讲究地使用 List





        static readonly T[]  _emptyArray = new T[0];
private const int _defaultCapacity = 4; // Constructs a List. The list is initially empty and has a capacity // of zero. Upon adding the first element to the list the capacity is // increased to 16, and then increased in multiples of two as required. public List() { _items = _emptyArray; } // Constructs a List with a given initial capacity. The list is // initially empty, but will have room for the given number of elements // before any reallocations are required. // public List(int capacity) { if (capacity < 0) ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument.capacity, ExceptionResource.ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum); Contract.EndContractBlock(); if (capacity == 0) _items = _emptyArray; else _items = new T[capacity]; } // Constructs a List, copying the contents of the given collection. The // size and capacity of the new list will both be equal to the size of the // given collection. // public List(IEnumerable<T> collection) { if (collection==null) ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument.collection); Contract.EndContractBlock(); ICollection<T> c = collection as ICollection<T>; if( c != null) { int count = c.Count; if (count == 0) { _items = _emptyArray; } else { _items = new T[count]; c.CopyTo(_items, 0); _size = count; } } else { _size = 0; _items = _emptyArray; // This enumerable could be empty. Let Add allocate a new array, if needed. // Note it will also go to _defaultCapacity first, not 1, then 2, etc. using(IEnumerator<T> en = collection.GetEnumerator()) { while(en.MoveNext()) { Add(en.Current); } } } }


public void Add(T item) {
  if (_size == _items.Length) EnsureCapacity(_size + 1);
  _items[_size++] = item;


private void EnsureCapacity(int min) {
  if (_items.Length < min) {
    int newCapacity = _items.Length == 0? _defaultCapacity : _items.Length * 2;
    // Allow the list to grow to maximum possible capacity (~2G elements) before encountering overflow.
    // Note that this check works even when _items.Length overflowed thanks to the (uint) cast
    if ((uint)newCapacity > Array.MaxArrayLength) newCapacity = Array.MaxArrayLength;
    if (newCapacity < min) newCapacity = min;
    Capacity = newCapacity;

public int Capacity {
  get {
    Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() >= 0);
    return _items.Length;
  set {
    if (value < _size) {
      ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument.value, ExceptionResource.ArgumentOutOfRange_SmallCapacity);

    if (value != _items.Length) {
      if (value > 0) {
        T[] newItems = new T[value];
        if (_size > 0) {
          Array.Copy(_items, 0, newItems, 0, _size);
        _items = newItems;
      else {
        _items = _emptyArray;


public void RemoveAt(int index) {
    if ((uint)index >= (uint)_size) {
    if (index < _size) {
        Array.Copy(_items, index + 1, _items, index, _size - index);
    _items[_size] = default(T);



private List<CDBot> cdObjList = new List<CDBot>();

public void RemoveByItem(CDBot item)
    if (item.index != -1)
        if (cdObjList.Count > item.index)
             for (int i = item.index; i < cdObjList.Count; i++)
             item.index = -1;

这段代码是段管理计时器的代码,CDBot.index是其在 cdObjList中的下标利于管理。经过观察,cdObjList在平稳运行时,Cout稳定在100左右。





private List<CDBot> cdObjList = new List<CDBot>(128);
private const int CDObjInvalidIndex = -1;

public void RemoveByItem(CDBot item)
    if (item.index != CDObjInvalidIndex && cdObjList.Count > item.index)
        for (int i = item.index; i < cdObjList.Count; i++)
        item.index = CDObjInvalidIndex;



List的实现是用数组,那么删除中间的元素需要将后面的元素前移。测试发现 cdObjList 执行 Remove 时元素命中范围有60%在20~70之间,对此作出如下修改

        private List<CDBot> cdObjList = new List<CDBot>(128);
        private const int CDObjInvalidIndex = -1;

        public void RemoveByItem(CDBot item)
            if (item.index != CDObjInvalidIndex && cdObjList.Count > item.index)
                cdObjList[item.index] = cdObjList[cdObjList.Count - 1];
                cdObjList[item.index].index = item.index;
                item.index = CDObjInvalidIndex;
                cdObjList.RemoveAt(cdObjList.Count - 1);



        private void DealLevelUpMaterials(uint level, int type)
            var levelUpCfg = materialCfg.GetConfigureData(level, type);
            List<MaterialData> NeedMaterials = levelUpCfg.NeedMaterials;
            for (int i = 0; i < NeedMaterials.Count; ++i)
                List<PBDelItemata> itemList;
                var material = NeedMaterials[i];
                if (BagCtr.Model.TryGetItemSNList((uint)material.id, (uint)material.count, out itemList))
                    //do something

        public bool TryGetItemSNList(uint itemID, uint needCount, out List<PBDelItemata> itemList)
            itemList = new List<PBDelItemata>();
            if (GetItemCount((uint)itemID) == 0)
                return false;

            List<BaseItem> items = GetItemById(itemID);
            while (needCount > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                    //do something
            return true;
上面的这段代码 DealLevelUpMaterials 中的 itemList 会在 TryGetItemSNList 中分配实体,其分配次数取决于 for ,联系上下文,这个List可复用

        private void DealLevelUpMaterials(uint level, int type)
            var levelUpCfg = materialCfg.GetConfigureData(level, type);
            List<MaterialData> NeedMaterials = levelUpCfg.NeedMaterials;
            List<PBDelItemata> itemList = new List<PBDelItemata>(8);
            for (int i = 0; i < NeedMaterials.Count; ++i)
                var material = NeedMaterials[i];
                if (BagCtr.Model.TryGetItemSNList((uint)material.id, (uint)material.count, ref itemList))
                    //do something

        public bool TryGetItemSNList(uint itemID, uint needCount, ref List<PBDelItemata> itemList)
            if (GetItemCount((uint)itemID) == 0)
                return false;

            List<BaseItem> items = GetItemById(itemID);
            while (needCount > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                    //do something
            return true;



posted @ 2019-02-07 17:00  no-being  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报