摘要: 今天仍然在痛苦的调整中,不过比昨天好多了,给自己留下了一些reset messsages. 另外也彻底放弃了某些人,某些事情,不会再因为他们/它们而纠结了(or at least I hope)。 No. 1 每天读圣经 今天又偷懒了,Revelation 6 Our father in heaven, I understand this is a tough test for my faith. I need to go through this to move forward. And I will walk in the light of God. I shall never ... 阅读全文
posted @ 2013-10-11 00:41 Defightender 阅读(114) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑