- int argc ,char * argv[] - argument count & argument vector
argc - 命令行参数个数,argv[]依次指向每一个命令行参数,其中argv[0]为程序名字:下面的程序包含了完整的程序路径。
#include <iostream> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 0; // begin with 0 while (i < argc) std::cout << argv[i++] // output string << " " // output SPACE << std::endl; // terminate output line return 0; }
1)作为返回值,不需要产生临时对象,然后拷贝这个对象,(见下面代码的注释),目前不要深究引用机制,目前记住的返回引用的场景:输入流、 //发现其他的再补充
// 2019-11-24日更新,对于引用作为返回值类型,可以通过汇编可知返回的是结果的地址值(引用视为弱化指针).在C++语法层面上考虑,就是首先,这个函数可以作为左值,是可以赋值的,如在重载[](下标索引)的时候,返回非应用是查值,返回引用,则可以进行赋值.其次,根据上面的说明,返回类型为引用的函数的一大作用就是给函数作用域外的值赋值.这个作用在我这个例子中几乎体现不出来,这是以前总结的时候忽略的,所以在此说明.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int & rfun(int &); //don't dig more,ref func saves time. int fun(int); void main(void) { int a = 7, b = 9; int &ra = a, &rb = b; //Treat ra as another name of a int *pa = &ra, *pb = &rb; cout << pa << " " << (void *)pa << endl; cout << pb << " " << (void *)pb << endl; cout << a << " " << b << endl; cout << rb << " " << (void *)&rb << endl; //&rb == pb always. rb = rfun(ra); //b=ra; rb=ra; --> int &rd=a; //rb=fun(ra); cout << rb << " " << (void *)&rb << endl; cout << a << " " << b << endl; rb = 8; cout << a << " " << b << endl; } int & rfun(int & r) { return r; // b=fun(a) --> b=a; }; int fun(int r) { return r; // b=fun(a) --> r=a; b=r; };
对于class,vector等类型的参数,引用 避免了值拷贝,提升效率,使用引用,函数可以改变实参的值,如果在调用过程中实参值不会发生变化,那么添加 const 修饰。
//call by ref can change the value after func called. #include <iostream> using namespace std; void funr(const int &, int); int& rfun(const int &, int); void main(void) { int a = 100; int& b = a; const int& c = 20; const int & ca = a; a = 200; const int cb = 300; cout << &a << " " << a << endl; cout << &b << " " << b << endl; cout << &c << " " << c << endl; cout << endl << endl; funr(a, a); //first a,like above;second a, int tmp = a; funr(2, 2); cout << endl << endl; int& rf = rfun(c, c); cout << &rf << " " << rf << endl; } void funr(const int & ra, int pa) { cout << &ra << " " << ra << endl; cout << &pa << " " << pa << endl; //int tmp = pa, &pa is addr of tmp } int& rfun(const int & ra, int pa) { // b = rfun(ra,pa)-->b = ra int x = 200, &d = x; cout << &ra << " " << ra << endl; cout << &pa << " " << pa << endl; return (int&)ra; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: int a; A(int = 0); A(const A &); A& operator = (const A &); void PV(A); void PR(A&); A RV(void); A& RR(void); }; // A A::A(int x) : a(x) { cout << "Constructor (value)" << endl; } A::A(const A & x) { cout << "Constructor (copy)-" << (void *)&x << endl; a = x.a; } A& A::operator = (const A & x) { cout << "Operator (=) @ " << (void *)&x << endl; a = x.a; return *this; } void A::PV(A x) { cout << "Calling By Value @ " << (void *)&x << endl; } void A::PR(A &x) { cout << "Calling By Refe. @ " << (void *)&x << endl; } A A::RV(void) { cout << "Calling Rt Value" << endl; return *this; } A& A::RR(void) { cout << "Calling Rt Refe." << endl; return *this; } int main(void) { A oa, ob(3); cout << "oa @ " << (void *)&oa << endl; cout << "ob @ " << (void *)&ob << endl; cout << endl << "00000000000000000000000000000" << endl; oa.PR(ob); cout << endl << "11111111111111111111111111111" << endl; oa.PV(ob); cout << endl << "22222222222222222222222222222" << endl; ob = oa.RR(); cout << endl << "33333333333333333333333333333" << endl; ob = oa.RV(); cout << endl << "44444444444444444444444444444" << endl; return 0; }