Thinkphp 全选、反选 批量删除
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// var checkArray=new Array(); // //将所有选中的复选框的默认值写入到数组中 // for(var i=0;i<check.length;i++){ // if(check[i].checked){ // checkArray.push(check[i].value); // } // } // //异步传值到后台 // $.ajax({ // url:"/Home/Wallet/batchDel" , // type:"get", // dataType:'json', // data:{"checkArray":checkArray}, // success:function (data) { // // //成功执行的方法 // if(data.msg=="删除成功!"){ // location.reload(); // }else{ // alert(data.msg); // } // } // }); // // } // } jQuery(function($){ // //上面 全选和全不选的切换 // var check2=true; // $(' table th input:checkbox').on('click',function () { // $(".bullet :checkbox").prop("checked", check2); // check2=!check2; // }); // //下面 全选和全不选的切换 // var check=true; // $("#checkbox_all").click(function () { // $(".bullet :checkbox").prop("checked", check); // check=!check; // });<br><br> $.extend({ action:function(url,obj) { var obj=$(obj).parents( 'form' ); $.ajax({ url:url, type: 'get' , data:obj.serialize(), success:function(res) { // alert(response.msg); $.lagou.alert(response.msg,response.code,2); $.lagou.formHide(); location.reload(); } }); }, // del:function (Id) { // if(confirm("确定要删除吗?")){ // jQuery.ajax({ // url:"/Home/Wallet/del", // type:"get", // data:{"Id":Id}, // success:function (msg) { // alert(msg.msg); // location.reload(); // } // }) // } // } }) }) </script> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <include file= "Public/footer" nav= 'index' /> </body> </html><br><br><br> // 这就是全选按钮 方法二<br>//$('table th input:checkbox').on('click' , function(){<br>// var that = this;<br>// $(this).closest('table').find('tr > td:first-child input:checkbox')<br>// .each(function(){<br>// this.checked = that.checked;<br> // $(this).closest('tr').toggleClass('selected');<br>// }); <br>//}); |
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'%' ); } //支付类型 if ($a[ 'mr_paytype' ] != 0) { $ where [ 'Paytype' ]=array( 'EQ' ,$a[ 'mr_paytype' ]); // $where = $where . " and paytype =" . $a['mr_paytype']; } //订单状态 if ($a[ 'mr_ordertype' ] != 0) { $ where [ 'Ordertype' ]=array( 'EQ' ,$a[ 'mr_ordertype' ]); // $where = $where . " and status =" . $a['mr_ordertype']; } //获取用户id $uid = session( "" ); $ where [ 'UserId' ]=$uid; // $where['Delete']=1; //分页部分 //获取总行数 $total =$ this ->recharge-> where ($ where )->count(); //每10个一页 $Page= new \Think\Page($total,5); $Page->setConfig( 'first' , '首页' ); $Page->setConfig( 'prev' , '上一页' ); $Page->setConfig( 'next' , '下一页' ); $Page->setConfig( 'last' , '尾页' ); $showPage=$Page->show(); //查询 去掉了订单类型 r.Ordertype $data=$ this ->recharge-> where ($ where )->page(I( 'get.p' ,1),5)->order( 'CreateTime desc' )-> join ( 'as r left join lg_users as u on' )->field( 'r.Id,u.username,r.OrderNumber,r.Paytype,r.Money,r.CreateTime,r.Status,r.Usertype' )-> select (); //返回上一次搜索条件 $ this ->assign( 'map' ,$a); //返回分页栏 $ this ->assign( 'page' ,$showPage); //列表 $ this ->assign( 'data' ,$data); //展示页面 $ this ->display(); } public function del() { //调试方法 // $this->ajaxReturn($_GET["Id"]); // return; if (IS_AJAX){ $id=$_GET[ "Id" ]; // $id2=$_REQUEST["Id"]; //异步请求不能使用var_dump() //1正常;2已删除; //失败,直接用save是跟新整条,必须每个字段多包括。 // $data['Id']=$id; // $data['Delete']=2; // $rs=$this->recharge->save($data['Delete']); // 成功,更新某个字段。 // $delete='2'; // $rs=$this->recharge->where('Id='.$id)->setField('Delete','$delete'); //成功 $data[ 'Delete' ]=2; $rs=$ this ->recharge-> where ( 'id=' .$id)->field( 'Delete' )->filter( 'strip_tags' )->save($data); //当使用field('email')的时候,只允许更新email字段的值(采用strip_tags方法过滤),name字段的值将不会被修改。 //filter(strip_tags) 调用strip_tags过滤方法 if ($rs=== false ){ $msg[ 'code' ]=0; $msg[ 'msg' ]= '删除失败!' ; } else { $msg[ 'code' ]=1; $msg[ 'msg' ]= '删除成功!' ; } $ this ->ajaxReturn($msg); } } //批量删除 public function batchDel() { //调试方法一 // $this->ajaxReturn($_GET["checkArray"]); // return; //调试方法二 // $data=I('get.'); // $this->ajaxReturn($data['checkArray']); // return; if (IS_AJAX){ $data=$_GET[ "checkArray" ]; if (!empty($data)){ //批量删除方法一 // foreach ($data as $v){ // //删除的条件 // $condition['Id']=$v; // $d['Delete']=2; // //删除数据:假删除 // $result=$this->recharge->where($condition)->field('Delete')->filter('strip_tags')->save($d); // } //批量删除方法二 //判断id是数组还是一个数值 if (is_array($data)){ $condition = 'id in(' .implode( ',' ,$data). ')' ; } else { $condition = 'id=' .$data; } $d[ 'Delete' ]=2; $result=$ this ->recharge-> where ($condition)->field( 'Delete' )->filter( 'strip_tags' )->save($d); //判断是否成功 if ($result=== false ){ $msg[ 'code' ]=0; $msg[ 'msg' ]= '删除失败!' ; } else { $msg[ 'code' ]=1; $msg[ 'msg' ]= '删除成功!' ; } } $ this ->ajaxReturn($msg); } } //消费记录 public function consume(){ if (!session( '?' )) { $ this ->redirect( 'User/login' ); } else { $name = $_SESSION[ 'user' ][ 'username' ]; $user = M( "Users" ); $usermodel = $user-> where ( "username=" . $name)->find(); $ this ->assign( "user" , $usermodel); } //获取用户id $uid = session( "" ); $ where [ 'userid' ]=$uid; $ where [ 'usertype' ]=2; //企业类型为2 //获取总行数 $total =$ this ->consume-> where ($ where )->count(); //分页 $Page= new \Think\Page($total,10); $Page->setConfig( 'first' , '首页' ); $Page->setConfig( 'prev' , '上一页' ); $Page->setConfig( 'next' , '下一页' ); $Page->setConfig( 'last' , '尾页' ); $showPage=$Page->show(); //查询 $data=$ this ->consume-> where ($ where )->page(I( 'get.p' ,1),10)->order( 'createtime desc' )-> join ( 'as r left join lg_users as u on' )->field( ',u.username,r.paynumber,,r.createtime,r.usertype' )-> select (); //返回分页栏 $ this ->assign( 'page' ,$showPage); //列表 $ this ->assign( 'data' ,$data); //展示页面 $ this ->display(); } //消费记录 public function consume_details(){ //接收记录id $id= $_GET[ 'id' ]; //获取失败 // $username= $_GET['username']; // var_dump($username); //获取用户id $uid = session( "" ); $username2=session( "user.username" ); $ where [ 'userid' ]=$uid; $ where [ 'id' ]=$id; $ where [ 'usertype' ]=2; //企业类型为2 //查询 $data=$ this ->consume-> where ($ where )-> select (); // $data=$this->consume->where($where)->join('as r left join lg_users as u on')->field(',u.username,r.paynumber,,r.createtime,r.usertype')->select(); $data[0][ 'username' ]=$username2; // var_dump($data[0]); //列表 $ this ->assign( 'value' ,$data[0]); //展示页面 $ this ->display(); } //支付页面 public function pay(){ if (!session( '?' )) { $ this ->redirect( 'User/login' ); } else { $name = $_SESSION[ 'user' ][ 'username' ]; $user = M( "Users" ); $usermodel = $user-> where ( "username=" . $name)->find(); $ this ->assign( "user" , $usermodel); $ this ->display(); } } //申请发票 public function apply_invoice(){ if (!session( '?' )) { $ this ->redirect( 'User/login' ); } else { $name = $_SESSION[ 'user' ][ 'username' ]; $user = M( "Users" ); $usermodel = $user-> where ( "username=" . $name)->find(); $ this ->assign( "user" , $usermodel); $ this ->display(); } } public function apply_invoice_do(){ if (IS_AJAX){ //调试方法一 // $this->ajaxReturn($_POST["content"]); // return; $data[ 'content' ]= $_POST[ "content" ]; $data[ 'user_id' ] = session( '' ); $data[ 'create_time' ]=time(); $Invoice = M( "Invoice" ); $result=$Invoice->data($data)->add(); //var_dump($result); 异步使用会中断 if ($result>0){ $msg= "ok" ; } else { $msg= "提交失败" ; } $ this ->ajaxReturn($msg); } } } ?> |
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