《Hadoop管理四》从Secondary Namenode恢复Namenode

介绍如何从Secondary Namenode的checkpoint点恢复Namenode,对于以后理解从Checkpoint Node 和Backup Node恢复很有帮助。


  <description>Determines where on the local filesystem the DFS secondary
      name node should store the temporary images to merge.
      If this is a comma-delimited list of directories then the image is
      replicated in all of the directories for redundancy.

  <description>The number of seconds between two periodic checkpoints.

  <description>The size of the current edit log (in bytes) that triggers
       a periodic checkpoint even if the fs.checkpoint.period hasn't expired.

如果在规定时间内没有edits 大小没有达到上限,则Hadoop会强制执行checkpoint过程,如果没有达到时间间隔但是edits大小已经达到上限,则也会强制执行checkpoint过程。




1. 将dfs.name.dir所指向的文件夹下的内容全部删掉。 rm -rf *

2. 将Secondary Namenode节点上core-site.xml配置文件中fs.checkpoint.dir指定路径下的文件到Namenode节点上core-site.xml配置文件中fs.checkpoint.dir指定的路径下

3. 执行 bin/hadoop namenode –importCheckpoint(需要较长的时间,需要加载到内存中)

4. 执行 bin/hadoop fsck /

5. 删除Namenode节点的namesecondary目录下的文件

6. 启动Namenode守护进程。bin/hadoop-daemon.sh start namenode

7. 执行balancer。 bin/hadoop balancer 

posted @ 2012-07-25 20:12  hanyuanbo  阅读(343)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报