Arcgis 与 Claygl 可视化 glsl 特效篇(八)

我决定不从claygl基础来讲了 直接整合arcgis与claygl可视化来讲
关于整合clagyl 有兴趣看我这篇文章 arcgis 与 claygl 引擎结合做地图可视化

我整合一个类库 后续不断更新中

  • npm i @haibalai/gismap4-claygl


初始化gismap4-claygl 类库, view是arcgis的sceneView对象

  • import { ClayglMapManager} from "@haibalai/gismap4-claygl";
  • ClayglMapManager.init(view);



  • import { ClayglMapManager} from "@haibalai/gismap4-claygl";
  • import * as clay from "claygl";
  • const fragmentShader = `
  • #define SMOOTH(r,R) (1.0-smoothstep(R-1.0,R+1.0, r))
  • #define RANGE(a,b,x) ( step(a,x)*(1.0-step(b,x)) )
  • #define RS(a,b,x) ( smoothstep(a-1.0,a+1.0,x)*(1.0-smoothstep(b-1.0,b+1.0,x)) )
  • #define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
  • #define blue1 vec3(0.74,0.95,1.00)
  • #define blue2 vec3(0.87,0.98,1.00)
  • #define blue3 vec3(0.35,0.76,0.83)
  • #define blue4 vec3(0.953,0.969,0.89)
  • #define red vec3(1.00,0.38,0.227)
  • #define MOV(a,b,c,d,t) (vec2(a*cos(t)+b*cos(0.1*(t)), c*sin(t)+d*cos(0.1*(t))))
  • constfloat ratio = 1.0;
  • float PI = 3.1415926;
  • uniform float iTime;
  • const vec2 iResolution = vec2(1200.0,1200.0);
  • varying vec2 vUv;
  • floatmovingLine(vec2 uv, vec2 center, float radius)
  • {
  • //angle of the line
  • float theta0 = 90.0 * iTime;
  • vec2 d = uv - center;
  • float r = sqrt( dot( d, d ) );
  • if(r<radius)
  • {
  • //compute the distance to the line theta=theta0
  • vec2 p = radius*vec2(cos(theta0*M_PI/180.0),
  • -sin(theta0*M_PI/180.0));
  • float l = length( d - p*clamp( dot(d,p)/dot(p,p), 0.0, 1.0) );
  • d = normalize(d);
  • //compute gradient based on angle difference to theta0
  • float theta = mod(180.0*atan(d.y,d.x)/M_PI+theta0,360.0);
  • float gradient = clamp(1.0-theta/90.0,0.0,1.0);
  • return SMOOTH(l,1.0)+0.5*gradient;
  • }
  • elsereturn 0.0;
  • }
  • floatcircle(vec2 uv, vec2 center, float radius, float width)
  • {
  • float r = length(uv - center);
  • return SMOOTH(r-width/2.0,radius)-SMOOTH(r+width/2.0,radius);
  • }

Arcgis 与 Claygl 可视化 glsl 特效篇(八) - 小专栏

posted @ 2023-04-18 09:30  haibalai  阅读(8)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报