Python 从入门到实践 练习9-14 彩票 练习 9-15 彩票分析

练习9-14 彩票:


1 import random
3 jackpot = list(range(10)) + ['a', 'l', 'o', 't', 'n']
4 winning_number = random.sample(jackpot, k=4)
5 print(f"If your number is {winning_number}, then congrats! you win the lottery")


练习9-15 彩票分析:

可以使用一个循环来明白前述彩票大奖有多难中奖。为此,创建一个名为my_ticket 的列表或元组,再写一个循环,不断地随机选择数或字母,直到中大奖为止。请打印一条消息,报告执行循环多少次才中了大奖。

 1 import random
 3 jackpot = list(range(10)) + ['a', 'l', 'o', 't', 'n']
 5 n = 1
 6 while True:
 7     winning_number = random.sample(jackpot, k=4)
 8     print(f"If your number is {winning_number}, then congrats! you win the lottery")
 9     my_ticket = random.choices(jackpot, k=4)
10     if winning_number != my_ticket:
11         n += 1
12         continue
13     else:
14         print(f"It takes you {n} times to win the lottery")
15         break


 1 import random
 3 jackpot = list(range(10)) + ['a', 'l', 'o', 't', 'n']
 4 winning_number = random.sample(jackpot, k=4)
 5 print(f"If your number is {winning_number}, then congrats! you win the lottery")
 7 n = 1
 8 while True:
 9     my_ticket = random.choices(jackpot, k=4)
10     if winning_number != my_ticket:
11         n += 1
12         continue
13     else:
14         print(f"It takes you {n} times to win the lottery")
15         break


posted @ 2021-03-09 10:29  麦田猪小六  阅读(2758)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报