too many parse errors
too many parse errors
1 现象
XHJ(11):Additional information: hd=0x19a987dd8 phd=0x19a95b708 flg=0x28 cisid=131 sid=131 ciuid=131 uid=131 sqlid=37qs9jgx9awp2 XHJ(11):...Current username=UCR_JOUR XHJ(11):...Application: JDBC Thin Client Action: 2020-08-11T16:54:59.469071+08:00 XHJ(11):WARNING: too many parse errors, count=13301 SQL hash=0xdeb7102d XHJ(11):PARSE ERROR: ospid=32548, error=2019 for statement: 2020-08-11T16:54:59.469492+08:00 XHJ(11):select 'EOS_REL_01' as mwcId, a.* from ( select 'eos_rel_01' MWC_WORK_ID, A.BUSIFORM_NODE_ID, A.STEP_ID, A.REL_STEP_ID, A.BUSIFORM_ID, A.EXT_ID, '0' STATE FROM (select T.BUSIFORM_NODE_ID, T.STEP_ID, T1.REL_STEP_ID, T.BUSIFORM_ID, T.EXT_ID from t, t@dblink_c as t1 where t.rel_id = t1.rel_id and t.state = 'B') A WHERE exists (select 1 from t2 where t2.busiform_node_id = a.busiform_node_id and t2.step_id = a.rel_step_id and t2.ext_id = a.ext_id and t2.state = '9') AND ROWNUM < 50) a where rownum <100
2 原因
Oracle 12.2 之后数据研发的新功能,当解析失败次数超过一定限制(默认100次,由参数_kks_parse_error_warning控制), 会将失败的信息写入到alert日志中。
set lines 200; set pages 200; col inst_id format 99; col con_id format 99; col name for a35; col description for a30; col value for a10; col ismod for a6 col isdefault for a10 select x.inst_id, y.con_id, x.ksppinm name, x.ksppdesc description, y.ksppstvl value, y.ksppstdf isdefault, decode(bitand(y.ksppstvf,7),1,'MODIFIED',4,'SYSTEM_MOD','FALSE') ismod, decode(bitand(y.ksppstvf,2),2,'TRUE','FALSE') isadj from sys.x$ksppi x, sys.x$ksppcv y where 1=1 and x.inst_id = y.inst_id and x.indx = y.indx and x.ksppinm like '%parse_error%' order by translate(x.ksppinm, ' _', ' '),x.inst_id,y.con_id;
INST_ID CON_ID NAME DESCRIPTION VALUE ISDEFAULT ISMOD ISADJ ------- ------ ----------------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------ --------------- 1 1 _kks_cached_parse_errors KKS cached parse errors 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE 1 1 _kks_parse_error_warning Parse error warning 100 TRUE FALSE FALSE
3 解决
从上面的示例中,将sql语句取出,执行,发现db link 不可用。将dblink 修复后即完好 。
Created: 2020-08-11 Tue 17:40