04 2012 档案
摘要:Here are some LotusScript classes that I have written. Put them in a script library and add a "Use" statement to the options section of your code. Or simply copy the code into the "Declarations" section. There is an explanation of how to use the classes at the top of each file.Bi
摘要:Lost in the land of LotusScript? Before posing a question to our SearchDomino.com experts, check out our list of LotusScript frequently asked questions. Whether you're troubleshootingthe information you need here.Frequently Asked Questions:LOTUSSCRIPTAccessing an Excel file through LotusScriptAd
摘要:to code "Measure twice, cut once" Extending arrays the easy way Use the list operator Logging agents Code structure Hiding your code Fundamental LotusScript Tip #1. Option Declare Make sure you always use "Option Declare." It sounds obvious, but there are several determining fact
摘要:NotesDateTime instead of strings Use DXL as Transport Use wizard interface in your Notes client Consuming Web services Use classes Use the Evaluate command Use "trusted servers" Everyday LotusScript Tip #1. Use error trapping Error trapping tests a particular condition when running a progr
摘要:class inheritance Use platform-specific LotusScript code with classes Use version-specific LotusScript code with classes Use LSI_Info()/GetThreadInfo Use the execute command Use advanced logging Mixing Java and LotusScript Advanced LotusScript Tip #1. Understand binding There are two types of bind..
摘要:Here's the problem. You're using object-oriented LotusScript to create classes and objects. Like a good object-oriented LotusScript developer, you're declaring all your class variables as "Private" and then writing "Setter" and "Getter" properties to allow a
摘要:One of the biggest problems when dealing with file attachments in Lotus Notes documents is that you can't detach the files on the server. This is due to a setting on the Public Names & Address Book on the server. Usually the server's administrator will not allow the use of unrestricted a
摘要:Formula Or Script? :Lotus ScriptEntered by:Doug HancockDesign Element in Notes:OtherDate Entered :2000-03-28Title of the Formula:LotusScript Class to Convieniently Access Design Elements%REM*************************************************************************************************************.
摘要:Class DOMobj_Person gdoc_Person As NotesDocument ' ** 屬性 Property Get Document Set Document = gdoc_Person End Property Property Set Document Set gdoc_Person = Document End Property Property Get NotesID NotesID = gdoc_Person.GetItemValue("NotesID")(0) End Property Property Get No No = g
摘要:Approximate string matchingBinary string operationsAnonymizing remailerDocument and response tree archivingC API base classSend server console commandsWork with a database designDay of WeekRead an Excel file directly (also demo file open dialog)Full text searches on more than 5000 documentsLEI made.
摘要:Use "null" for checking empty Notes objects, the LotusScript NOTHING constant doesn't exist. LotusScript properties are Java methods. To convert for java, prefix all property names with Get or Set, and append a set of parenthesis, (Wayne added: however, property names preceded with &qu
摘要:September 27, 2010 – 10:49 am At AdminCamp last week, I talked about how to get the count of all files in the DAOS repository and it’s overall size using some batch programming in Windows and LINUX.As an alternative I proposed to use the console command “show dir -xml” to return an xml representati.
摘要:By Julian Robichaux, SNAPPSThis month's developer article talks about how to manipulate image files (like JPG or PNG files) with your code. While there are a number of third-party DLLs and applications you might tap into for this purpose, you'll probably find that you can do most, if not all
摘要:By Gary DevendorfDisplaying, sorting, grouping, and filtering live Notes/Domino data in a SharePoint "Data View" Web part is useful. However, the real value is adding calculated columns, conditional formatting, and linking the data to other SharePoint lists. Thrill your end users by combin
摘要:Performance-tuning Lotus Notes applications is more an art than a science, and there are probably hundreds of causes for slowness in a database. However, when you're looking at an application that's not performing well there are a handful of common places to look first. Here are 10 things th
摘要:Coming back to Object-Oriented programming in LotusScript after a lengthy spell programming in only JavaScript was a bit of a shock: LotusScript isso restricted! Everything has to be declared and set up in rigid class hierarchies that can't be rejigged on the fly like you can in JavaScript (whic
摘要:class inheritance Use platform-specific LotusScript code with classes Use version-specific LotusScript code with classes Use LSI_Info()/GetThreadInfo Use the execute command Use advanced logging Mixing Java and LotusScript Advanced LotusScript Tip #1. Understand binding There are two types of bind..
摘要:The LotusScript language in Domino is very powerful once you find out that you can create custom classes with it. I´m going to write some articles about creating great helper classes, and start off with the basics of creating user classes. I am NOT going to explain why object oriented programmi
摘要:Lotus Notes邮件系统因其安全性高、保密性强而被众多企业选用为办公自动化的平台。以下是笔者在多年的管理与维护工作中积累的一些疑难问题的解决办法,以供同行参考。不断增大的用户邮箱在邮件系统的使用过程中,系统管理员会发现随着用户邮箱中发信量和收信量的不断增加,用户的邮箱会变得越来越大。如果不采取措施加以控制的话,将会造成服务器磁盘空间全部占尽,系统不能正常运行的情况。为此,可以对用户邮箱进行限制,设定邮箱限额和警告阀值,如图1所示。这样,当用户的邮箱容量达到了设定的警告阀值时,用户在进入系统时会收到一个“Can note allocate database object”的提示,这表明用.
摘要:The below code works very well to export a web view to a .doc file. When exporting it takes the following format:Colum1 column2 colume3datadoc1 datadoc1 datadoc1datadoc2 datadoc2 datadoc2datadoc3 datadoc3 datadoc3The export is being formatted as an html table. I've tried this many times, removin