摘要:Assignment 2: Simple Java ProgramsProblem 1: Brick Pyramids 这题要求画个图1所示的类似金字塔的东东,主要是使用getWidth(),和getHeitht(). 图 1 1 /*File pyramid.java 2 * this program draws a pyramid 3 * Programming exercise 1 cs106a stanford: 4 * Assignment #2: Simple Java Programs 5 * Write a GraphicsProgram subclass that draws
摘要:Lesson 16 – Create main Method and JAR FileIntroduce main methodWrite a main methodRun MyLibrary as Java applicationExport to JAR file and run from Windows在MyLibrary.java里添加main method。 1 public static void main(String[] args) { 2 // create a new MyLibrary 3 MyLibrary testLibrary = new MyLibrary(&qu
摘要:Lesson 15 – Finish MyLibrary MethodsCreate test for getAvailableBooksCreate getAvailableBooksCreate getUnavailableBooks 1 package org.totalbeginner.tutorial; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 5 import org.omg.CORBA.PUBLIC_MEMBER; 6 import org.totoalbeginner.tutorial.Person; 7 8 import junit.framewor
摘要:Lesson 14 – Finish checkOut MethodWrite getBooksForPerson methodIntroduce for each loopIntroduce logical ‘and’ operator &&NullPointerException errorsComplete checkOut Method 1 package org.totalbeginner.tutorial; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 5 import org.totoalbeginner.tutorial.Person; 6
摘要:Lesson 13 – Continue checkOut MethodTest checkOut, checkIn methodsFix compiler error – misplaced {}Add test for maximum booksCreate test for getBooksForPerson() methodRefactoring – extrack method 1 package org.totalbeginner.tutorial; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 5 import org.omg.CORBA.PUBLIC_ME
摘要:Lesson 12 – Create checkOut, checkIn MethodsCreate test for checkOut, checkIn methodsWrite checkout methodIntroduce if / then / else syntaxIntroduce boolean methodWrite checkIn method1. testCheckOut Method Test both the checkOut and checkIn methodsCheck Out a bookCheck Out second bookCheck in a book
摘要:Lesson 11 – Create first methods in MyLibrary classCreate test method for addBook, removeBook methodsCreate addBook, removeBook methods and testCreate addPerson, removePerson methodsIntroduce Eclipse refactoring – move local variable to field 1 package org.totalbeginner.tutorial; 2 3 import java.uti
摘要:Lesson10 – Start on MyLibrary ClassCreate MyLibrary Test JUnit testCreate testMyLibrary to test MyLibrary constructorCreate MyLibrary constructorIntroduce instanceof operatorIntroduce assertTrue method 1 package org.totalbeginner.tutorial; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 5 import junit.framework.T
摘要:Lesson 09 – MyLibrary Class and ArrayListHow can we hold books, etc. in a collection?MyLibrary object to hold Person & Entry objectsIntroduce ArrayList in scrapbookIntroduce Java GenericsMethod chaining使用ArrayList前,要添加java.util. 1 ArrayList<Book> list = new ArrayList<Book>(); 2 3 Boo
摘要:Lesson 08 – Add Person to Book ClassCreate a relationship between the Book class and the Person classTest getPerson methodCreate JUnit Test Suite1. 本课的任务目前,已创建Person class 和 Book class。需要显示哪个人借了哪本书。要创建Book 和Person之间的关联。仍用test-first方法。2. 步骤 打开BookTest,添加method.创建testGetPerson() method.创建getPerson() m
摘要:Lesson 07 – Create Book ClassCreate BookTest before creating Book classTest Book constructorCreate get and set methods1. 新建一个JUnit test case, name为BookTest, Class under test为空,因为尚未建Book class.2. 建立Book class, 注意目录为src。3. Test-first approach to Book classCreate BookTest class.Create testBook() method
摘要:Lesson 06 – Using Test-First Development in EclipseUse test-first approach to write the Person toString() methodMethod overridingField Hiding1. toString() methodinherited from Object classreturns a String representation of the objectnormally create for every class2. Test-driven developmentThink abou
摘要:Lesson 05 – JUnit Testing ContinuedTest Person class – part 2Create test methods for constructor, getName, and getMaximumBooksStatic methods 这里的assertEquals是Static method.当其在所属的Class内部时,可略写Class。 1 package org.totalbeginner.tutorial; 2 3 import org.totoalbeginner.tutorial.Person; 4 5 import junit.fr
摘要:Lesson 04 – JUnit Testing in Eclipse, Part 1Create test source folderCreate Person Test classRun first JUnit test1. Scrapbook的优/缺点Great for exploring new Java classes and trying commmands.Does not let you automate testing2. Unit Testing的特点Automated testing of all methodsVery valuable when making cha
摘要:Lesson 03 – Use Eclipse ScrapbookIntroduce Eclipse ScrapbookIntroduce Java expressions, statementsDiscuss Java packagesCreate Person Object in Scrapbook1. 打开Scrapbook RC project / New / other / Java / Java Run/Debug / Scrapbook.page / Next / MyScrapbook (name) / Finish.2. Scrapbook的作用 Scrapbook allo
摘要:Lesson 02 – Add Methods To ClassIntroduce Eclipse Views and PerspectivesIntroduce Eclipse user interface – drag / drop, cnntext menus, helpAdd get and set methods to Person class1. 自动提示或补充标识符。 英文版的系统用Ctrl+Space, 中文版的系统用Alt+/。2. Parameters and Fields.3. this this = the current object4. Class members
摘要:偶然搜到Mark Dexter的这个免费视频(http://eclipsetutorial.sourceforge.net/totalbeginner.html)。够傻瓜,够直观。慢慢习之。Lesson 01 – Create Your First Java ClassCreate Java project in EclipseCreate Java package Introduce classes and objects, naming conventionsWrite a simple Java class (Person)Create Java project in Eclipse .
摘要:ch04 Programming Exercise1. 1 /** 2 * File: Ex4_1.java 3 * ---------------- 4 * This program is to generate the lyrics . 5 * 6 * @author Administrator 7 * 8 */ 9 import acm.program.*;10 11 public class Ex4_1 extends ConsoleProgram {12 13 public void run() {14 15 for (int i=n; i>0; i--){16 println
摘要:一切又从helloworld开始 到这节,就和Karel byebye了。为了快速、方便,引入了acm.jar这个东东。课上,教程里都没说太多关于这个东东的使用前的准备工作。在打谱(对着教程敲代码)时,似乎无从下手,helloworld怎么创建呢? 先看eclipse的Help菜单里的Tutorial,果然是从helloworld开始,细看,代码,不对啊,没用什么acm.program.*或是acm.graphics.*。放狗一搜,原来Tutorial用的标准Java代码。要像教程那样玩,必须导入acm.jar. 这样,就搜到了ACM Java Task Force(http://jtf.ac
摘要:Section Handout让Karel把地图的内圈布满方块,起始和完成后的效果如图 思路:很简单,先移到起始点(2,2),然后开始放方块就OK了。至于放方块就要考虑每行或列的最后一个位置不放,而且为了简化代码,能循环。每放置一行或列需要回到下一行或列的起始点(也就是上行或列的最后1个方块的位置),当然,这时Karel要做好开始放方块的准备,即面向新的行或列。代码: 1 * File: StoneMasonKarel.java 2 */ 3 4 import stanford.karel.*; 5 6 public class StoneMasonKarel extends SuperKar