geant4 灵敏探测器
- SteppingAction 统计每一个 step 在探测器中沉积的能量。
- 指定探测器为灵敏探测器,统计探测器内每一个 step 的能量沉积。
- 指定某逻辑体为灵敏探测器
- 将灵敏探测器纳入 SD 管理器
代码举例,取自 example B2a ---- 设置灵敏探测器,将灵敏探测器纳入 SD 管理器,指定某逻辑体为灵敏探测器。
1 void B2aDetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField() 2 { 3 // Sensitive detectors 4 5 G4String trackerChamberSDname = "B2/TrackerChamberSD"; 6 B2TrackerSD* aTrackerSD = new B2TrackerSD(trackerChamberSDname, 7 "TrackerHitsCollection"); 8 G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->AddNewDetector(aTrackerSD); 9 // Setting aTrackerSD to all logical volumes with the same name 10 // of "Chamber_LV". 11 SetSensitiveDetector("Chamber_LV", aTrackerSD, true); 12 13 // Create global magnetic field messenger. 14 // Uniform magnetic field is then created automatically if 15 // the field value is not zero. 16 G4ThreeVector fieldValue = G4ThreeVector(); 17 fMagFieldMessenger = new G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger(fieldValue); 18 fMagFieldMessenger->SetVerboseLevel(1); 19 20 // Register the field messenger for deleting 21 G4AutoDelete::Register(fMagFieldMessenger); 22 }
- 第 6 - 9 行,设置灵敏探测器, 并将其纳入灵敏探测器管理器。其中 “TrackerHitsCollection” 是设置的 hitcollectionName,便于在 G4HCofThisEvent 容器中索引。
- 第 11 行,使用 方法 SetSensitiveDetector()设置逻辑体为灵敏探测器,该方法的构造函数如下,这里是将所有名字为 Chamber_LV 的逻辑体统统设置为灵敏探测器。
void SetSensitiveDetector(const G4String& logVolName, G4VSensitiveDetector* aSD,G4bool multi=false); void SetSensitiveDetector(G4LogicalVolume* logVol, G4VSensitiveDetector* aSD);
- Hit:记录 SD 中每个 G4Step 中的信息(能量,时间等),因此一个 SD 中将产生大量Hit对象。
- HitCollection:一个 SD 中产生大量的 Hit,可以被记录在一个或者多个容器中, 该容器即为 HitCollection 对象。
- G4HCofThisEvent:G4Event 的一个成员对象,为一容器;多个 SD 的多个 HitCollection 对象储存在该容器中。
一个 Hit 类的举例,代码取自 example B2a
1 /// Tracker hit class 2 /// 3 /// It defines data members to store the trackID, chamberNb, energy deposit, 4 /// and position of charged particles in a selected volume: 5 /// - fTrackID, fChamberNB, fEdep, fPos 6 7 class B2TrackerHit : public G4VHit 8 { 9 public: 10 B2TrackerHit(); 11 B2TrackerHit(const B2TrackerHit&); 12 virtual ~B2TrackerHit(); 13 14 // operators 15 const B2TrackerHit& operator=(const B2TrackerHit&); 16 G4int operator==(const B2TrackerHit&) const; 17 18 inline void* operator new(size_t); 19 inline void operator delete(void*); 20 21 // methods from base class 22 virtual void Draw(); 23 virtual void Print(); 24 25 // Set methods 26 void SetTrackID (G4int track) { fTrackID = track; }; 27 void SetChamberNb(G4int chamb) { fChamberNb = chamb; }; 28 void SetEdep (G4double de) { fEdep = de; }; 29 void SetPos (G4ThreeVector xyz){ fPos = xyz; }; 30 31 // Get methods 32 G4int GetTrackID() const { return fTrackID; }; 33 G4int GetChamberNb() const { return fChamberNb; }; 34 G4double GetEdep() const { return fEdep; }; 35 G4ThreeVector GetPos() const { return fPos; }; 36 37 private: 38 39 G4int fTrackID; 40 G4int fChamberNb; 41 G4double fEdep; 42 G4ThreeVector fPos; 43 }; 44 45 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 46 47 typedef G4THitsCollection<B2TrackerHit> B2TrackerHitsCollection; 48 49 extern G4ThreadLocal G4Allocator<B2TrackerHit>* B2TrackerHitAllocator; 50 51 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 52 53 inline void* B2TrackerHit::operator new(size_t) 54 { 55 if(!B2TrackerHitAllocator) 56 B2TrackerHitAllocator = new G4Allocator<B2TrackerHit>; 57 return (void *) B2TrackerHitAllocator->MallocSingle(); 58 } 59 60 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 61 62 inline void B2TrackerHit::operator delete(void *hit) 63 { 64 B2TrackerHitAllocator->FreeSingle((B2TrackerHit*) hit); 65 }
- 在上述例子中,提取了 tarckID,Chamber number,沉积能量,位置信息。
- 选择在 hit 中记录哪些量,是在 hit 类中明确的。
- 第 47 行,将存放 B2TrackerHit 的容器类型重命名为 B2TrackerHitsCollection,方便接下来定义使用。
一个 SD 类的举例,代码取自 example B2a
1 #ifndef B2TrackerSD_h 2 #define B2TrackerSD_h 1 3 4 #include "G4VSensitiveDetector.hh" 5 6 #include "B2TrackerHit.hh" 7 8 #include <vector> 9 10 class G4Step; 11 class G4HCofThisEvent; 12 13 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 14 15 /// B2Tracker sensitive detector class 16 /// 17 /// The hits are accounted in hits in ProcessHits() function which is called 18 /// by Geant4 kernel at each step. A hit is created with each step with non zero 19 /// energy deposit. 20 21 class B2TrackerSD : public G4VSensitiveDetector 22 { 23 public: 24 B2TrackerSD(const G4String& name, 25 const G4String& hitsCollectionName); 26 virtual ~B2TrackerSD(); 27 28 // methods from base class 29 virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent* hitCollection); 30 virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step* step, G4TouchableHistory* history); 31 virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent* hitCollection); 32 33 private: 34 B2TrackerHitsCollection* fHitsCollection; 35 }; 36 37 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 38 39 #endif
1 #include "B2TrackerSD.hh" 2 #include "G4HCofThisEvent.hh" 3 #include "G4Step.hh" 4 #include "G4ThreeVector.hh" 5 #include "G4SDManager.hh" 6 #include "G4ios.hh" 7 8 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 9 10 B2TrackerSD::B2TrackerSD(const G4String& name, 11 const G4String& hitsCollectionName) 12 : G4VSensitiveDetector(name), 13 fHitsCollection(NULL) 14 { 15 collectionName.insert(hitsCollectionName); 16 } 17 18 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 19 20 B2TrackerSD::~B2TrackerSD() 21 {} 22 23 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 24 25 void B2TrackerSD::Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent* hce) 26 { 27 // Create hits collection 28 29 fHitsCollection 30 = new B2TrackerHitsCollection(SensitiveDetectorName, collectionName[0]); 31 32 // Add this collection in hce 33 34 G4int hcID 35 = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer()->GetCollectionID(collectionName[0]); 36 hce->AddHitsCollection( hcID, fHitsCollection ); 37 } 38 39 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 40 41 G4bool B2TrackerSD::ProcessHits(G4Step* aStep, 42 G4TouchableHistory*) 43 { 44 // energy deposit 45 G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit(); 46 47 if (edep==0.) return false; 48 49 B2TrackerHit* newHit = new B2TrackerHit(); 50 51 newHit->SetTrackID (aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID()); 52 newHit->SetChamberNb(aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle() 53 ->GetCopyNumber()); 54 newHit->SetEdep(edep); 55 newHit->SetPos (aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()); 56 57 fHitsCollection->insert( newHit ); 58 59 //newHit->Print(); 60 61 return true; 62 } 63 64 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 65 66 void B2TrackerSD::EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*) 67 { 68 if ( verboseLevel>1 ) { 69 G4int nofHits = fHitsCollection->entries(); 70 G4cout << G4endl 71 << "-------->Hits Collection: in this event they are " << nofHits 72 << " hits in the tracker chambers: " << G4endl; 73 for ( G4int i=0; i<nofHits; i++ ) (*fHitsCollection)[i]->Print(); 74 } 75 } 76 77 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
- 当一个 step 的能量沉积不是 0 的时候,就会创建一个 hit,言外之意是,不是所有的 step 都有能量沉积。
- 灵敏探测器类继承自 G4VSensitiveDetector 类,其中必须实现的方法是 ProcessHits(G4Step*aStep,G4TouchableHistory*ROhist) ,该方法是从 step 中提取信息,写入 hit 中,并且将 hit 放入到 HitCollection 的容器中。
- 第 15 行,必须要设置 "collectionName" string vector,原文:In the derived class constructor, name(s) of hits collection(s) which are made by the sensitive detector must be set to "collectionName" string vector.
- EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*) 不是一定要实现的方法,在该例中,在 EndOfEvent() 方法中提取了每一个 Event 共产生了多少个hit.
一个 EventAction 类的举例,用于提取灵敏探测器的信息,代码取自 example B5(第一段代码取自
1 void B5DetectorConstruction::ConstructSDandField() 2 { 3 // sensitive detectors ----------------------------------------------------- 4 auto sdManager = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer(); 5 G4String SDname; 6 7 auto hodoscope1 = new B5HodoscopeSD(SDname="/hodoscope1"); 8 sdManager->AddNewDetector(hodoscope1); 9 fHodoscope1Logical->SetSensitiveDetector(hodoscope1); 10 11 auto hodoscope2 = new B5HodoscopeSD(SDname="/hodoscope2"); 12 sdManager->AddNewDetector(hodoscope2); 13 fHodoscope2Logical->SetSensitiveDetector(hodoscope2); 14 15 auto chamber1 = new B5DriftChamberSD(SDname="/chamber1"); 16 sdManager->AddNewDetector(chamber1); 17 fWirePlane1Logical->SetSensitiveDetector(chamber1); 18 19 auto chamber2 = new B5DriftChamberSD(SDname="/chamber2"); 20 sdManager->AddNewDetector(chamber2); 21 fWirePlane2Logical->SetSensitiveDetector(chamber2); 22 23 auto emCalorimeter = new B5EmCalorimeterSD(SDname="/EMcalorimeter"); 24 sdManager->AddNewDetector(emCalorimeter); 25 fCellLogical->SetSensitiveDetector(emCalorimeter); 26 27 auto hadCalorimeter = new B5HadCalorimeterSD(SDname="/HadCalorimeter"); 28 sdManager->AddNewDetector(hadCalorimeter); 29 fHadCalScintiLogical->SetSensitiveDetector(hadCalorimeter); 30 31 // magnetic field ---------------------------------------------------------- 32 fMagneticField = new B5MagneticField(); 33 fFieldMgr = new G4FieldManager(); 34 fFieldMgr->SetDetectorField(fMagneticField); 35 fFieldMgr->CreateChordFinder(fMagneticField); 36 G4bool forceToAllDaughters = true; 37 fMagneticLogical->SetFieldManager(fFieldMgr, forceToAllDaughters); 38 39 // Register the field and its manager for deleting 40 G4AutoDelete::Register(fMagneticField); 41 G4AutoDelete::Register(fFieldMgr); 42 } 43 44 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
- 注意到,在这里初始化各个灵敏探测器时,没有设置其对应的 HitCollectionName,这是因为在对应的灵敏探测器类中,已经设置了该名称。
1 B5EmCalorimeterSD::B5EmCalorimeterSD(G4String name) 2 : G4VSensitiveDetector(name), 3 fHitsCollection(nullptr), fHCID(-1) 4 { 5 collectionName.insert("EMcalorimeterColl"); 6 }
1 #ifndef B5EventAction_h 2 #define B5EventAction_h 1 3 4 5 #include "G4UserEventAction.hh" 6 #include "globals.hh" 7 8 #include <vector> 9 10 /// Event action 11 12 class B5EventAction : public G4UserEventAction 13 { 14 public: 15 B5EventAction(); 16 virtual ~B5EventAction(); 17 18 virtual void BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event*); 19 virtual void EndOfEventAction(const G4Event*); 20 21 std::vector<G4double>& GetEmCalEdep() { return fEmCalEdep; } 22 std::vector<G4double>& GetHadCalEdep() { return fEmCalEdep; } 23 24 private: 25 G4int fHodHC1ID; 26 G4int fHodHC2ID; 27 G4int fDriftHC1ID; 28 G4int fDriftHC2ID; 29 G4int fEmCalHCID; 30 G4int fHadCalHCID; 31 std::vector<G4double> fEmCalEdep; 32 std::vector<G4double> fHadCalEdep; 33 }; 34 35 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 36 37 #endif
1 #include "B5EventAction.hh" 2 #include "B5HodoscopeHit.hh" 3 #include "B5DriftChamberHit.hh" 4 #include "B5EmCalorimeterHit.hh" 5 #include "B5HadCalorimeterHit.hh" 6 #include "B5Constants.hh" 7 #include "B5Analysis.hh" 8 9 #include "G4Event.hh" 10 #include "G4RunManager.hh" 11 #include "G4EventManager.hh" 12 #include "G4HCofThisEvent.hh" 13 #include "G4VHitsCollection.hh" 14 #include "G4SDManager.hh" 15 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh" 16 #include "G4ios.hh" 17 18 19 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 20 21 B5EventAction::B5EventAction() 22 : G4UserEventAction(), 23 fHodHC1ID(-1), 24 fHodHC2ID(-1), 25 fDriftHC1ID(-1), 26 fDriftHC2ID(-1), 27 fEmCalHCID(-1), 28 fHadCalHCID(-1), 29 fEmCalEdep(kNofEmCells, 0.), 30 fHadCalEdep(kNofHadCells, 0.) 31 { 32 // set printing per each event 33 G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->SetPrintProgress(1); 34 } 35 36 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 37 38 B5EventAction::~B5EventAction() 39 {} 40 41 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 42 43 void B5EventAction::BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event*) 44 { 45 if (fHodHC1ID==-1) { 46 auto sdManager = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer(); 47 fHodHC1ID = sdManager->GetCollectionID("hodoscope1/hodoscopeColl"); 48 fHodHC2ID = sdManager->GetCollectionID("hodoscope2/hodoscopeColl"); 49 fDriftHC1ID = sdManager->GetCollectionID("chamber1/driftChamberColl"); 50 fDriftHC2ID = sdManager->GetCollectionID("chamber2/driftChamberColl"); 51 fEmCalHCID = sdManager->GetCollectionID("EMcalorimeter/EMcalorimeterColl"); 52 fHadCalHCID = sdManager->GetCollectionID("HadCalorimeter/HadCalorimeterColl"); 53 } 54 } 55 56 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo...... 57 58 void B5EventAction::EndOfEventAction(const G4Event* event) 59 { 60 auto hce = event->GetHCofThisEvent(); 61 if (!hce) { 62 G4ExceptionDescription msg; 63 msg << "No hits collection of this event found." << G4endl; 64 G4Exception("B5EventAction::EndOfEventAction()", 65 "B5Code001", JustWarning, msg); 66 return; 67 } 68 69 // Get hits collections 70 auto hHC1 71 = static_cast<B5HodoscopeHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fHodHC1ID)); 72 73 auto hHC2 74 = static_cast<B5HodoscopeHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fHodHC2ID)); 75 76 auto dHC1 77 = static_cast<B5DriftChamberHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fDriftHC1ID)); 78 79 auto dHC2 80 = static_cast<B5DriftChamberHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fDriftHC2ID)); 81 82 auto ecHC 83 = static_cast<B5EmCalorimeterHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fEmCalHCID)); 84 85 auto hcHC 86 = static_cast<B5HadCalorimeterHitsCollection*>(hce->GetHC(fHadCalHCID)); 87 88 if ( (!hHC1) || (!hHC2) || (!dHC1) || (!dHC2) || (!ecHC) || (!hcHC) ) { 89 G4ExceptionDescription msg; 90 msg << "Some of hits collections of this event not found." << G4endl; 91 G4Exception("B5EventAction::EndOfEventAction()", 92 "B5Code001", JustWarning, msg); 93 return; 94 } 95 96 // 97 // Fill histograms & ntuple 98 // 99 100 // Get analysis manager 101 auto analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance(); 102 103 // Fill histograms 104 105 auto nhit = dHC1->entries(); 106 analysisManager->FillH1(0, nhit ); 107 108 for (auto i=0;i<nhit ;i++) { 109 auto hit = (*dHC1)[i]; 110 auto localPos = hit->GetLocalPos(); 111 analysisManager->FillH2(0, localPos.x(), localPos.y()); 112 } 113 114 nhit = dHC2->entries(); 115 analysisManager->FillH1(1, nhit ); 116 117 for (auto i=0;i<nhit ;i++) { 118 auto hit = (*dHC2)[i]; 119 auto localPos = hit->GetLocalPos(); 120 analysisManager->FillH2(1, localPos.x(), localPos.y()); 121 } 122 123 // Fill ntuple 124 125 // Dc1Hits 126 analysisManager->FillNtupleIColumn(0, dHC1->entries()); 127 // Dc2Hits 128 analysisManager->FillNtupleIColumn(1, dHC1->entries()); 129 130 // ECEnergy 131 G4int totalEmHit = 0; 132 G4double totalEmE = 0.; 133 for (auto i=0;i<kNofEmCells;i++) { 134 auto hit = (*ecHC)[i]; 135 auto edep = hit->GetEdep(); 136 if (edep>0.) { 137 totalEmHit++; 138 totalEmE += edep; 139 } 140 fEmCalEdep[i] = edep; 141 } 142 analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(2, totalEmE); 143 144 // HCEnergy 145 G4int totalHadHit = 0; 146 G4double totalHadE = 0.; 147 for (auto i=0;i<kNofHadCells;i++) { 148 auto hit = (*hcHC)[i]; 149 auto edep = hit->GetEdep(); 150 if (edep>0.) { 151 totalHadHit++; 152 totalHadE += edep; 153 } 154 fHadCalEdep[i] = edep; 155 } 156 analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(3, totalHadE); 157 158 // Time 1 159 for (auto i=0;i<hHC1->entries();i++) { 160 analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(4,(*hHC1)[i]->GetTime()); 161 } 162 163 // Time 2 164 for (auto i=0;i<hHC2->entries();i++) { 165 analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(5,(*hHC2)[i]->GetTime()); 166 } 167 168 analysisManager->AddNtupleRow(); 169 170 // 171 // Print diagnostics 172 // 173 174 auto printModulo = G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetPrintProgress(); 175 if ( printModulo==0 || event->GetEventID() % printModulo != 0) return; 176 177 auto primary = event->GetPrimaryVertex(0)->GetPrimary(0); 178 G4cout 179 << G4endl 180 << ">>> Event " << event->GetEventID() << " >>> Simulation truth : " 181 << primary->GetG4code()->GetParticleName() 182 << " " << primary->GetMomentum() << G4endl; 183 184 // Hodoscope 1 185 nhit = hHC1->entries(); 186 G4cout << "Hodoscope 1 has " << nhit << " hits." << G4endl; 187 for (auto i=0;i<nhit ;i++) { 188 auto hit = (*hHC1)[i]; 189 hit->Print(); 190 } 191 192 // Hodoscope 2 193 nhit = hHC2->entries(); 194 G4cout << "Hodoscope 2 has " << nhit << " hits." << G4endl; 195 for (auto i=0;i<nhit ;i++) { 196 auto hit = (*hHC2)[i]; 197 hit->Print(); 198 } 199 200 // Drift chamber 1 201 nhit = dHC1->entries(); 202 G4cout << "Drift Chamber 1 has " << nhit << " hits." << G4endl; 203 for (auto layer=0;layer<kNofChambers;layer++) { 204 for (auto i=0;i<nhit ;i++) { 205 auto hit = (*dHC1)[i]; 206 if (hit->GetLayerID()==layer) hit->Print(); 207 } 208 } 209 210 // Drift chamber 2 211 nhit = dHC2->entries(); 212 G4cout << "Drift Chamber 2 has " << nhit << " hits." << G4endl; 213 for (auto layer=0;layer<kNofChambers;layer++) { 214 for (auto i=0;i<nhit ;i++) { 215 auto hit = (*dHC2)[i]; 216 if (hit->GetLayerID()==layer) hit->Print(); 217 } 218 } 219 220 // EM calorimeter 221 G4cout << "EM Calorimeter has " << totalEmHit << " hits. Total Edep is " 222 << totalEmE/MeV << " (MeV)" << G4endl; 223 224 // Had calorimeter 225 G4cout << "Hadron Calorimeter has " << totalHadHit << " hits. Total Edep is " 226 << totalHadE/MeV << " (MeV)" << G4endl; 227 } 228 229 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
- 第 47 - 52 行,是为了得到不同的灵敏探测器所产生的 hitCollection 在 G4HCofThisEvent 容器中的位置,使用灵敏探测器管理器类的成员函数 GetCollectionID(G4String colName) 返回对应的 hitCollection 的 ID,其参数为 SDname/hitCollectionName,中间需要加"/",入示例中所示。
- 在 EndOfEventAction() 中,首先需要定义一个 GetHCofThisEvent 容器对象,通过 hitCollectionID 索引得到 hitCollection 的容器,在文档中的第 69 - 94 行。
- 第 130 - 156 行,这里用了累加,将每一个 hitCollection 容器中 hit 对象的能量相加,得到一个 Event 中,在一个灵敏探测器中沉积的总的能量。
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