cesium 图层构建的那些事 (十七)



  • interface ClassBreak {
  • minValue: number,
  • maxValue: number,
  • symbol: any
  • }
  • interface UniqueValue {
  • value: number,
  • symbol: any
  • }
  • export interface PRenderer {
  • type: "simple"|"uniqueValue"|"classBreaks",
  • field?: string,//simple不需要该参数
  • symbol: any,
  • classBreakInfos?: Array<ClassBreak>,
  • uniqueValueInfos?:Array<UniqueValue>
  • }


import {PRenderer} from "./PRenderer";
import {ColorUtil} from "../utils/ColorUtil";

export class Renderer {
type = "Renderer";
private renderer: PRenderer;

  • constructor(renderer: PRenderer) {
  • this.renderer = renderer;
  • }
  • /**
  • * 获得symbol
  • * @param attributes 属性
  • * @param {boolean} isEntity 是否是Entity解析
  • * @returns {any} symbol
  • */
  • public getSymbol(attributes: any, isEntity = false): any {
  • const {type, field, symbol, uniqueValueInfos, classBreakInfos} = this.renderer;
  • if (type === "simple") {
  • if (!symbol) {
  • throw new Error("缺少属性symbol");
  • }
  • return symbol;
  • }
  • let value = attributes[field || ""];
  • if (isEntity) {
  • value = value?._value
  • }
  • if (type === "uniqueValue") {
  • if (!uniqueValueInfos) {
  • throw new Error("缺少属性uniqueValueInfos");
  • }
  • for (const item of uniqueValueInfos) {
  • if (item.value == value) {
  • return item.symbol;
  • }
  • }
  • }
  • if (type === "classBreaks") {
  • if (!classBreakInfos) {
  • throw new Error("缺少属性classBreakInfos");
  • }
  • for (const item of classBreakInfos) {
  • if (value >= item.minValue && value < item.maxValue) {
  • return item.symbol;
  • }
  • }
  • }
  • return symbol;
  • }
  • public setEntitySymbol(entity: any, attributes: any) {
  • const symbol = this.getSymbol(attributes, true);
  • Renderer.setEntityProperties(entity, attributes, symbol);
  • }
  • public static setEntityProperties(obj: any, attributes: any, properties: any) {
  • for (const key in properties) {
  • const value = properties[key];
  • if (Object.prototype.toString.call(value) == "[object Object]") {
  • if (value instanceof Cesium.Color) {
  • obj[key] = value
  • } else if (value instanceof Cesium.LabelGraphics) {
  • const v = value.clone();
  • v.text = v.text._value.replace(/\${(\w+)+}/g, function (match, key) {
  • return attributes[key]._value;
  • });
posted @ 2022-01-20 17:45  haibalai  阅读(61)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报