[RobotFramework] 自动化测试框架Robotframework最强大的IDE:RIDE目前已经正式支持Python3.0!



下面我们来看release note,在这里笔者做一个翻译 https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/blob/master/doc/releasenotes/ride-

The most notable enhancements are:

  • Compatible with Python 2.7 and >=3.6(完美支持python3.0
  • Runs with "any" wxPython version (, 3.0.2 on Python 2.7) and 4.0.4 for both Python 2.7 and >=3.6(完美支持基于python2.0和3.0的wxPython
  • Runner can select new or old versions of Robot Framework (pybot` vs ``robot)(可以在runner选择pybot和robot)
  • Panes, Tabs, Toolbar are detachable and re-positionable thanks to wxPython's AUI module(可以任意调整框架各个图标按钮的位置)
  • Text Editor now have a autocomplete feature(支持自动补全!
  • Test cases on tree pane, have the new official icon, and is animated when running or paused(测试用例有了新的图标和在执行时有了新的动画效果)
  • Long test names on tree pane, have name shortened by ... and name visible on tool-tip(较长的测试名字会被...截断)
  • On tree pane at test suite level, context menu allows to open folder in file manager, and to remove the Read-Only file attribute(较长的测试名字会被...截断)
  • If no tests are selected there will be a confirmation to proceed with running all tests(如果没有选中任何的test,会有弹出提示框,点击确认,会全部执行所有的case
  • Like F8 to run tests, now there is F9 to run them with log level DEBUG·      (添加了新的DEBUG level的执行)


  • The Grid Editor now have a JSON editor for a cell (it validates when saving)

由release note 我们惊喜的发现,RIDE版本已经完美支持python3.0了,并且新版RIDE还多了很多新功能。那么废话不多说,我们来看看在python3.0下如何安装:




pip install -U wxPython

pip install -U robotframework-ride


好啦,现在输入ride.py 来使用全新的基于python3.0的IDE吧!

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posted @ 2019-03-03 11:04  海微梦  阅读(2308)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报