1 // game of life.cpp 2 //function head 3 #include <stdio.h> 4 #include <stdlib.h> 5 #include <windows.h> 6 #include <time.h> 7 #include <ctype.h> 8 //define the size of the two-dimensional array 9 #define SIZE 40 10 void rule(int array[SIZE][SIZE]); 11 //function prototype 12 void SetColor(unsigned short ForeColor=5,unsigned short 13 BackGroundColor=2) 14 //change color 15 { 16 HANDLE hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); 17 SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon,ForeColor|BackGroundColor); 18 } 19 int main() 20 { 21 int data[SIZE][SIZE]={0};//0->virus 1->cell 2->boundary 22 int i,j,instruct; 23 srand(time(NULL));//use the current time to seed the random number generator 24 for(i=0;i<=SIZE-1;i++) 25 { 26 for(j=0;j<=SIZE-1;j++) 27 { 28 if(i*j==0||i==SIZE-1||j==SIZE-1) 29 { 30 data[i][j]=22; 31 }//end if 32 else 33 data[i][j]=11*(rand()%2); 34 }//end for 35 }//end for 36 system("mode con cols=100 & color 0f");//to set the size and the color of the window 37 //input a random number except 0 to continue the game 38 while(scanf("%d",&instruct)!=0) 39 { 40 system("cls");//clear the screen 41 for(i=0;i<=SIZE-1;i++) 42 { 43 for(j=0;j<=SIZE-1;j++) 44 { 45 if(data[i][j]%10==1) 46 { 47 SetColor(10);//function call 48 printf("%c ",6);//display the character 49 } 50 else if(data[i][j]%10==0) 51 { 52 SetColor(6);//function call 53 printf("%c ",4);//display the character 54 } 55 else 56 { 57 SetColor(3);//function call 58 printf("%c ",3);//display the character 59 } 60 if(i*j==0||i==SIZE-1||j==SIZE-1) 61 { 62 ; 63 } 64 else 65 data[i][j]=(data[i][j]%10)*10; 66 } 67 printf("\n"); 68 } 69 rule(data);//function call 70 printf("请输入1继续0结束\n"); 71 }//end while 72 return 0; 73 } 74 void rule(int array[SIZE][SIZE]) 75 { 76 int amount,i,j,k,l; 77 for(i=1;i<=SIZE-2;i++) 78 { 79 for(j=1;j<=SIZE-2;j++) 80 { 81 amount=0; 82 for(k=i-1;k<=i+1;k++) 83 { 84 for(l=j-1;l<=j+1;l++) 85 { 86 if(array[k][l]/10==1&&(k!=i||l!=j)) 87 { 88 amount++; 89 }//end if 90 }//end for 91 }//end for 92 //** the rule of the game of life 93 if(amount==3) 94 { 95 array[i][j]++; 96 } 97 else if(amount==2) 98 { 99 array[i][j]+=array[i][j]/10; 100 } 101 else 102 ; 103 }//end for 104 }//end for 105 }