Centos升级安装.Net core 1.1

    VS2017已经发布了一个多月了,最期待的功能就是.net core的更新,终于去掉了繁琐了project.json的文件配置。我们尝试打开一个VS2015的.net core项目,会自动升级至.net core 1.1并去掉了project.json文件。


很明显是提示.net core 的版本不对,要求我们升级服务器的.net core版本。原先部署.net core环境可以参考: 将ASP.NET Core应用程序部署至生产环境中(CentOS7)


那么.net core 1.1要如何升级?

    我们打开微软官方的 .NET Core installation guide,发现安装方法和之前的一模一样:

sudo yum install libunwind libicu
curl -sSL -o dotnet.tar.gz https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843449
sudo mkdir -p /opt/dotnet && sudo tar zxf dotnet.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet
sudo ln -s /opt/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin








而且在MSDN微软的这篇博客里 Announcing .NET Core 1.1有如下描述:

Using .NET Core 1.1

You can start by installing .NET Core 1.1. You can either install it globally using the .NET Core 1.1 installer or package manager for your operating system or try it an isolated (and easily removable) environment by downloading .NET Core as a zip.

Safe side-by-side install

You can safely globally install .NET Core 1.1 on a machine that already has .NET Core 1.0.

The dotnet new command creates new templates that reference the latest runtime on the machine. This may not be desired. If not, you can hand-edit the versions in the resulting project.json to earlier version numbers. Based on feedback, we will be changing this behavior in the new version of the tools, at the same time we release the final version of Visual Studio 2017. If you do not use dotnet new to create new projects, but rely on Visual Studio, then you are not affected.

明确说明.net core 1.1 不会影响原有的1.0的程序。为了验证(不做测试还是不敢上产线啊),我用原来的1.0的程序在1.1上面跑,实测完全没问题。

posted @ 2017-04-18 15:54  海~~D  阅读(1586)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报