模板 -- 变量

变量 的类型取决于它的前缀是什么符号(或者被什么符号包围)




<body bgcolor="{#bgcolor#}">


Table of Contents[内容列表]
Associative arrays[关联数组]
Array indexes[数组下标]

Variables that are assigned from PHP are referenced by preceding them with a dollar sign $. 
Variables assigned from within the template with the assign function are also displayed this way.


Smarty手册范例 4-1.分配的变量

$smarty = new Smarty;
$smarty->assign('firstname', 'Doug');
$smarty->assign('lastLoginDate', 'January 11th, 2001');


Hello {$firstname}, glad to see you could make it.
Your last login was on {$lastLoginDate}.


Hello Doug, glad to see you could make it.
Your last login was on January 11th, 2001.


The reserved {$smarty} variable can be used to access several special template variables. The full list of them follows.


Request variables
The request variables such as get, post, cookies, server, environment, and session variables can be accessed as demonstrated in the examples below:
Example 4-6. displaying request variables
{* display value of page from URL (GET) http://www.domain.com/index.php?page=foo *}

{* display the variable "page" from a form (POST) *}

{* display the value of the cookie "username" *}

{* display the server variable "SERVER_NAME" *}

{* display the system environment variable "PATH" *}

{* display the php session variable "id" *}

{* display the variable "username" from merged get/post/cookies/server/env *}



The current timestamp can be accessed with {$smarty.now}. The number reflects the number of seconds passed since the so-called Epoch (January 1, 1970) and can be passed directly to date_format modifier for display purposes.

Example 4-7. using {$smarty.now}

{* use the date_format modifier to show current date and time *}
{$smarty.now|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"


You can access PHP constant values directly.

Example 4-8. using {$smarty.const}



The output captured via {capture}..{/capture} construct can be accessed using {$smarty} variable. See section on capture for an example.



{$smarty} variable can be used to refer to loaded config variables. {$smarty.config.foo} is a synonym for {#foo#}. See the section on config_load for an example.

{$smarty.section}, {$smarty.foreach}

{$smarty} variable can be used to refer to 'section' and 'foreach' loop properties. See docs for section and foreach.


This variable contains the name of the current template being processed.

posted @ 2012-02-14 17:31  haiwei.sun  阅读(227)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报