Using linq correctly in ASP.NET (Business Layer?)


Using linq correctly in ASP.NET (Business Layer?)

  • Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:39 PMCederstrom Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

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    I want to make sure im using linq the right way in my project, I hope someone will take a few minutes to help me in the right direction here Smile
    I have created a "LINQ to SQL Classes" to my project, which includes for example "Files". I have then created a new partial class called Files, where I define some of my own methods for Files. So when I want to make a list of files I can easilly make the following linq:
    var Files = from f in db.Files
                select f;
    which returns a list of File objects with my own functions added on.
    What I am a bit confused about is how to make my business Layer correctly? Since I already can add business code in the partial class, do I skip everything else? Or do I make sure all my linq is put into some business class? ...
    I hope someone will spend a few minutes, or someone have a link to a good article about the subject.
    Thanks Smile

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      Using linq correctly in ASP.NET (Business Layer?)

      posted @ 2009-08-26 11:12  汗水房  阅读(239)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报