定义一个Student类,类中除了设计有stuID、stuName、stuClass、stuGrade、stuDept成员变量外,还设计有Student.newStudent(this.stuID)、factory Student(String stuID) 构造方法以及String toString()成员方法。请实现该类,并在main()中对设计实现的类进行实例化验证,并对验证输出进行简要适当的注释。main()验证代码类似如下:
main() {
Person student1 = new Student('14194703748');
Person student2 = new Student('14194703751');
Person student3 = new Student('14194703748');
assert(student1 == student3);
print(student1 == student3);
print(identical(student1, student3)); //判断变量是否指向同一块内存
Dart JSON和序列化
class Student { String stuID; String stuName; String stuGrade; String stuDept; factory Student(String stuID) { return Student.newStudent(stuID); } Student.newStudent(this.stuID) { stuName = null; stuGrade = null; stuDept = null; } String toString() { return "stuID:" + this.stuID + "\nstuName:" + this.stuName + "\n" + "\nstuGrade:" + this.stuGrade + "\nstuDept" + this.stuDept; } } main() { Student student1 = new Student('14194703748'); print(student1.stuID.hashCode); //在Object类中,每个对象都有一个默认的散列码,其值为对象的存储地址。 Student student2 = new Student('14194703751'); print(student2.stuID.hashCode); Student student3 = new Student('14194703748'); print(student3.stuID.hashCode); assert(student1 == student3); print(student1.stuID == student3.stuID); print(identical(student1.stuID, student3.stuID)); //判断变量是否指向同一块内存 } // 输出: // 444574562 // 666782041 // 444574562 // true // true
"id": "10086",
"name": "Jack",
"phone": "13311112222"
class Student {
String stuId;
String stuName;
String stuTel;
Student({this.stuId, this.stuName, this.stuTel});
factory Student.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Student(
stuId: json["id"], stuName: json["name"], stuTel: json["phone"]);
现在要求使用异步方式从磁盘上读取person.json 文件,得到一个json字符串,然后使用json.decode(String string)对json字符串进行解析,得到一个Map对象,最后使用Student.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)建立一个与student.json中内容相对应的Student类型的实例对象并予以输出。
import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:convert'; class Student { String stuId; String stuName; String stuTel; Student({this.stuId, this.stuName, this.stuTel}); factory Student.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { return Student( stuId: json["id"], stuName: json["name"], stuTel: json["phone"]); } String toString() { return "id:" + this.stuId + "\nname:" + this.stuName + "\nTel:" + this.stuTel; } } void main() async { File file = new File('student.json'); try { String k = await file.readAsString(); print("文件读取成功!"); } catch (error) { print(error); } String k = await file.readAsString(); Student student1 = Student.fromJson(jsonDecode(k)); print(student1.toString()); }
定义一个Cuboid长方体类,使其继承Rectangle类,其中包含一个表示高的double类型成员变量height;定义构造方法Cuboid(double length, double width, double height); 再定义求长方体体积的成员方法volume()。
abstract class Shape { double getPerimeter(); double getArea(); } class Rectangle extends Shape { double length; double width; Rectangle(this.length, this.width); double getPerimeter() { return this.length * 2 + this.width * 2; } double getArea() { return this.length * this.width; } } class Cuboid extends Rectangle { double high; Cuboid(double length, double width, this.high) : super(length, width) {} double volume() { return this.high * this.length * this.width; } } class Square extends Shape { double edge; Square(this.edge); double getPerimeter() { return this.edge * 4; } double getArea() { return this.edge * this.edge; } } class Cube extends Square { Cube(double edge) : super(edge) {} double volume() { return this.edge * this.edge * this.edge; } } main() { Rectangle R = new Rectangle(1, 3); print(R.getArea()); Cuboid C = new Cuboid(1, 3, 5); print(C.volume()); Square S = new Square(2); print(S.getArea()); Cube Cu = new Cube(2); print(Cu.volume()); } // result: // 3.0 // 15.0 // 4.0 // 8.0 //copyright@龚一半
有如下Rectangle类,请为该类定义两个计算属性:right 和 bottom
class Rectangle {
num left;
num top;
num width;
num height;
Rectangle(this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height);
// 定义两个计算属性: right and bottom.
然后在main( )中对Rectangle类进行测试。测试代码类似如下:
main() {
var rect = new Rectangle(3, 4, 20, 15);
assert(rect.left == 3);
print('right: ${rect.right}, bottom: ${rect.bottom}');
rect.right = 12;
//set right, then calculate left with width: left = right - width
assert(rect.left == -8);
print('left: ${rect.left}, top: ${rect.top}');
class Rectangle { num left; num top; num width; num height; Rectangle(this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); // 定义两个计算属性: right and bottom. //... num get right { num right; right = left; return right; } num get bottom { num bottom; bottom = top; return bottom; } num set right(num right) { num left; left = right - width; return left; } } main() { var rect = new Rectangle(3, 4, 20, 15); assert(rect.left == 3); print('right: ${rect.right}, bottom: ${rect.bottom}'); rect.right = 12; //set right, then calculate left with width: left = right - width assert(rect.left == -8); print('left: ${rect.left}, top: ${rect.top}'); } //result: // right: null, bottom: null // left: 3, top: 4 //copyright@龚梓橙