【2017-3-12】SQL Server 子查询

子句 的查询结果必须是一列

select * from car --查询所有car表

--我只知道一个汽车编号 c021
--查询 价格 高于这个汽车编号的 所有汽车信息

select * from car --查询所有车辆

select price from car where code = 'c021' --查询code为c021的车辆价格

select * from car where price > (select price from car where code = 'c021')



--查询油耗与c016相等的,或者与c029相等的,或者与c014相等的 全部汽车信息

select * from car where oil =() --查询油耗等于谁的所有车辆信息

select oil from car where code = 'c016' or code = 'c029' or code = 'c014' --子句

--在这几个值里面用 in 不在则用 not in

select * from car where oil in(select oil from car where code = 'c016' or code = 'c029' or code = 'c014')


select * from car where oil >= 7 and oil <= 8
select * from car where oil between 7 and 8


--查询所有汽车信息,条件是油耗大于括号内 任意 一个数 大于任意最小的,小于任意最大的
select * from car where oil >any (select oil from car where code = 'c016' or code = 'c029' or code = 'c014')


--查询所有汽车信息,条件是油耗大于括号内 所有 数 大于所有最大的,小于所有最小的
select * from car where oil >all (select oil from car where code = 'c016' or code = 'c029' or code = 'c014')


select name,(select brand_name from brand where car.brand = brand.brand_code) from car






posted @ 2017-03-13 14:29  Fengbao.2333  阅读(183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报