When working with NSURL objects, often times there are a number of values passed along with the URL. For example, a query string is often included as a means to embed HTML form data. This tip shows how to parse and print the values of a URL.

The code below begins by defining a URL and is followed by logging the url values to the debug console:

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:  @"http://some-site.com:999/dir1/dir2;param?field-1=value-1&field-2=value-2#anchor1"];   NSLog(@"Scheme: %@", [url scheme]);  NSLog(@"Host: %@", [url host]);  NSLog(@"Port: %@", [url port]);      NSLog(@"Path: %@", [url path]);      NSLog(@"Relative path: %@", [url relativePath]); NSLog(@"Path components as array: %@", [url pathComponents]);         NSLog(@"Parameter string: %@", [url parameterString]);    NSLog(@"Query: %@", [url query]);        NSLog(@"Fragment: %@", [url fragment]);

The output is shown below:

posted @ 2011-05-24 09:24  HA-LOU  阅读(1793)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报