C# 中ComboBox控件的数据绑定用法




            //下拉菜单 绑定---------------
            string strSql = "SELECT value_name FROM item_value where deleted=0 and value_name<>'' and item_name='所属办事处' order by orderby+0 asc ";
            DataTable dtComboBox = clsDBHelperMySQL.m_Query(strSql);//执行sql 
            DataRow newRow = dtComboBox.NewRow();
            newRow[0] = "--请选择--";// 给新行赋值
            dtComboBox.Rows.InsertAt(newRow, 0);//插入至第一行
            this.cmbInstallOffice.DataSource = dtComboBox; 
            this.cmbInstallOffice.ValueMember = "value_name";//绑定
            this.cmbInstallOffice.DisplayMember = "value_name";

点查询时 判断是否为    --请选择--    不是则加入为条件

string strInstallOffice = this.cmbInstallOffice.Text;   //取值

if (strInstallOffice != "" && strInstallOffice != "--请选择--")
    strWhere = strWhere + " and ( install_office ='" + strInstallOffice + "' )";


posted @ 2024-04-24 16:32  海乐学习  阅读(158)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报