Machine Learning Group at Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Machine Learning Group at University of columbia

Machine Learning Research Group at university of texas at austin

Machine Learning Research Group at university of Toronto

Machine Learning Research Group at Carnegie Mellon university

Machine Learning Research Group at university of Wisconsin

Machine Learning Research Group at university of Oxford

Machine Learning Research Group activities at university of Oxford

Machine Learning Research Group at Microsoft (Asia)

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Andrew Ng andML NotesOpenClass

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The International Machine Learning Society

Machine learning at Google

Google TensorFlow OpenSource


In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos

CS281: Advanced Machine Learning,Harvard University, Fall 2013

Learning From Data


Deep Learning Tutorials

Professor Yann LeCun

Professor Yoshua Bengio

Professor Geoffrey E. Hinton

University of Toronto: machine learning

Neural Networks and Deep Learning - Very good online book

Deep Learning - by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville



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