Arcgis 与 Claygl 可视化 glsl 特效篇(十六)

我决定不从claygl基础来讲了 直接整合arcgis与claygl可视化来讲
关于整合clagyl 有兴趣看我这篇文章 arcgis 与 claygl 引擎结合做地图可视化

我整合一个类库 后续不断更新中

  • npm i @haibalai/gismap4-claygl


初始化gismap4-claygl 类库, view是arcgis的sceneView对象

  • import { ClayglMapManager} from "@haibalai/gismap4-claygl";
  • ClayglMapManager.init(view);



  • import { ClayglMapManager} from "@haibalai/gismap4-claygl";
  • import * as clay from "claygl";
  • const fragmentShader = `
  • precision highp float;
  • uniform float iTime;
  • const vec2 iResolution = vec2(1.0,1.0);
  • varying vec2 vUv;
  • vec3 rY(vec3 p, float a) {
  • vec3 q = p;
  • float c = cos(a);
  • float s = sin(a);
  • q.x = c * p.x + s * p.z;
  • q.z = -s * p.x + c * p.z;
  • return q;
  • }
  • // returns a pair of values for the distances along the ray at which there are sphere intersections, or 0 if none
  • vec2 sphereIntersectionDistances(vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 rayDirection, vec3 sphereOrigin, float sphereRadius) {
  • vec3 toCenter = sphereOrigin - rayOrigin;
  • float toCenterAlongRay = dot(toCenter, rayDirection);
  • float perpendicularDistanceSquared = dot(toCenter, toCenter) - toCenterAlongRay * toCenterAlongRay;
  • float radiusSquared = sphereRadius * sphereRadius;
  • if (perpendicularDistanceSquared > radiusSquared) { // ray doesn’t touch the sphere
  • return vec2(0.);
  • }
  • float insideSphereAlongRay = sqrt(radiusSquared - perpendicularDistanceSquared); // half the length of the portion of the ray inside the sphere
  • float intersection1 = toCenterAlongRay - insideSphereAlongRay;
  • float intersection2 = toCenterAlongRay + insideSphereAlongRay;

Arcgis 与 Claygl 可视化 glsl 特效篇(十六) - 小专栏

posted @ 2023-04-18 09:32  haibalai  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报