Domino中使用Lotus Script处理XML

我们的Support Team维护着不同地区各个部门的十几个Domino应用,这些应用都采用外接数据库Access DB和Oracle DB。由于某种原因,User要求连接数据库的UserID和Password可以变更,由于UserID和Password在开发时已作为Const固化在Agent 和公式@DbColumn、 @DbLookup中,所以每次变更时,不得不使用Lotus Designer逐个应用逐个Form、Agent等,一一打开变更,一不小心就漏掉了,十分麻烦。于是,我们想到一个方案:配置文件。配置文件要满足:


    2)不需要Lotus Designer开发环境。



    在Domino R5中,对XML的处理,有两种方式: (1) 采用Java来处理; (2) Lotus Script来处理。

    通常采用Java Agent来处理XML文档。由于连接数据库的Agent是Lotus Script Agent,所以不得不采用Lotus Script来处理XML。


    Win2k、Domino R5、 Lotus Designer R5、Visual Basic 6.0


    我们知道Lotus Script没有直接处理XML文档的函数、方法。但是Lotus Script和Visual Basic融合的非常好,VB代码不需要做太多修改就可以在Lotus Script Agent中使用。我们知道在VB中使用MSXML处理XML文档。所以我们先在VB中使用MSXML处理XML文档,以此作为原型,再进行修改,移植到Lotus Script Agent中。

    一、 定义XML文件


    文件 : \Lotus\domino\DBConfig.xml

    内容 :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!--    For Database username password etc.  -->


    <!--   App 1  -->

    <APPLICATION name="APP1">





    <!--   App 2  -->

    <APPLICATION name="APP2">





    <!--   App 3  -->

    <APPLICATION name="APP3">








 二、 VB原型

    新建一标准EXE工程,在Form1上加button : Command1;新建一标准Module(因为要用到Public Type):Module1。从菜单Project 导入Microsoft XML v3.0。


    Public Type XMLForDB

    AppName As String

    DB_UID As String

    DB_PWD As String

    DB_TNS As String

    End Type

    Public DBConfig() As XMLForDB

    Sub initConfig()

    Dim xml As DOMDocument

    Set xml = New DOMDocument

    xml.Load ("\Lotus\domino\DBConfig.xml ")                         ‘指定XML文件路径

    Dim root As IXMLDOMElement

    Set root = xml.documentElement

    Dim node As IXMLDOMNode

    Dim cNode As IXMLDOMNode

    Dim nodeList As IXMLDOMNodeList

    Set nodeList = root.getElementsByTagName("APPLICATION")

    ReDim DBConfig(nodeList.length)

    For i = 0 To nodeList.length - 1

    Set node = nodeList.Item(i)

    If (node.nodeType = 1 And node.hasChildNodes()) Then

    With DBConfig(i + 1)

    .AppName = UCase(node.Attributes.getNamedItem("name").Text)

    .DB_UID = node.selectSingleNode("USERID").Text

    .DB_PWD = node.selectSingleNode("PASSWORD").Text

    .DB_TNS = node.selectSingleNode("TNS").Text

    End With

    End If


    For i = 1 To UBound(DBConfig)

    With DBConfig(i)

    Debug.Print .AppName

    Debug.Print .DB_UID

    Debug.Print .DB_PWD

    Debug.Print .DB_TNS

    End With


    End Sub

    Function getDBConfig(name As String) As Variant

    Call initConfig

    getDBConfig = 0

    For i = 1 To UBound(DBConfig)

    If (UCase(DBConfig(i).AppName) = UCase(name)) Then

    getDBConfig = i

    Exit For

    End If


    End Function



    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Debug.Print "----------------- Test Start -------------------"

    If getDBConfig("app1") then

    Debug.Print "---------------- Test OK --------------------"


    Debug.Print "---------------- Test Error --------------------"

    End if

    End Sub

    三、 修改VBàLotus Script

    修改后Lotus Script如下 :


    '             File:                            DBCONFIG.LSS

    '              Copyright (c) 2001-2005

    '   Language : LotusScript

    '              Description: Global Constants for connect to Oracle DB.

    '                                                                                   The PG use a XML file named DBConfig.xml to config DB connections for appliction.

    '              Useage :  (1) Declaration : %include "DBconfig.lss"

    '                                         (2) Code :

    '                                                       Dim AppName, uid, pwd, tns , index

    '                                                       index = getDBConfig(appName)

    '                                                       if  index then

    '                                                                     'AppName = DBConfig(index).AppName

    '                                                                     'uid = DBConfig(index).DB_UID

    '                                                                     'pwd = DBConfig(index).DB_PWD

    '                                                                     'tns = DBConfig(v).DB_TNS


    '                                                                     uid = DB_UID

    '                                                                     pwd = DB_PWD

    '                                                                     tns = DB_TNS

    '                                                       else

    '                                                                     msgbox (" The appName wasn't found.")

    '                                                       end if



    '  Structure for keep xml APPLICATION

    Public Type XMLForDB

    AppName As String

    DB_UID As String

    DB_PWD As String

    DB_TNS As String

    End Type

    ' Keep xml file content

    Public DBConfig() As XMLForDB

    ' DB connection

    Public DB_UID As String

    Public DB_PWD As String

    Public DB_TNS As String

    Public DB_Result As Integer

    Const XMLPATH = "D:\Lotus\Domino\DBConfig.xml"




    '   Author   :      ivy8890

    '   Created  :      2005/04/15

    '   Purpose  :      Get xml file and parse it and keep all APPLICATION content to DBConfig arrary.

    '   History  :      <<< ID : 999    Type[Add, Update, Del]  Start   yyyy/mm/dd  Department  Purpose >>>

    '                       XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    '                   <<< ID : 999    Type[Add, Update, Del]   End    yyyy/mm/dd  Department>>>

    ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    Sub initConfig()

    On Error GoTo bottom

    Dim xml

    Set xml = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")

    xml.Load (XMLPATH)

    Dim root

    Set root = xml.documentElement

    Dim node

    Dim nodeList

    Set nodeList = root.getElementsByTagName("APPLICATION")

    Dim AppName As String

    Dim uid As String

    Dim pwd As String

    Dim TNS As String

    Redim DBConfig(nodeList.length)

    For i = 1 To nodeList.length

    Set node = nodeList.Item(i-1)

    If (node.nodeType = 1 And node.hasChildNodes()) Then

    DBConfig(i).AppName = Ucase(node.Attributes.getNamedItem("name").Text)

    DBConfig(i).DB_UID = node.selectSingleNode("USERID").Text

    DBConfig(i).DB_PWD = node.selectSingleNode("PASSWORD").Text

    DBConfig(i ).DB_TNS = node.selectSingleNode("TNS").Text

    End If



    Exit Sub

    End Sub

    ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    '   Author   :      ivy8890

    '   Created  :      2005/04/15

    '   Purpose  :      Get specified application config information.

    '   Return :               (1) >0 index of DBConfig

    '                                        (2) err : 0

     '   History  :      <<< ID : 999    Type[Add, Update, Del]  Start   yyyy/mm/dd  Department  Purpose >>>

    '                       XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    '                   <<< ID : 999    Type[Add, Update, Del]   End    yyyy/mm/dd  Department>>>

    ' ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    Function getDBConfig(sname As String)  As Integer

    getDBConfig = 0

    DB_Result = 0

    On Error GoTo bottom

    Call initConfig

    For i = 1 To Ubound(DBConfig)

    If (Ucase(DBConfig(i).AppName) = Ucase(sname)) Then

    getDBConfig = i

    DB_Result = i

    DB_UID  = DBConfig(i).DB_UID

    DB_PWD = DBConfig(i).DB_PWD

    DB_TNS = DBConfig(i).DB_TNS

    Exit For

    End If



    Exit Function

    End Function

    四、 配置和使用

    为了使多个应用使用,将以上代码保存为DBConfig.lss。*.Lss文件位置 : Server端 Lotus\domino目录下;Client端 Lotus\notes目录下。


    如果DBConfig.lss放在Lotus\notes目录下,使用时要用Include语句,%Include “DBConfig.lss”; 如果放在Lotus\notes\lss目录下,要用%Include “lss/DBConfig.lss”。




    以字符型 Application Name 为参数调用getDBConfig(AppName),此AppName应于DBConfig.xml文件中<APPLICATION>的name属性值一致,不区分大小写。返回值为整型,如果返回值为零,表示出错或没有找到对应APPLICATION;如果返回值大于零,表示正常,返回值为其在DBConfig数组中的位置,UserID 和Password等可以用DBConfig(返回值). DB_UID和DBConfig(返回值). DB_PWD取得,也可以直接使用DB_UID和DB_PWD取得。


    在ScriptLib中新建DBConfig导入DBConfig.lss,在Sub Initialize中以字符型 Application Name 为参数调用getDBConfig(AppName),在Agent中使用Use语句:Use "DBConfig",在取得UserID 和Password处,先用DB_Result判断,DB_Result大于零时,正常;等于零时,出错。正常时等可以用DBConfig(DB_Result). DB_UID和DBConfig(DB_Result). DB_PWD取得,也可以直接使用DB_UID和DB_PWD取得。

    注意: 如果Server端没用安装注册Microsoft XML v3.0,会出现429错误,需要安装注册Microsoft XML v3.0。 以下是安装注册过程:


    2)在MS-Dos下转到C:\Winnt\System32目录,执行命令:regsvr32 C:\WINNT\system32\msxml3.dll



    DBConfig.xml 中追加<APPLICATION>元素,Lotus Script Agent中追加调用。




    在Lotus Script Agent中删除调用后,对应的DBConfig.xml中可以删除也可以不删除。

posted @ 2010-10-01 07:29  hannover  阅读(1987)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报