User limits - limit the use of system-wide resources.
ulimit [-HS] -a
ulimit [-HS] [-bcdefiklmnpqrstuvxPRT] [limit]
-S Set a soft limit for the given resource.
-H Set a hard limit for the given resource.
-a All current limits are reported.
-b The maximum socket buffer size.
-c The maximum size of core files created.
-d The maximum size of a process's data segment.
-e The maximum scheduling priority ("nice")
-f The maximum size of files created by the shell(default option).
-i The maximum number of pending signals.
-k The maximum number of kqueues that may be allocated.
-l The maximum size that can be locked into memory.
-m The maximum resident set size.
-n The maximum number of open file descriptors.
-p The pipe buffer size.
-P The maximum number of pseudoterminals.
-q The maximum number of bytes in POSIX message queues.
-r The maximum real-time scheduling priority.
-R The maximum time a real-time process can run before blocking, in microseconds.
-s The maximum stack size.
-t The maximum amount of cpu time in seconds.
-T The maximum number of threads.
-u The maximum number of processes available to a single user.
-v The maximum amount of virtual memory available to the process.
-x The maximum number of file locks.
+V why_null 请备注:from博客园