 formatter: function (data) { 1784 1785 var seriesNames = []; 1786 var formateStrings = []; 1787 var formateString = ""; 1788 // console.log(typeof (data)); 1789 formateStrings.push(data[0].name); 1790 if (data.length != undefined) { 1791 1792 for (var i in data) { 1793 var item = data[i]; 1794 if ( == null || == "-") { 1795 } 1796 else { 1797 if (seriesNames.indexOf(item.seriesName) < 0) { 1798 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1799 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1800 } 1801 } 1802 } 1803 } 1804 else { 1805 var item = data; 1806 if ( == null || == "-") { 1807 } 1808 else { 1809 if (!seriesNames.contains(item.seriesName)) { 1810 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1811 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1812 } 1813 } 1814 } 1815 formateString = formateStrings.join("<br />"); 1816 return formateString; 1817 } 1818 }, 1819 legend: { 1820 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格','交易量'], 1821 top: 30 1822 }, 1823 grid: { 1824 left: '3%', 1825 right: '4%', 1826 bottom: '3%', 1827 containLabel: true 1828 }, 1829 toolbox: { 1830 right: '20px', 1831 feature: { 1832 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1833 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1834 } 1835 }, 1836 calculable: true, 1837 xAxis: [ 1838 { 1839 type: 'category', 1840 data: result.ncpmcList, 1841 } 1842 ], 1843 yAxis: [ 1844 { 1845 name:'价格(元/千克)', 1846 type: 'value', 1847 axisLabel: { 1848 formatter: '{value} ' 1849 } 1850 }, 1851 { 1852 name: '交易量(吨)', 1853 nameLocation: 'end', 1854 type: 'value', 1855 inverse: false, 1856 1857 } 1858 ], 1859 series: [ 1860 { 1861 name: '田头价格', 1862 type: 'bar', 1863 data: result.ttjgList, 1864 1865 }, 1866 { 1867 name: '批发价格', 1868 type: 'bar', 1869 data: result.pfjgList, 1870 1871 }, 1872 { 1873 name: '零售价格', 1874 type: 'bar', 1875 data: result.lsjgList, 1876 1877 }, 1878 { 1879 name: '交易量', 1880 type: 'bar', 1881 yAxisIndex: 1, 1882 data: result.jylList, 1883 connectNulls: true 1884 }, 1885 1886 ] 1887 }); 1888 }); 1889 } 1890 } 1891 // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。 1892 if (option && typeof option === "object") { 1893 chart_regionProductsPrice_bar.setOption(option, true); 1894 1895 } 1896 1897 //同一品种不同地区的价格柱状图 1898 var chart_productRegionsPrice_bar = echarts.init(document.getElementById('productRegionsPrice')); 1899 option = { 1900 title: { 1901 text: '同一品种不同地区的价格柱状图', 1902 left: "center", 1903 }, 1904 tooltip: { 1905 trigger: 'axis' 1906 }, 1907 legend: { 1908 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格'], 1909 top: 30 1910 }, 1911 grid: { 1912 left: '3%', 1913 right: '4%', 1914 bottom: '3%', 1915 containLabel: true 1916 }, 1917 toolbox: { 1918 right: '20px', 1919 feature: { 1920 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 1921 saveAsImage: { show: true } 1922 } 1923 }, 1924 calculable: true, 1925 xAxis: [ 1926 { 1927 type: 'category', 1928 data: [] 1929 } 1930 ], 1931 yAxis: [ 1932 { 1933 type: 'value', 1934 axisLabel: { 1935 formatter: '{value} ' 1936 } 1937 } 1938 ], 1939 series: [ 1940 { 1941 name: '田头价格', 1942 type: 'bar', 1943 data: [], 1944 1945 }, 1946 { 1947 name: '批发价格', 1948 type: 'bar', 1949 data: [], 1950 1951 }, 1952 { 1953 name: '零售价格', 1954 type: 'bar', 1955 data: [], 1956 1957 }, 1958 ] 1959 }; 1960 1961 // 异步数据加载 1962 function ProductRegionsPriceBarAJAXData(yjxzqidSelect, ncpidSelect, selectDate) { 1963 1964 var url = "@Url.Action("ProductRegionsPriceBarAJAXData")"; 1965 if (yjxzqidSelect && ncpidSelect && selectDate) { 1966 $.post(url, { yjxzqid: yjxzqidSelect, ncpid: ncpidSelect, date: selectDate }, function (result) { 1967 chart_productRegionsPrice_bar.setOption({ 1968 title: { 1969 text: '感兴趣地区' + productSelectName + '价格柱状图', 1970 left: "center", 1971 }, 1972 tooltip: { 1973 trigger: 'axis', 1974 formatter: function (data) { 1975 1976 var seriesNames = []; 1977 var formateStrings = []; 1978 var formateString = ""; 1979 // console.log(typeof (data)); 1980 formateStrings.push(data[0].name); 1981 if (data.length != undefined) { 1982 1983 for (var i in data) { 1984 var item = data[i]; 1985 if ( == null || == "-") { 1986 } 1987 else { 1988 if (seriesNames.indexOf(item.seriesName) < 0) { 1989 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 1990 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 1991 } 1992 } 1993 } 1994 } 1995 else { 1996 var item = data; 1997 if ( == null || == "-") { 1998 } 1999 else { 2000 if (!seriesNames.contains(item.seriesName)) { 2001 seriesNames.push(item.seriesName); 2002 formateStrings.push(item.marker + item.seriesName + ": " +; 2003 } 2004 } 2005 } 2006 formateString = formateStrings.join("<br />"); 2007 return formateString; 2008 } 2009 }, 2010 legend: { 2011 data: ['田头价格', '批发价格', '零售价格','交易量'], 2012 top: 30 2013 }, 2014 grid: { 2015 left: '3%', 2016 right: '4%', 2017 bottom: '3%', 2018 containLabel: true 2019 }, 2020 toolbox: { 2021 right: '20px', 2022 feature: { 2023 dataZoom: { show: true, title: { zoom: '区域缩放', back: '区域缩放还原' } }, 2024 saveAsImage: { show: true } 2025 } 2026 }, 2027 calculable: true, 2028 xAxis: [ 2029 { 2030 type: 'category', 2031 data: result.yjxzqnameList, 2032 } 2033 ], 2034 yAxis: [ 2035 { 2036 name: '价格(元/千克)', 2037 type: 'value', 2038 axisLabel: { 2039 formatter: '{value} ' 2040 } 2041 }, 2042 { 2043 name: '交易量(吨)', 2044 nameLocation: 'end', 2045 type: 'value', 2046 inverse: false, 2047 2048 } 2049 ], 2050 series: [ 2051 { 2052 name: '田头价格', 2053 type: 'bar', 2054 data: result.ttjgList, 2055 2056 }, 2057 { 2058 name: '批发价格', 2059 type: 'bar', 2060 data: result.pfjgList, 2061 2062 }, 2063 { 2064 name: '零售价格', 2065 type: 'bar', 2066 data: result.lsjgList, 2067 2068 }, 2069 { 2070 name: '交易量', 2071 type: 'bar', 2072 yAxisIndex: 1, 2073 data: result.jylList, 2074 connectNulls: true 2075 }, 2076 ] 2077 }); 2078 }); 2079 } 2080 } 2081 // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。 2082 if (option && typeof option === "object") { 2083 chart_productRegionsPrice_bar.setOption(option, true); 2084 2085 } 2086 2087 window.onresize = function () { 2088 setTimeout("chartResize();", 100); 2089 } 2090 function chartResize() { 2091 $("#gridJghq").datagrid("resize"); 2092 $("#identicalProductDifferentRegions").datagrid("resize"); 2093 $("#someTimePriceForm").datagrid("resize"); 2094 $("#weekPriceListGrid").datagrid("resize"); 2095 $("#monthlyPriceListGrid").datagrid("resize"); 2096 2097 chart_someTimePrice_line.resize(); 2098 chart_MonthPrice_line.resize(); 2099 chart_WeekPrice_line.resize(); 2100 chart_regionProductsPrice_bar.resize(); 2101 chart_productRegionsPrice_bar.resize(); 2102 } 2103 2104 </script>
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using Vegetable.DAL; using Vegetable.DBHelper; using Vegetable.Models; namespace Vegetable.Controllers { public class JghqController : JsonController { DAL.lyc2Entities db = new Vegetable.DAL.lyc2Entities(); #region 价格行情-需求变更 #region 蔬菜价格查询 /// <summary> /// 本站使用 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult SCjgcx() { return View(); } /// <summary> /// 部分页 公用 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult SCjgcxPartial() { //var model = "我是Model"; //return View("SCjgcxPartial",model); return PartialView(); } /// <summary> /// 站外使用 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult SCjgcxPage() { return View(); } #endregion #region 蔬菜价格比较 public ActionResult SCjgbj() { return View(); } public ActionResult SCjgbjPartial() { return PartialView(); } public ActionResult SCjgbjPage() { return View(); } #endregion #region 生猪价格查询 public ActionResult SZjgcx() { return View(); } /// <summary> /// 部分页 公用 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult SZjgcxPartial() { return PartialView(); } /// <summary> /// 站外使用 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult SZjgcxPage() { return View(); } #endregion #region 生猪价格比较 public ActionResult SZjgbj() { return View(); } public ActionResult SZjgbjPartial() { return PartialView(); } public ActionResult SZjgbjPage() { return View(); } #endregion #endregion // GET: Jghq public ActionResult Index() { return View(); } /// <summary> /// 同一地区不同品种价格表 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="rows"></param> /// <param name="sort"></param> /// <param name="order"></param> /// <param name="date"></param> /// <param name="products"></param> /// <param name="regions"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult yjdatealljg(int page,int rows, string sort, string order,DateTime? date, string products, string regions) { PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(); pageModel.Page = page; pageModel.Rows = rows; pageModel.Order = order; pageModel.Sort = sort; return yjdatealljg(pageModel, date, products, regions); } [HttpPost] public JsonResult yjdatealljg(PageModel pageInfo, DateTime? date, string products, string regions) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); if (pageInfo.Page <= 0) { pageInfo.Page = 1; } if (pageInfo.Rows <= 0) { pageInfo.Rows = 20; } var data = db.v_yjdatealljg.Select(d => new { ncpid= d.ncpid, ncpmc= d.ncpmc, yjxzqid= d.yjxzqid, yjxzqname= d.yjxzqname, cjrq= d.cjrq, ttjg= d.ttjg, pfjg= d.pfjg, lsjg= d.lsjg, jyl=d.jyl }); if (pageInfo.FilterRuleList != null) { data = data.Where(pageInfo.FilterRuleList.ToArray()); } if (date == null || ((DateTime)date).Year < 2000) { //测试用例 // var now = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-15"); var now = DateTime.Now; date = now.AddDays(-1); //近1天(昨天) } data = data.Where(d => d.cjrq == date); var pids = new List<int>(); var rids = new List<int>(); if (products == null) products = ""; if (regions == null) regions = ""; var productIds = products.Split(','); var regionIds = regions.Split(','); foreach (var pid in productIds) { if (pid == "") { continue; } pids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(pid)); } foreach(var rid in regionIds) { if (rid == "") { continue; } rids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rid)); } data = data.Where(d => pids.Contains(d.ncpid) && rids.Contains(d.yjxzqid)); if (pageInfo.Sort != null) { string[] sorts = pageInfo.Sort.Split(','); string[] orderbys = pageInfo.Order.Split(','); List<bool> isAscs = new List<bool>(); foreach (var o in orderbys) { isAscs.Add(o == "asc"); } data = data.OrderBy(sorts, isAscs.ToArray()); } else { data = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq); } result.rows = data.Skip((pageInfo.Page - 1) * pageInfo.Rows).Take(pageInfo.Rows).ToList(); = data.Count(); result.success = true; return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 同一品种不同地区价格表 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="rows"></param> /// <param name="sort"></param> /// <param name="order"></param> /// <param name="date"></param> /// <param name="products"></param> /// <param name="regions"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult IdenticalProductDifferentRegionsAjaxData(int page, int rows, string sort, string order, DateTime? date, string products, string regions) { PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(); pageModel.Page = page; pageModel.Rows = rows; pageModel.Order = order; pageModel.Sort = sort; return IdenticalProductDifferentRegionsAjaxData(pageModel, date, products, regions); } [HttpPost] public JsonResult IdenticalProductDifferentRegionsAjaxData(PageModel pageInfo, DateTime? date, string products, string regions) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); if (pageInfo.Page <= 0) { pageInfo.Page = 1; } if (pageInfo.Rows <= 0) { pageInfo.Rows = 20; } var data = db.v_yjdatealljg.Select(d => new { ncpid = d.ncpid, ncpmc = d.ncpmc, yjxzqid = d.yjxzqid, yjxzqname = d.yjxzqname, cjrq = d.cjrq, ttjg = d.ttjg, pfjg = d.pfjg, lsjg = d.lsjg, jyl = d.jyl }); if (pageInfo.FilterRuleList != null) { data = data.Where(pageInfo.FilterRuleList.ToArray()); } if (date == null || ((DateTime)date).Year < 2000) { //测试用例 // var now = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-15"); var now = DateTime.Now; date = now.AddDays(-1); //近1天(昨天) } data = data.Where(d => d.cjrq == date); var pids = new List<int>(); var rids = new List<int>(); if (products == null) products = ""; if (regions == null) regions = ""; var productIds = products.Split(','); var regionIds = regions.Split(','); foreach (var pid in productIds) { if (pid == "") { continue; } pids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(pid)); } foreach (var rid in regionIds) { if (rid == "") { continue; } rids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rid)); } data = data.Where(d => pids.Contains(d.ncpid) && rids.Contains(d.yjxzqid)); if (pageInfo.Sort != null) { string[] sorts = pageInfo.Sort.Split(','); string[] orderbys = pageInfo.Order.Split(','); List<bool> isAscs = new List<bool>(); foreach (var o in orderbys) { isAscs.Add(o == "asc"); } data = data.OrderBy(sorts, isAscs.ToArray()); } else { data = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq); } result.rows = data.Skip((pageInfo.Page - 1) * pageInfo.Rows).Take(pageInfo.Rows).ToList(); = data.Count(); result.success = true; return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 同一品种不同地区价格表 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="rows"></param> /// <param name="sort"></param> /// <param name="order"></param> /// <param name="date"></param> /// <param name="products"></param> /// <param name="regions"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult SZIdenticalProductDifferentRegionsAjaxData(int page, int rows, string sort, string order, DateTime? date, string products, string regions) { PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(); pageModel.Page = page; pageModel.Rows = rows; pageModel.Order = order; pageModel.Sort = sort; return SZIdenticalProductDifferentRegionsAjaxData(pageModel, date, products, regions); } [HttpPost] public JsonResult SZIdenticalProductDifferentRegionsAjaxData(PageModel pageInfo, DateTime? date, string products, string regions) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); if (pageInfo.Page <= 0) { pageInfo.Page = 1; } if (pageInfo.Rows <= 0) { pageInfo.Rows = 20; } var data = db.v_yjdatezrsjjg.Select(d => new { ncpid = d.ncpid, ncpmc = d.ncpmc, yjxzqid = d.yjxzqid, yjxzqname = d.yjxzqname, cjrq = d.cjrq, pfjg = d.pfjg, }); if (pageInfo.FilterRuleList != null) { data = data.Where(pageInfo.FilterRuleList.ToArray()); } if (date == null || ((DateTime)date).Year < 2000) { //测试用例 // var now = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-15"); var now = DateTime.Now; date = now.AddDays(-1); //近1天(昨天) } data = data.Where(d => d.cjrq == date); var pids = new List<int>(); var rids = new List<int>(); if (products == null) products = ""; if (regions == null) regions = ""; var productIds = products.Split(','); var regionIds = regions.Split(','); foreach (var pid in productIds) { if (pid == "") { continue; } pids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(pid)); } foreach (var rid in regionIds) { if (rid == "") { continue; } rids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rid)); } data = data.Where(d => pids.Contains(d.ncpid) && rids.Contains(d.yjxzqid)); if (pageInfo.Sort != null) { string[] sorts = pageInfo.Sort.Split(','); string[] orderbys = pageInfo.Order.Split(','); List<bool> isAscs = new List<bool>(); foreach (var o in orderbys) { isAscs.Add(o == "asc"); } data = data.OrderBy(sorts, isAscs.ToArray()); } else { data = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq); } result.rows = data.Skip((pageInfo.Page - 1) * pageInfo.Rows).Take(pageInfo.Rows).ToList(); = data.Count(); result.success = true; return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 价格行情表 /// </summary> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="rows"></param> /// <param name="sort"></param> /// <param name="order"></param> /// <param name="products"></param> /// <param name="regions"></param> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <param name=""></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult SomeTimePriceFormDataAjax(int page, int rows, string sort, string order, string products, string regions, DateTime? start, DateTime? end) { PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(); pageModel.Page = page; pageModel.Rows = rows; pageModel.Order = order; pageModel.Sort = sort; return SomeTimePriceFormDataAjax(pageModel, products, regions, start, end); } [HttpPost] public JsonResult SomeTimePriceFormDataAjax(PageModel pageInfo, string products, string regions,DateTime? start, DateTime? end) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); if (pageInfo.Page <= 0) { pageInfo.Page = 1; } if (pageInfo.Rows <= 0) { pageInfo.Rows = 20; } var data = db.v_yjdatealljg.Select(d => new { ncpid = d.ncpid, ncpmc = d.ncpmc, yjxzqid = d.yjxzqid, yjxzqname = d.yjxzqname, cjrq = d.cjrq, ttjg = d.ttjg, pfjg = d.pfjg, lsjg = d.lsjg, jyl=d.jyl }); if (pageInfo.FilterRuleList != null) { data = data.Where(pageInfo.FilterRuleList.ToArray()); } if (start == null || end==null||start>end ||((DateTime)end).Year < 2000) { //测试用例 //start = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-19").AddDays(-30); //end = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-19").AddDays(-1); start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30); end = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); } data = data.Where(d => d.cjrq >=start&&d.cjrq<=end); var pids = new List<int>(); var rids = new List<int>(); if (products == null) products = ""; if (regions == null) regions = ""; var productIds = products.Split(','); var regionIds = regions.Split(','); foreach (var pid in productIds) { if (pid == "") { continue; } pids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(pid)); } foreach (var rid in regionIds) { if (rid == "") { continue; } rids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rid)); } data = data.Where(d => pids.Contains(d.ncpid) && rids.Contains(d.yjxzqid)); if (pageInfo.Sort != null) { string[] sorts = pageInfo.Sort.Split(','); string[] orderbys = pageInfo.Order.Split(','); List<bool> isAscs = new List<bool>(); foreach (var o in orderbys) { isAscs.Add(o == "asc"); } data = data.OrderBy(sorts, isAscs.ToArray()); } else { data = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq); } result.rows = data.Skip((pageInfo.Page - 1) * pageInfo.Rows).Take(pageInfo.Rows).ToList(); = data.Count(); result.success = true; return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 月度价格行情表 /// </summary> /// <param name="page">页码</param> /// <param name="rows">表格数据</param> /// <param name="sort"></param> /// <param name="order">排序</param> /// <param name="products"></param> /// <param name="regions"></param> /// <param name="yearStart"></param> /// <param name="monthStart"></param> /// <param name="yearEnd"></param> /// <param name="monthEnd"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult WeekPriceList(int page, int rows, string sort, string order, string products, string regions, int? yearStart, int? weekStart, int? yearEnd, int? weekEnd) { PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(); pageModel.Page = page; pageModel.Rows = rows; pageModel.Order = order; pageModel.Sort = sort; return WeekPriceList(pageModel, products, regions, yearStart, weekStart, yearEnd, weekEnd); } [HttpPost] public JsonResult WeekPriceList(PageModel pageInfo, string products, string regions, int? yearStart, int? weekStart, int? yearEnd, int? weekEnd) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); if (pageInfo.Page <= 0) { pageInfo.Page = 1; } if (pageInfo.Rows <= 0) { pageInfo.Rows = 20; } var data = db.v_yjweekalljg.Select(d => new { yjxzqid = d.yjxzqid, yjxzqname = d.yjxzqname, ncpid = d.ncpid, ncpmc = d.ncpmc, cjyear = d.cjyear, cjweek = d.cjweek, lsjg = d.lsjg, pfjg = d.pfjg, ttjg = d.ttjg, jyl = d.jyl } ); if (pageInfo.FilterRuleList != null) { data = data.Where(pageInfo.FilterRuleList.ToArray()); } //如果年月为空,默认显示近12个月 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(weekStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(weekEnd.ToString())) //{ // var now = DateTime.Now; // DateTime start1 = new DateTime(); // start1 = now.AddMonths(-12); // yearStart = start1.Year; // weekStart = start1.Month; // yearEnd = now.Year; // weekEnd = now.Month; //} if (yearStart < yearEnd) { data = data.Where(d => ((d.cjyear == yearStart && d.cjweek >= weekStart) || (d.cjyear == yearEnd && d.cjweek <= weekEnd) || (d.cjyear > yearStart && d.cjyear < yearEnd))); } if (yearStart == yearEnd) { data = data.Where(d => ((d.cjyear == yearStart && d.cjweek >= weekStart && d.cjweek <= weekEnd))); } if (yearStart > yearEnd) { data = data.Where(d => (d.cjyear > yearStart && d.cjyear < yearEnd)); } var pids = new List<int>(); var rids = new List<int>(); if (products == null) products = ""; if (regions == null) regions = ""; var productIds = products.Split(','); var regionIds = regions.Split(','); foreach (var pid in productIds) { if (pid == "") { continue; } pids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(pid)); } foreach (var rid in regionIds) { if (rid == "") { continue; } rids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rid)); } data = data.Where(d => pids.Contains(d.ncpid) && rids.Contains(d.yjxzqid)); if (pageInfo.Sort != null) { string[] sorts = pageInfo.Sort.Split(','); string[] orderbys = pageInfo.Order.Split(','); List<bool> isAscs = new List<bool>(); foreach (var o in orderbys) { isAscs.Add(o == "asc"); } data = data.OrderBy(sorts, isAscs.ToArray()); } else { data = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjweek); } result.rows = data.Skip((pageInfo.Page - 1) * pageInfo.Rows).Take(pageInfo.Rows).ToList(); = data.Count(); result.success = true; return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 月度价格行情表 /// </summary> /// <param name="page">页码</param> /// <param name="rows">表格数据</param> /// <param name="sort"></param> /// <param name="order">排序</param> /// <param name="products"></param> /// <param name="regions"></param> /// <param name="yearStart"></param> /// <param name="monthStart"></param> /// <param name="yearEnd"></param> /// <param name="monthEnd"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult MonthlyPriceList(int page, int rows, string sort, string order, string products, string regions, int? yearStart, int? monthStart, int? yearEnd, int? monthEnd) { PageModel pageModel = new PageModel(); pageModel.Page = page; pageModel.Rows = rows; pageModel.Order = order; pageModel.Sort = sort; return MonthlyPriceList(pageModel, products, regions, yearStart, monthStart,yearEnd, monthEnd); } [HttpPost] public JsonResult MonthlyPriceList(PageModel pageInfo, string products, string regions, int? yearStart, int? monthStart, int? yearEnd, int? monthEnd) { ResultModel result = new ResultModel(); if (pageInfo.Page <= 0) { pageInfo.Page = 1; } if (pageInfo.Rows <= 0) { pageInfo.Rows = 20; } var data = db.v_yjmonthalljg.Select(d => new { yjxzqid = d.yjxzqid, yjxzqname = d.yjxzqname, ncpid = d.ncpid, ncpmc = d.ncpmc, cjyear = d.cjyear, cjmonth = d.cjmonth, lsjg = d.lsjg, pfjg = d.pfjg, ttjg = d.ttjg, jyl=d.jyl } ); if (pageInfo.FilterRuleList != null) { data = data.Where(pageInfo.FilterRuleList.ToArray()); } //如果年月为空,默认显示近12个月 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthEnd.ToString())) { var now = DateTime.Now; DateTime start1 = new DateTime(); start1 = now.AddMonths(-12); yearStart = start1.Year; monthStart = start1.Month; yearEnd = now.Year; monthEnd = now.Month; } if (yearStart < yearEnd) { data = data.Where(d => ((d.cjyear == yearStart && d.cjmonth >= monthStart) || (d.cjyear == yearEnd && d.cjmonth <= monthEnd) || (d.cjyear > yearStart && d.cjyear < yearEnd))); } if (yearStart == yearEnd) { data = data.Where(d => ((d.cjyear == yearStart && d.cjmonth >= monthStart && d.cjmonth <= monthEnd))); } if (yearStart > yearEnd) { data = data.Where(d => (d.cjyear > yearStart && d.cjyear < yearEnd)); } var pids = new List<int>(); var rids = new List<int>(); if (products == null) products = ""; if (regions == null) regions = ""; var productIds = products.Split(','); var regionIds = regions.Split(','); foreach (var pid in productIds) { if (pid == "") { continue; } pids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(pid)); } foreach (var rid in regionIds) { if (rid == "") { continue; } rids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(rid)); } data = data.Where(d => pids.Contains(d.ncpid) && rids.Contains(d.yjxzqid)); if (pageInfo.Sort != null) { string[] sorts = pageInfo.Sort.Split(','); string[] orderbys = pageInfo.Order.Split(','); List<bool> isAscs = new List<bool>(); foreach (var o in orderbys) { isAscs.Add(o == "asc"); } data = data.OrderBy(sorts, isAscs.ToArray()); } else { data = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjmonth); } result.rows = data.Skip((pageInfo.Page - 1) * pageInfo.Rows).Take(pageInfo.Rows).ToList(); = data.Count(); result.success = true; return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// (选中品种一段日期的三种)价格行情曲线 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult SomeTimePriceLineAJAXData(int yjxzqid, int ncpid, DateTime start, DateTime end) { //测试用例 // yjxzqid = 9; // ncpid = 35; var result = new EchartsModel(); //如果为空,赋默认值 if (start == null || end == null) { //测试用例 //start = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-19").AddDays(-30 ); //end = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-19").AddDays(-1); start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30); end = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); } //结束日期大于开始日期,结束日期小于今天 if (end.Date >= start.Date ) { V_yjdatealljgDal dal = new V_yjdatealljgDal(); var data1 = dal.SelectList(yjxzqid,ncpid,start,end); result.lsjgList = data1.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.lsjg).ToList(); result.pfjgList = data1.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.ttjgList = data1.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.ttjg).ToList(); result.cjrqList = data1.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.cjrq.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).ToList(); result.jylList = data1.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.jyl).ToList(); } return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// (选中品种一段日期的三种)价格行情曲线 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult SZSomeTimePriceLineAJAXData(int yjxzqid, int ncpid, DateTime start, DateTime end) { //测试用例 // yjxzqid = 9; // ncpid = 35; var result = new EchartsModel(); //如果为空,赋默认值 if (start == null || end == null) { //测试用例 //start = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-19").AddDays(-30 ); //end = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-19").AddDays(-1); start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30); end = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); } //结束日期大于开始日期,结束日期小于今天 if (end.Date >= start.Date) { var dal = new V_yjdatezrsjjgDal(); var data1 = dal.SelectList(yjxzqid, ncpid, start, end); result.pfjgList = data1.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.cjrqList = data1.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.cjrq.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")).ToList(); } return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 周价格行情曲线 /// </summary> /// <param name="yjxzqid">一级行政区id</param> /// <param name="ncpid">农产品id</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult WeekPriceLineAJAXData(int yjxzqid, int ncpid, int yearStart, int weekStart, int yearEnd, int weekEnd) { V_yjweekalljgDal dal = new V_yjweekalljgDal(); var result = new EchartsModel(); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(yjxzqid.ToString())&&!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ncpid.ToString())&& !string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(weekStart.ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(weekEnd.ToString())) //{ //var now = DateTime.Now; //DateTime start1 = new DateTime(); //start1 = now.AddMonths(-12); //yearStart = start1.Year; //weekStart = start1.Month; //yearEnd = now.Year; //weekEnd = now.Month; //}else //{ // result = null; //} var data2 = dal.SelectList(yjxzqid, ncpid, yearStart, weekStart, yearEnd, weekEnd).OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjweek); //记录表数据 result.lsjgList = data2.Select(d => d.lsjg).ToList(); result.pfjgList = data2.Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.ttjgList = data2.Select(d => d.ttjg).ToList(); result.jylList = data2.Select(d => d.jyl).ToList(); result.weekList = data2.Select(d => d.cjweek).ToList();//待删除 //年周 转换为 n周(mm.dd – mm.dd) var weekAndYear = data2.Select(d => new { year = d.cjyear, week = d.cjweek }).ToList(); var dateList = new List<string>() { }; foreach (var item in weekAndYear) { var weekhelp3 = new WeekHelper((int)item.year, (int)item.week); dateList.Add("(" + weekhelp3.DateStart.ToString("MM.dd") + "-" + weekhelp3.DateEnd.ToString("MM.dd") + ") " + item.week); } result.weekListAndYear = dateList; return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 周价格行情曲线 /// </summary> /// <param name="yjxzqid">一级行政区id</param> /// <param name="ncpid">农产品id</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult SZWeekPriceLineAJAXData(int yjxzqid, int ncpid, int yearStart, int weekStart, int yearEnd, int weekEnd) { var dal = new V_yjweekzrsjjgDal(); var result = new EchartsModel(); var data2 = dal.SelectList(yjxzqid, ncpid, yearStart, weekStart, yearEnd, weekEnd).OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjweek); //记录表数据 result.pfjgList = data2.Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.weekList = data2.Select(d => d.cjweek).ToList();//待删除 //年周 转换为 n周(mm.dd – mm.dd) var weekAndYear = data2.Select(d => new { year = d.cjyear, week = d.cjweek }).ToList(); var dateList = new List<string>() { }; foreach (var item in weekAndYear) { var weekhelp3 = new WeekHelper((int)item.year, (int)item.week); dateList.Add("(" + weekhelp3.DateStart.ToString("MM.dd") + "-" + weekhelp3.DateEnd.ToString("MM.dd") + ") " + item.week); } result.weekListAndYear = dateList; return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 月度价格行情曲线 /// </summary> /// <param name="yjxzqid">一级行政区id</param> /// <param name="ncpid">农产品id</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult MonthPriceLineAJAXData(int yjxzqid, int ncpid, int yearStart, int monthStart, int yearEnd, int monthEnd) { V_yjmonthalljgDal dal = new V_yjmonthalljgDal(); var result = new EchartsModel(); //如果年月为空,默认显示近12个月 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthEnd.ToString())) { var now = DateTime.Now; DateTime start1 = new DateTime(); start1 = now.AddMonths(-12); yearStart = start1.Year; monthStart = start1.Month; yearEnd = now.Year; monthEnd = now.Month; } var data2 = dal.SelectList( yjxzqid, ncpid, yearStart, monthStart, yearEnd, monthEnd); //记录表数据 result.lsjgList = data2.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjmonth).Select(d => d.lsjg).ToList(); result.pfjgList = data2.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjmonth).Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.ttjgList = data2.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjmonth).Select(d => d.ttjg).ToList(); result.monthList = data2.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjmonth).Select(d => d.cjmonth).ToList(); result.jylList = data2.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjmonth).Select(d => d.jyl).ToList(); return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 月度价格行情曲线 /// </summary> /// <param name="yjxzqid">一级行政区id</param> /// <param name="ncpid">农产品id</param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult SZMonthPriceLineAJAXData(int yjxzqid, int ncpid, int yearStart, int monthStart, int yearEnd, int monthEnd) { var dal = new V_yjmonthzrsjjgDal(); var result = new EchartsModel(); //如果年月为空,默认显示近12个月 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearStart.ToString()) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(monthEnd.ToString())) { var now = DateTime.Now; DateTime start1 = new DateTime(); start1 = now.AddMonths(-12); yearStart = start1.Year; monthStart = start1.Month; yearEnd = now.Year; monthEnd = now.Month; } var data2 = dal.SelectList(yjxzqid, ncpid, yearStart, monthStart, yearEnd, monthEnd); //记录表数据 result.pfjgList = data2.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjmonth).Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.monthList = data2.OrderBy(d => d.cjyear).ThenBy(d => d.cjmonth).Select(d => d.cjmonth).ToList(); return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 同一地区不同品种价格柱状图 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult RegionProductsPriceBarAJAXData(int yjxzqid, int[] ncpid,DateTime date) { //测试用例 //yjxzqid = 9; //ncpid = new int[] { 35, 36, 38 }; var result = new EchartsModel(); if (date == null) { var now = DateTime.Now; // var now = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-15"); date = now.AddDays(-1); //近1天(昨天) } var data = db.v_yjdatealljg .Where(d => ncpid.Contains(d.ncpid) && d.yjxzqid == yjxzqid && (d.cjrq == date)).ToList(); result.lsjgList= data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.lsjg).ToList(); result.pfjgList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.ttjgList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.ttjg).ToList(); result.ncpmcList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.ncpmc).ToList(); result.jylList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.jyl).ToList(); return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 同一品种不同地区的价格柱状图 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult ProductRegionsPriceBarAJAXData(int[] yjxzqid, int ncpid, DateTime? date) { //测试用例 //yjxzqid = 9; // yjxzqid = new int[] { 9, 4, 8 }; var result = new EchartsModel(); if (date == null) { var now = DateTime.Now; // var now = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-15"); date = now.AddDays(-1); //近1天(昨天) } var data = db.v_yjdatealljg.Where(d => d.ncpid== ncpid && yjxzqid.Contains(d.yjxzqid) && (d.cjrq == date)).ToList(); result.lsjgList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.lsjg).ToList(); result.pfjgList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.ttjgList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.ttjg).ToList(); result.yjxzqnameList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.yjxzqname).ToList(); result.jylList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.jyl).ToList(); return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } /// <summary> /// 同一品种不同地区的价格柱状图 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult SZProductRegionsPriceBarAJAXData(int[] yjxzqid, int ncpid, DateTime? date) { //测试用例 //yjxzqid = 9; // yjxzqid = new int[] { 9, 4, 8 }; var result = new EchartsModel(); if (date == null) { var now = DateTime.Now; // var now = DateTime.Parse("2016-06-15"); date = now.AddDays(-1); //近1天(昨天) } var data = db.v_yjdatezrsjjg.Where(d => d.ncpid == ncpid && yjxzqid.Contains(d.yjxzqid) && (d.cjrq == date)).ToList(); result.pfjgList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.pfjg).ToList(); result.yjxzqnameList = data.OrderBy(d => d.cjrq).Select(d => d.yjxzqname).ToList(); return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } } }
linq部分方法改写 类
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Linq.Expressions; 5 using System.Reflection; 6 using System.Web; 7 using Vegetable.Models; 8 9 namespace Vegetable.DAL 10 { 11 public static class QueryableExtension 12 { 13 14 public static IQueryable<T> OrderBy<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string[] propertyName, bool[] ascending) where T : class 15 { 16 Type type = typeof(T); 17 18 for (int i = 0; i < propertyName.Length; i++) 19 { 20 21 PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty(propertyName[i]); 22 if (property == null) 23 throw new ArgumentException("propertyName", "Not Exist"); 24 25 ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(type, "p"); 26 Expression propertyAccessExpression = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(param, property); 27 LambdaExpression orderByExpression = Expression.Lambda(propertyAccessExpression, param); 28 29 string methodName = ascending[i] ? "OrderBy" : "OrderByDescending"; 30 if (i != 0) 31 { 32 methodName = ascending[i] ? "ThenBy" : "ThenByDescending"; 33 } 34 35 MethodCallExpression resultExp = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), methodName, new Type[] { type, property.PropertyType }, source.Expression, Expression.Quote(orderByExpression)); 36 source = source.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(resultExp); 37 38 } 39 40 41 return source; 42 } 43 44 45 public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, FilterRule[] filterRules) where T : class 46 { 47 if (filterRules == null) 48 { 49 return source; 50 } 51 Type type = typeof(T); 52 53 ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(type, "c"); 54 55 Expression<Func<T, bool>> op = null; 56 57 foreach (var rule in filterRules) 58 { 59 PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty(rule.Field); 60 if (property == null) 61 { 62 continue; 63 } 64 //c.Field==Value 65 //c=>c.Field.Contains(Value) 66 Expression left = Expression.Property(param, property); 67 68 Expression right = Expression.Constant(rule.Value); 69 Type valueType = property.PropertyType; 70 if (rule.Value == null || rule.Value == "") continue; 71 DateTime inputDateTime = DateTime.Now; 72 try 73 { 74 75 if (valueType == typeof(int) || valueType == typeof(int?)) 76 { 77 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToInt32(rule.Value.Split('.')[0])); 78 } 79 else if (valueType == typeof(short) || valueType == typeof(short?)) 80 { 81 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToInt16(rule.Value.Split('.')[0])); 82 } 83 else if (valueType == typeof(byte) || valueType == typeof(byte?)) 84 { 85 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToByte(rule.Value.Split('.')[0])); 86 } 87 else if (valueType == typeof(long) || valueType == typeof(long?)) 88 { 89 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToInt64(rule.Value)); 90 } 91 else if (valueType == typeof(float) || valueType == typeof(float?)) 92 { 93 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToSingle(rule.Value)); 94 } 95 else if (valueType == typeof(double) || valueType == typeof(double?)) 96 { 97 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToDouble(rule.Value)); 98 } 99 else if (valueType == typeof(decimal) || valueType == typeof(decimal?)) 100 { 101 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToDecimal(rule.Value)); 102 } 103 else if (valueType == typeof(DateTime) || valueType == typeof(DateTime?)) 104 { 105 inputDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(rule.Value); 106 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToDateTime(rule.Value)); 107 } 108 else if (valueType == typeof(Guid) || valueType == typeof(Guid?)) 109 { 110 right = Expression.Constant(Guid.Parse(rule.Value)); 111 } 112 113 } 114 catch (Exception ex) 115 { 116 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); 117 break; 118 } 119 120 121 Expression filter = Expression.Equal(left, right); 122 Expression filter2 = null; 123 MethodInfo method; 124 125 switch (rule.Op) 126 { 127 case OP.contains: 128 //BinaryExpression 129 if (valueType == typeof(string)) 130 { 131 method = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) }); 132 filter = Expression.Call(left, method, right); 133 } 134 else if (valueType == typeof(DateTime) || valueType == typeof(DateTime?)) 135 { 136 right = Expression.Constant(inputDateTime.Date); 137 filter = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right); 138 right = Expression.Constant(inputDateTime.Date.AddDays(1)); 139 filter2 = Expression.LessThan(left, right); 140 } 141 else 142 { 143 filter = Expression.Equal(left, right); 144 } 145 break; 146 case OP.equal: 147 filter = Expression.Equal(left, right); 148 break; 149 case OP.notequal: 150 filter = Expression.NotEqual(left, right); 151 break; 152 case OP.beginwith: 153 method = typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }); 154 155 filter = Expression.Call(left, method, right); 156 break; 157 case OP.endwith: 158 method = typeof(string).GetMethod("EndsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }); 159 160 filter = Expression.Call(left, method, right); 161 break; 162 case OP.less: 163 filter = Expression.LessThan(left, right); 164 break; 165 case OP.lessorequal: 166 filter = Expression.LessThanOrEqual(left, right); 167 break; 168 case OP.greater: 169 filter = Expression.GreaterThan(left, right); 170 break; 171 case OP.greaterorequal: 172 filter = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right); 173 break; 174 default: 175 break; 176 } 177 178 179 180 var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(filter, param); 181 if (op == null) 182 { 183 op = lambda; 184 } 185 else 186 { 187 op = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.And(op.Body, lambda.Body), op.Parameters); 188 } 189 190 if (filter2 != null) 191 { 192 var lambda2 = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(filter2, param); 193 op = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.And(op.Body, lambda2.Body), op.Parameters); 194 } 195 } 196 197 if (op != null) 198 { 199 source = source.Where(op); 200 } 201 return source; 202 } 203 204 205 public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, Filter[] filters) where T : class 206 { 207 if (filters == null) 208 { 209 return source; 210 } 211 Type type = typeof(T); 212 213 ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(type, "c"); 214 215 Expression<Func<T, bool>> op = null; 216 217 218 foreach (var rule in filters) 219 { 220 PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty(rule.Field); 221 if (property == null) 222 { 223 continue; 224 } 225 //c.Field==Value 226 //c=>(c.Field.Contains(Value) || c.Field.Contains(Value)) 227 Exception outExc = new Exception(); 228 229 Expression left = Expression.Property(param, property); 230 Type valueType = property.PropertyType; 231 if (rule.Value == null || rule.Value.Length <= 0) continue; 232 233 Expression<Func<T, bool>> lambdaOut = null; 234 foreach (var v in rule.Value) 235 { 236 Expression right = Expression.Constant(v); 237 DateTime inputDateTime = DateTime.Now; 238 try 239 { 240 241 if (valueType == typeof(int) || valueType == typeof(int?)) 242 { 243 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToInt32(v.Split('.')[0])); 244 } 245 else if (valueType == typeof(short) || valueType == typeof(short?)) 246 { 247 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToInt16(v.Split('.')[0])); 248 } 249 else if (valueType == typeof(byte) || valueType == typeof(byte?)) 250 { 251 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToByte(v.Split('.')[0])); 252 } 253 else if (valueType == typeof(long) || valueType == typeof(long?)) 254 { 255 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToInt64(v)); 256 } 257 else if (valueType == typeof(float) || valueType == typeof(float?)) 258 { 259 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToSingle(v)); 260 } 261 else if (valueType == typeof(double) || valueType == typeof(double?)) 262 { 263 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToDouble(v)); 264 } 265 else if (valueType == typeof(decimal) || valueType == typeof(decimal?)) 266 { 267 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToDecimal(v)); 268 } 269 else if (valueType == typeof(DateTime) || valueType == typeof(DateTime?)) 270 { 271 inputDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(v); 272 right = Expression.Constant(Convert.ToDateTime(v)); 273 } 274 else if (valueType == typeof(Guid) || valueType == typeof(Guid?)) 275 { 276 right = Expression.Constant(Guid.Parse(v)); 277 } 278 279 } 280 catch (Exception ex) 281 { 282 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); 283 break; 284 } 285 286 287 Expression filter = Expression.Equal(left, right); 288 Expression filter2 = null; 289 MethodInfo method; 290 291 switch (rule.Op) 292 { 293 case OP.contains: 294 //BinaryExpression 295 if (valueType == typeof(string)) 296 { 297 method = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) }); 298 filter = Expression.Call(left, method, right); 299 } 300 else if (valueType == typeof(DateTime) || valueType == typeof(DateTime?)) 301 { 302 right = Expression.Constant(inputDateTime.Date); 303 filter = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right); 304 right = Expression.Constant(inputDateTime.Date.AddDays(1)); 305 filter2 = Expression.LessThan(left, right); 306 } 307 else 308 { 309 filter = Expression.Equal(left, right); 310 } 311 break; 312 case OP.equal: 313 filter = Expression.Equal(left, right); 314 break; 315 case OP.notequal: 316 filter = Expression.NotEqual(left, right); 317 break; 318 case OP.beginwith: 319 method = typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }); 320 321 filter = Expression.Call(left, method, right); 322 break; 323 case OP.endwith: 324 method = typeof(string).GetMethod("EndsWith", new[] { typeof(string) }); 325 326 filter = Expression.Call(left, method, right); 327 break; 328 case OP.less: 329 filter = Expression.LessThan(left, right); 330 break; 331 case OP.lessorequal: 332 filter = Expression.LessThanOrEqual(left, right); 333 break; 334 case OP.greater: 335 filter = Expression.GreaterThan(left, right); 336 break; 337 case OP.greaterorequal: 338 filter = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right); 339 break; 340 default: 341 break; 342 } 343 344 345 346 var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(filter, param); 347 if (lambdaOut == null) 348 { 349 lambdaOut = lambda; 350 } 351 else 352 { 353 lambdaOut = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.Or(lambdaOut.Body, lambda.Body), lambdaOut.Parameters); 354 } 355 356 if (filter2 != null) 357 { 358 var lambda2 = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(filter2, param); 359 lambdaOut = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.And(lambdaOut.Body, lambda2.Body), lambdaOut.Parameters); 360 } 361 } 362 if (op == null) 363 { 364 op = lambdaOut; 365 } 366 else 367 { 368 op = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.And(op.Body, lambdaOut.Body), op.Parameters); 369 } 370 371 } 372 if (op != null) 373 { 374 source = source.Where(op); 375 } 376 return source; 377 378 } 379 380 public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string[] columnNames, string filterString) 381 { 382 383 Type type = typeof(T); 384 385 ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(type, "c"); 386 387 Expression right = Expression.Constant(filterString); 388 389 //1!=1 390 //Expression op = Expression.NotEqual(Expression.Constant(1), Expression.Constant(1)); 391 Expression<Func<T, bool>> op = null; 392 393 394 foreach (var column in columnNames) 395 { 396 PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty(column); 397 if (property == null) 398 { 399 continue; 400 } 401 //c.Field==Value 402 //c=>c.Field.Contains(Value) 403 Expression left = Expression.Property(param, property); 404 405 Type valueType = property.PropertyType; 406 if (valueType != typeof(string)) continue; 407 if (filterString == null || filterString == "") continue; 408 409 410 MethodInfo method = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) }); 411 412 413 Expression filter = Expression.Call(left, method, right); 414 415 var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(filter, param); 416 if (op == null) 417 { 418 op = lambda; 419 } 420 else 421 { 422 423 op = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(Expression.Or(op.Body, lambda.Body), op.Parameters); 424 } 425 } 426 427 if (op != null) 428 { 429 430 source = source.Where(op); 431 } 432 return source; 433 } 434 } 435 }
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Web; 5 6 namespace Vegetable.DBHelper 7 { 8 /// <summary> 9 /// 星期一作为一周的开始,第一个完整的周作为第一周 10 /// </summary> 11 public class WeekHelper 12 { 13 /// <summary> 14 /// 开始日期 15 /// </summary> 16 public DateTime DateStart { get; private set; } 17 /// <summary> 18 /// 结束日期 19 /// </summary> 20 public DateTime DateEnd { get; private set; } 21 22 /// <summary> 23 /// 年 24 /// </summary> 25 public int Year { get; private set; } 26 27 /// <summary> 28 /// 周 29 /// </summary> 30 public int Week { get; private set; } 31 32 /// <summary> 33 /// 一年开始的日期 34 /// </summary> 35 public DateTime YearStartDate { get; private set; } 36 37 38 /// <summary> 39 /// 一年最大周数 40 /// </summary> 41 public int MaxWeek { get; private set; } 42 43 public override string ToString() 44 { 45 return string.Format("{0}年第{1}周", Year, Week); 46 } 47 48 private void SetYearStartDay(int year) 49 { 50 YearStartDate = new DateTime(year, 1, 1); 51 var addDay = 8 - (int)YearStartDate.DayOfWeek; 52 if (addDay >= 7) 53 { 54 addDay = addDay - 7; 55 } 56 YearStartDate = YearStartDate.AddDays(addDay); 57 } 58 59 public WeekHelper(DateTime date) 60 { 61 SetYearStartDay(date.Year); 62 if (date < YearStartDate) 63 { 64 SetYearStartDay(date.Year - 1); 65 } 66 MaxWeek = ((new DateTime(YearStartDate.Year, 12, 31) - YearStartDate).Days / 7) + 1; 67 Year = YearStartDate.Year; 68 Week = ((date - YearStartDate).Days / 7) + 1; 69 DateStart = YearStartDate.AddDays((Week - 1) * 7); 70 DateEnd = YearStartDate.AddDays(Week * 7 - 1); 71 } 72 73 74 75 public WeekHelper(int year, int week) 76 { 77 SetYearStartDay(year); 78 var date = YearStartDate.AddDays((week - 1) * 7); 79 if (date < YearStartDate) 80 { 81 SetYearStartDay(year - 1); 82 } 83 84 MaxWeek = ((new DateTime(YearStartDate.Year, 12, 31) - YearStartDate).Days / 7) + 1; 85 while (week > MaxWeek) 86 { 87 year = year + 1; 88 week = week - MaxWeek; 89 SetYearStartDay(year); 90 date = YearStartDate.AddDays((week - 1) * 7); 91 MaxWeek = ((new DateTime(YearStartDate.Year, 12, 31) - YearStartDate).Days / 7) + 1; 92 } 93 94 Year = YearStartDate.Year; 95 Week = ((date - YearStartDate).Days / 7) + 1; 96 DateStart = YearStartDate.AddDays((Week - 1) * 7); 97 DateEnd = YearStartDate.AddDays(Week * 7 - 1); 98 } 99 } 100 }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace Vegetable.DBHelper { public static class SqlHelper { private static readonly string conStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["lyc2ConnString"].ConnectionString; //insert delete update public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string sql, params SqlParameter[] pms) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { if (pms != null) { cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms); } con.Open(); return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } //返回单个值 public static object ExecuteScalar(string sql, params SqlParameter[] pms) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { if (pms != null) { cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms); } con.Open(); return cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } } } //执行返回DataReader public static SqlDataReader ExecuteReader(string sql, params SqlParameter[] pms) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { if (pms != null) { cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms); } //con.Open(); try { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } return cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); } catch { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); throw; } } } //查询多行 public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string sql, params SqlParameter[] pms) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, conStr)) { if (pms != null) { adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddRange(pms); } adapter.Fill(dt); } return dt; } /// <summary> /// 将DbNull转换成null /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object FromDbNull(object obj) { if (obj == DBNull.Value) { return null; } else { return obj; } } /// <summary> /// 将null转换成DbNull /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object ToDbNull(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return DBNull.Value; } else { return obj; } } /// <summary> /// 数组转字符串 逗号分隔 /// </summary> /// <param name="ncpid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static String ArrayToString(int[] ncpid) { string temp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ncpid.Length; i++) { if (i < ncpid.Length - 1) { temp = temp + ncpid[i] + ","; } else { temp = temp + ncpid[i]; } } return temp; } } }