1. 用正则表达式判定邮箱是否输入正确。
2. 用正则表达式识别出全部电话号码。
3. 用正则表达式进行英文分词。re.split('',news)
import re import requests def checkEmail(Email): eroll='^([0-9a-zA-Z_]{0,16}@[0-9a-zA-Z]{0,8}(?:\.\w{2,3}){0,2})$' efindall = re.findall(eroll, Email) if len(efindall)>0: print('邮箱格式正确') print(efindall) else: print('邮箱格式错误') Email = '123google@gmail.com' checkEmail(Email) def chenkPhonenum(phonenum): proll = '(\d{3,4}-\d{6,8})' pfindall = re.findall(proll, phonenum) print(pfindall) def getClickCount(newUrl): re1 = re.search('\_(.*).html',newUrl) re2 = re.match('http://news.gzcc.cn/html/2018/xiaoyuanxinwen_(.*).html',newUrl) i = re1.group(1).split('/')[-1] return i phonenum = '''版权所有:广州商学院 地址:广州市黄埔区九龙大道206号 学校办公室:020-82876130 招生电话:020-82872773 粤公网安备 44011602000060号 粤ICP备15103669号''' chenkPhonenum(phonenum) article = '''The constant presence of a mobile phone has a "brain drain" effect that significantly reduces people's intelligence and attention spans, a study has found. Researchers at the University of Texas discovered that people are worse at conducting tasks and remembering information if they have a smartphone within eye shot. In two experiments they found phones sitting on a desk or even in a pocket or handbag would distract users and lead to worse test scores even when it was set up not to disturb test subjects. ''' print(re.split('[\s,.?!""]+',article))
4. 使用正则表达式取得新闻编号
5. 生成点击次数的Request URL
6. 获取点击次数
7. 将456步骤定义成一个函数 def getClickCount(newsUrl):
8. 将获取新闻详情的代码定义成一个函数 def getNewDetail(newsUrl):
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime import re def getClickCount(newUrl): re1 = re.search('\_(.*).html',newUrl) re2 = re.match('http://news.gzcc.cn/html/2018/xiaoyuanxinwen_(.*).html',newUrl) i = re1.group(1).split('/')[-1] return i def g(a1): res1 = requests.get(a1) res1.encoding = 'utf-8' soup1 = BeautifulSoup(res1.text, 'html.parser') title = soup1.select(".show-title")[0].text content = soup1.select("#content")[0].text about = soup1.select('.show-info')[0].text time = about.lstrip('发布时间:')[:19] time = datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if about.find('来源:') > 0: origin = about[about.find('来源:'):].split()[0] if about.find('作者:') > 0: writer = about[about.find('作者:'):].split()[0] if about.find('审核:') > 0: audit = about[about.find('审核:'):].split()[0] photograph = 'null' if about.find('摄影:') > 0: photograph = about[about.find('摄影:'):].split()[0] newUrl = a1 cUrl = 'http://oa.gzcc.cn/api.php?op=count&id={}&modelid=80'.format(getClickCount(newUrl)) res = requests.get(cUrl) print("标题:" + title, "发布时间:", time, origin, audit, writer, photograph, "点击次数:" + res.text.split(".html")[-1].lstrip("('").rstrip("');")) url = "http://news.gzcc.cn/html/xiaoyuanxinwen/" resurl = requests.get(url) resurl.encoding = 'utf-8' soup = BeautifulSoup(resurl.text, 'html.parser') a = soup.select('li') for news in a: if len(news.select('.news-list-title')) > 0: a1 = news.select('a')[0].attrs['href'] g(a1)